Tuesday, November 02, 2021

So Far. So...

...good. I'm typing this at 9:36 am on Monday, November 1. I just called and got confirmation of my flight for tomorrow by phone. I also, of course, printed it out from the web site. Now, I'm HOPING (and would be praying, if I was of that persuasion😁), there'll be no changes.

Saw the video of the show by residents of my blog buddy, Pat R., and thought her performance was really good. I said that in a comment on hers and elaborated in a private email.   

It's now 12:15. I'm waiting for Jim and, in the meantime, called the Airporter to make absolutely sure I'm booked on the 6:30 shuttle today. Talked to a nice guy named Ralph, who will actually be the driver. 

Jim and I had lunch, along with one of our far-ranging discussions. He stayed until almost 4:00, we said goodbye, then I tidied up a few things. Went onto the American Airlines site to try to get a boarding pass, but had no luck. Called, was put on hold, called another number, was put on hold, then said I'd be called back, When I was, a half hour later, I was told the person couldn't get the boarding pass--something wrong with the web site or something. I gave up, but later, I was able to get something with a bar code that I think represents a boarding pass.  I hope the baggage claim receipt, for which I paid three times, will come up and let me check my big suitcase outside.  

Okay, I'm up and it's 4:28 am on Tuesday--awoke before the alarm even rang. No word of cancellation, so here's hoping I'll be in NJ the next time I blog...

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...