Thursday, March 11, 2021

Rain And Old Neighbors

A remarkable occurrence: It rained yesterday! I mean, I think it did--the sky got a little gray and then six or seven drops fell in about 10 minutes, then the sun came out. I went over to Von's for cottage cheese and by the time I got back, skies were blue again. 

I got the deposit check from the new tenants from Kim and called to tell her. I wanted to send Kim a gift card for a restaurant, just because she's been such a terrific help to me. Called Susan G., my old neighbor and friend, to ask which of the restaurants in the area were still any good. I was startled to hear that several are closed, but maybe shouldn't have been surprised. Anyway, she mentioned that the Mystic Island Casino was still there and still good, so I contacted them for a gift card. They seemed very disinterested, so later, I emailed them to skip it; got Kim an Amazon gift card, instead. Aside from all that, Susan and I had a good time chatting and she brought me up to date on doings in Sunrise Bay.

I also spent a helluva time trying to re-stall my Apache Office program. With the help of my older son, I hope I'll be able to do, but so far, haven't been able to. Speaking of him--rather, his adorable little boy--I got this St. Pat's day card:

It says at the top: "Our rainbow has gold at both ends. (I always have to obscure his and his parents' names, as son Patrick won't allow them on the Internet.)

Suzanne came out when I was and we chatted about some kind of residue in her water. She said hers is still running very slowly, although my kitchen water is okay. So had been the bathroom water, but when I got up this morning, it was slow again. Think I'll call the office and ask how much of my utilities bill I should withhold. 

I was pleased to get an email from the library that my requested new Stephen King work--Later--was in. Bused to town and found that it isn't a book, it's a CD. I took it, but was very disappointed it isn't to read. I'm actually unclear as to whether a book of it was published or not. Later, I tried putting it in the disk holder in the laptop, but clearly, it wasn't the right fit and I had a hard time getting it out.

Stopped at the Market for blueberries and grapes, then walked to the transit center, so I believe I got my three in altogether. On the bus, Betty called and a man got on the line. It was Wes, her older son, the attorney, who blew in from Chicago. He said he'd like to see me and I assured him any day, any time. I love him a lot. 

I was pleased that Ray H., another neighbor, responded to the message I had left and called me last evening. Susan had said he had met the male half of my new tenants and he seemed like a pretty nice guy, and I was curious about that. Ray said he seemed okay and mentioned admiringly that he was a vet; he had been a paratrooper in the military. I said in that case, I'm going to evict him, since I'm a pacifist. Ray is such a good guy--we laughed together over that. I'm still curious to know if Clifford and Susan are married, since they have different last names. (Of course, son Mike's wife uses her maiden name for professional purposes.) 


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