Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Betty, Jim, Noreen, Nancy, Carolyn, and Jack London

Changed the bed clothes and did a wash, as I seem always to do on Tuesdays. Called Betty twice in the morning and was a bit concerned when her voice mail was on. At the same time, it made me sad to hear it. It's the same one she recorded long before her dementia and she sounds so--well, normal and cheerful. I doubt if she notices she has messages, so I called her an hour or so later and she answered. We had another wandering, desultory "conversation," if that's what it was.

About 10:30, I left for The Market and Wal-Mart; walked there and took a bus home. After lunch, I called Jim and left a message--I hope he's free tomorrow for lunch. Texted Noreen to remind her of our lunch date today--YAY! For the first time in months, I'm going to a real restaurant with a real IN-PERSON person!

Did the Zoom Happy Hour with Nancy and Carolyn and it was enjoyable. Nancy wants to  hold off meeting me for lunch until after Easter and she's afraid to meet at a restaurant, even outside. I was a little surprised that she's okay with meeting in my place and doesn't insist on being outside here. No prob, I'll just wait until she's ready.

After our H.H., I wasn't hungry (had pretzels and two beers during our Zoom meet), so put on my coat and walked a few blocks out and back. Nice evening. 

Jim called back and we talked for about twenty. He said he had just finished a bio of Jack London and did I want to borrow it? Yes. I had read it about thirty years ago, after seeing London's property in Glen Ellen, CA, "Wolf's House." I'm not sure if he ever got to live in it, as he died young; will have to look it up. Anyway, Jim will be here tomorrow for lunch, I'm pleased to report. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...