Thursday, March 18, 2021

Full Of--Beans?

FuThe Access Van got me to the dermatologist's office so early--9:15--and I was taken so early that I was out of there at 9:45 before my scheduled appointment of 10:00. Dr. T. zapped two pre-cancerous thingies after a full-body scan.

Since I hadn't walked on either Sunday or Monday, I walked to the mall and Target from the doc's office, about a mile and a half. Called Stella from there. She had asked if I wanted to meet her in town to walk on the Promenade and I had said I would, but we decided to skip it until later. Neither of us had slept well and I wanted to take a nap.

It was only 11:00 by the time I bused home, so I got my cart and walked to The Market, then home, which added an additional three miles. Had lunch, then called Betty. She seemed pretty much okay--I'm not sure if she realizes she's no longer in her apartment--but complained about "the people coming in"--i.e., the staff. She did say the food was good. She later called me--twice--but that's okay.

I lay down, intending to take a nap, but just couldn't. Got up and went to Von's for blueberries and spinach. I bought five 18oz. packages of blueberries, so close to six pounds. How could I possibly eat that many before they went bad? I can't; I put them in the freezer so I don't run out. I sautéed the spinach in a little olive oil and had some with dinner. I'm still eating the turkey stir-fry and yams from the other day, and have one more meal left. 

I eat a fair amount of beans, but want to add more to my diet. I have never heard anything but praise for the healthiness of beans and I just came across this yesterday: "The intake of legumes—beans, chickpeas, split peas, and lentils—may be the single most important dietary predictor of a long lifespan. Watch the video "Increased Lifespan from Beans" to learn more."

P.S. My husband, Pat, used to recite this silly rhyme anytime we had beans: "Beans, beans, the musical fruit/The more you eat the more you toot." Ha. 

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