Friday, May 11, 2018

Recipes and Arthritis

Kimball was again pleasantly warm--or rather, less unpleasantly chilly. After breakfast, I started in on still more chores I've neglected for too long. I got more pictures put in some albums--I still have plenty to go--and put more binders away. I also tackled organizing my recipes into the new binder I just bought, made for that purpose. What kills me is that I hardly ever use recipes, as almost exclusively, I eat fresh veggies, fish and chicken, which I prepare simply.  As for company, I haven't had any for six months, when I had that little dinner party with Ellen, Suzanne, and Jim from my class.  Also, I can find millions of recipes on the Internet. Nevertheless, I like having them in print.
Called Betty to hear about Janie's funeral.  It was heavily attended, which didn't surprise  me, but there didn't seem to be many '54 grads there. We talked about this and sadly concluded that a lot  of them have already been to a funeral--their own.
Betty said Carolyn was going to call me, so I called her first. I was surprised and troubled to hear that she's been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in her hands. She just turned 50 two months ago, so this is bad news. Carolyn asked if my mother had had it in her hands, but I don't recall she had any but the diffused kind, mildly here and there, and only when she was elderly.
On a happier note, Carolyn invited me to her daughter, Claire's, graduation (from elementary to middle school) on June 8, then a celebratory dinner after. I accepted on the spot and she'll invite Ellen and Greg, too. Betty hopes to be there, too, so whether we'll get together in June is iffy. I want to be in Jersey at the end and she may still be here. We'll see.
I called grandson Joel that I'll be coming. I may or may not stay over at his house for a night or two. That has to be worked out, too.
Finally got out after lunch and my town walk felt so good.  Chatted with library branch manger Lori for a bit, read for maybe a half hour a book purporting that Hitler was gay, but who gives a damn and it was a plodding translation anyway, so I left.

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...