Monday, November 22, 2021

Sunday And Pics Of Florida

Went to Slop 'n' Slop--maybe it should be named that--to get a few items. It's too long and involved to go into, but I dealt with a cashier and a woman at the desk, both of whom were testy and short (and I don't mean in stature). Why in the HELL these establishments don't institute some customer training is beyond me. However, I picked up tangerines and chips, both of which they finally discounted, then stopped at the liquor store for wine.   

Left after lunch for Hainesport (NJ), twenty or so from Bordentown, and enjoyed watching several games. It was chilly, but I was double-wrapped, plus had brought a blanket, and there was little wind, so I was comfortable. After, had fun at dinner in Bordentown.

At long last, I got recent pictures transferred from phone to here. Here are three from last week in Florida:

Niece Nancy, Larry, Joan, Old Lady, and Jim after the pizza restaurant on the beach.
Jim, Elaine, and Jim with Big Woman at Riverwalk.
With my dear sister-in-law, Helen, fading away from this life, both physically and mentally. But that smile--it lights up the room.


Pat said...

Thanks for posting the pics. These visits back 'home' can be bittersweet seeing loved ones not as we remember them but sill good to be with them even for a little while. Glad you're having a good visit.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat. I know you understand.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...