Monday, May 14, 2018

Mothers Day

Walked Kimball in the kind of California rain that's half-hearted, wishy-washy, and hardly wet. It was just a kind of mist, but chilly.
All my children got in touch, of course, and I talked to Betty, too. I got two beautiful cards from the two beautiful daughters, and coincidentally, both featured butterflies, which I love. Also got a hand-crafted one by the four-year-old artisan in Tokyo, along with a pair of "happy socks." I received a neat gift from somebody I must have told I've been going to the movies often--a "Fandago" card for a certain sum that will pay my way in many times over.
Showered, washed my hair, dressed, and met Ellen at the Aloha for lunch. What a fine time we had! We talked and talked--I always like to hear the latest from her, both about her personal life and her third-grade class. For the first time in fourteen months, I had beef--ordered a rare hamburger and it was delish--especially washed down with two glasses of Chardonnay. After, we went back to her place and had a bowl of ice cream (I think I  had that last in New Mexico last summer). Then El cut more off her loquat tree and I watched what I wanted to see: Get Out. It was pretty good, I thought, although the plot was loosely done.
Said goodbye and got  home about 6:00. Got a call from son, Mike, who had ordered a plant from the place he always uses, but for some reason, they didn't understand it was for Mothers Day, and it won't get here until tomorrow. That's okay, I'll enjoy it then and I'm glad he called.

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...