Thursday, May 31, 2018

Plaza Park And Zoom

It was actually RAINING when I got up yesterday! Well, it was drizzling. Actually, it was more like misting. A tiny bit. Walked anyway, of course, and it had stopped by the time I finished. Worked on my research talk for tonight after breakfast.
Dusted, did a few other chores, and moved things around in the living room. Assembled my salad lunch, packed it and my little bottle of Chardonnay, and took off for Plaza Park to meet Diane.
She had asked me to bring some poetry with me and I had printed out some Yeats, a little Dickinson, and William Blake. I recited others for her and we discussed them, along with lots of other topics. I like Diane more and more, even though--maybe, because--she's a little whiffty.
We finished up and I walked to the library; read a little of David Brinkley's auto-bio, but lost interest and left. I stopped into Goodwill and bought a ceramic tissue holder. Stopped at the store after for lettuce, grapes, and so on. I'm debating whether to go to the museum today for "lunch munch"; people bring their lunches, eat in the courtyard, while they listen to a musician play.  I've been wanting to do that, so may this afternoon.
After dinner, I pulled up the Zoom meeting a half hour early--I thought--and was surprised to see Tony, Fern, Cece, and Rachel on the screen already talking. When I expressed surprise, I was told it had started at 6:30, not 7:30, as I had thought. After, when I checked Tony's e-mail, I saw he had indeed written "6:30-7:30"; my eye had just fallen on the last, I guess. Sent an e-mail and apologized.

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