Sunday, May 17, 2020


A so-so day. After breakfast, I watered my garden, which entails filling a metal pitcher at the kitchen sink, pouring it on a plant, then going back and doing it three more times. Suzanne commiserated with me the other day--she has a hose, which won't reach my patio--but jeez, I don't have much else to do. It's good exercise, too. I must say, the place looks nice.
Walked to the market (3 mi. back and forth) for spaghetti squash, broccoli, and a few other things. Walking home, I saw at Victoria and Telephone a demonstration protesting the lock down:
They seemed to be a mixed group, some religious--"Faith, Not Fear"read a sign--others maybe libertarians. For all I know, they were aliens from outer space who wanted all humans to get the virus and die, so they could take over the world. Anyway, I walked past and wished them good luck, not exactly agreeing whole-heartedly, but sympathizing, that's a cinch.
Here's the one I listen to most closely, Dr. Z. I like that he mentions Singapore, of course, which is close to my heart, but most especially, I like his sensible discussion of weighing the relative benefits and dangers of one's actions re the virus. I greatly approve of what he tells us about going out in the open air, of course, but was taken aback re his comments on cloth mask. He prefers surgical ones, but where I'd get them, I don't have a clue, so I'll keep wearing the ones Robyn made and keep hoping the ones my daughter-in-law finally get here. This is about 45 minutes long, but I was absorbed:
I got yet another email from a fellow resident, saying he received my letter and, of course, heartily approves. I wrote him back right away and hope to meet him. I'm wondering if some kind of group action would be possible--I'll ask the attorney when I call him tomorrow.
At loose ends about 4:30, I walked to the bus stop with the vague idea of going to the mall. As I was waiting, though, I realize that was silly--what would I do there, anyway? So I walked home, prepared my cauliflower and salmon, and put them both in the oven to roast. 


iloveac said...

I've always liked to listen to what Zdogg says. He makes a lot of sense to me. There were so many ads that kept cutting in ...I finally was able to get the skip ads button to work. Thanks for posting this one.

Mimi said...

Pat, there are no ads on this, not sure why. I can't remember whether I subscribed to his or if I picked it up from Facebook. Anyway, I like what he has to say--and he's easy on the eyes, too. Pretty sexy, wouldn't you say?


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...