Monday, March 29, 2021

Sunday With Sneakers And Suzanne

After the Sunday thing, I tidied up a bit, then did some food prep involving cauliflower and onions. After lunch, I walked to Burlington to return those stupid sneakers I shouldn't have bought in the first place. By the time I had gone the three or so miles, it got wonderfully warm and pleasant. Bused back to Victoria Avenue and walked to Wal-Mart for facial scrub. Walked half the way home before a bus came, so I got my exercise in. 

I called niece Carolyn to see how things were going in that neck of the woods and got a text back with pictures of Betty's new room, now that she's out of quarantine. It's small, but she has her own bathroom and there's a nice view out the window. Carolyn will let me know when I can come to visit. 

I no sooner got home at about 4:00, when Suzanne called to asked if I wanted to Happy Hour outside with her.  Damn straight I did (I didn't say that to her) and I grabbed my beer and peanuts and joined her. She drank her O'Doul's, I my Corona, and we had a good talk. For once--wonders will never cease--she didn't wear a mask--yay!  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...