Monday, March 08, 2021


The usual Sunday morning. After breakfast and the crossword, I took my cart to The Market, so got three in. Mike had asked me to get Peeps for his girls (and I wouldn't be surprised if he hopes they share), so I picked up several small boxes in various colors. 

After lunch, I did some food prep: scrubbed and trimmed two pounds of carrots, added washed and quartered tangerines, and popped them in the slow cooker. I cut in half the box of mushrooms, used my mandolin to thin-slice a big onion, added garlic, oil, and seasonings. and put them in the fridge to roast for dinner. However, I had left-over stir-fry and black beans, plus the mushrooms, so I'll save the potatoes for tonight.

Started wrapping the peeps, which I want to send today. This took quite a while and I think the postage to Singapore is going to be a pretty penny. Mike said he'd send me a check, but I won't bother about it unless it's more than twenty bucks. 

I called Gayle B. to ask if she's heard from Anne L. We were tentatively planning to have lunch tomorrow at Anne's, but I'm not sure if that's on or not. Gayle was actually on the train, which had just stopped at Bakersfield (Bakersfield!). She had been at her SIL's birthday party, a six-hour train trip away. Being from teeny-weeny Jersey, I'm always amazed at how big this state is. 

I've been trying to open my Office (I have Apache, not Microsoft) and it just won't open. Tried it again just now and it still won't. I can get into it for documents and so on, but can't get a blank page to write something. Emailed my four children asking for advice. 

Ellen called in the evening and we had a good long talk. She's watching The Crown on Netflix and we spent an enjoyable time discussing those parasites, the "royal" family. My family's a lot more intelligent, interesting, and moral than theirs. 

The kitchen sink water is still coming in at a trickle. Think I'll call the office and ask how much of my utilities bill I should withhold, damnit. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...