Tuesday, May 01, 2018


I thought it would be a quiet day, but it turned out pretty active.  It could also be called The Taking Back Day.
After Kimball and breakfast, I took back 1.) a pair of  tights I had bought in a size S/M which were just a little S;  2.) the ink cartridge that was Canon and on sale, but doesn't fit my printer; 3.) one of the two pairs of sunglasses I bought because the damn thing had a price sticker on it that I couldn't get off.
After that, I went to three different stores looking for blueberries. I used to be addicted to nicotine, but now I can't spend an evening without blueberries. WinCo had them and I bought three packages and one of blackberries. I always say I don't like kiwi fruit, but I bought some because I think I can change  my mind about them. Also got chicken, spinach, and two kinds of squash, butternut and acorn.
In the parking lot, I ran into Suze Montgomery, chair of the Ventura Council for Seniors and a mover and shaker generally in Ventura County. She said she was speaking at the City Council last night on the homeless situation. A few weeks ago, a homeless man, obviously deranged, was charged with a horrible murder, seemingly at random, of a young father in the Aloha restaurant.  It's right on the beach and I've been there several times. Suze invited me to come to the meeting and I said I'd try (but see later).
Heard from Connie K. about the venue for my impersonation of Caroline Dudley. It's at the county fair in August and I now find out it's a contest. It requires a ten-minute talk--memorized, of course--and the appropriate costume and so on. Boy, it's going to take a lot of work, but I'm game. I also must bone up on my Dudley House docent talk.  I'm scheduled for Sunday and Lynn asked me to do the entire first floor; I've only done the first few rooms before. Not sure if I can do it very smoothly, but if there's a problem, I'll just have to wing it.
Got wonderful news in a phone call: The plan is for Mike and his two girls to visit their aunt in New Mexico this summer and I've been invited to join them! Happy day--don't have to ask me twice.
I called Noreen and we firmed up our movie and The Cave excursion for today. We'll see Love, Simon, which looks a little sappy--boy thinks he's "different," then discovers he's gay--but the others were either horror movies or more even horrible--about war and how humanely we always conduct it; we're the good guys, natch.
Ate a sketchy dinner early (all veggies), then took off for City Hall. I thought it was odd the council chamber was dark when I got there at 5:45 for the 6:00 meeting, and asked a passing ranger about it. She went to inquire, then came back to tell me it was postponed to Wednesday. Oh, well, no big deal; I just went to the library for the second time and got a new CD to listen to.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...