Saturday, June 30, 2018

They're Here!

After Kimball, I went to T.O.P.S.  I had forgotten I had been down a pound last week and this time, I was at 128.4, which is a tiny gain, but I shrugged it off. Sharon did the "program," if you can call it that, by reading from a supermarket brochure several paragraphs of "mindful eating," the cliche concept du jour.   It was so trite and juvenile, I almost fell off my chair.
Finally escaped, had breakfast and did a few little tasks, then packed some cherries and half the yellow watermelon and took off for Ellen's.
Happy day!  Mike and the girls were already there and we had a fine time. Vivian is actually taller than I am by an inch or so, and Violet is the picture of my older sister, Gene. The girls both have birthdays in July, when they'll be 14 and 10. We sat and chatted for a bit, then drove to the park in town. Violet enjoyed a lot of the playground equipment and Vivian was polite, but clearly considered the activities a bit beneath her.
I know just how she feels! We talked and it was such fun to hear her wishes and wants. She'd like to live in the U.S., in "a neighborhood," wants to got to MIT, and wishes there were other girls her age around. I remember myself at that age and related so completely; I wish I had had more choices than she does.
We then cruised the little shops on Main Street and Viv bought a few items. Stopped at Von's for fresh tuna steaks and other fixings for fish tacos. Back to El's after that, where we sat in the lovely back yard--the weather was heavenly, about 77 degrees--with iced tea (or, in my case, a Margarita). Had a good dinner--who knew you put things like red cabbage on tacos--fairly late. I wanted to leave before full dark, so escaped helping with the cleanup (ha!) and drove off at 7:30. (Greg worked until 8:00, so I didn't see him.)
Today: the lavender festival! I was asked to be at El's about 9:30 and we'll go there. After that? Dunno, but I'm open for anything.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Uber And Alice

After Kimball and breakfast, I called the Smart 'n' Final and was told the manager here should fill out an incident report and take a picture. (You'd think he'd know to do that himself.) I went back after lunch, gave him the message and he took a pic. I assume he'll fill out a report and submit and will go back to be sure he did.
In the meantime, before lunch, I spent hours on getting my reservation for the shuttle to LAX on the sixteenth and trying to contact Uber to get me to Four Points Sheraton by 4:30 am. Still haven't gotten to them.
Now I was in a sour mood. However, it lifted when I look through my memorabilia and found a letter from my Uncle Tom to my Dad, dated September, 1938. Why so? Because I had been contacted by an attorney, who (as a volunteer) is working to restore the stone work at the Mifflin School in Philly.  Those stones came from my grandparents' farm in Roxborough. The attorney wrote that she had been told by a librarian there that I had contacted her twelve years ago and said I had a letter regarding the stones. I had no recollection of that, but lo and behold, I found the letter--in fact, a second letter, both referring to the stones.
I scanned the letters and sent them to the attorney, Alice Ballard.  She was just thrilled and I was so pleased to have been able to provide them. I also called my brother, Jim, who had given the letters to me in the first place. (Sadly, he sounded a bit befuddled; he's now 92.) I also called my cousin, John, as he has a lot of the family lore.
Anyway, that raised my spirits and after I got back from my town walk, I shared the story via the e-mails with my siblings, and with John.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Diane At Plaza Park

Walked Kimball, then spent the entire morning plowing through all the paper/computer work and telephoning I've put off. It was a pile, but I'm SO GLAD I got it done.
I expressed my frustration over the Toastmasters web site in an e-mail to Fern and that nice lady responded with understanding and sympathy. We agreed I'll just cook it for now and try to get in the damn thing later.
Made my salad and packed my Chardonnay and utensils and so on, then took off for town.  El called on the way to see if I had any extra blankets--sure, and I'll be back home by 2:30 or so.
Parked at the museum and walked to Plaza Park, arriving just as Diane did. We enjoyed our usual lunch together and, just as much, some lengthy discussions. We pondered the homeless/vagrant problem, which, of course, seems insurmountable, at least until we treat people as humans instead of vermin.
Diane suggested that next week, we meet at Aloha Restaurant on the beach, as she's researched it and they have happy hour at 3:00, with $1.95 beers, plus $3.95 appetizers.  Hey, would I object?  Hell, no, and we made the date. We walked together to the library, then parted, and I drove home.
El called to say she was at Green Thumb, then came and met me at my place. I lent her a blanket and a large throw for her company--mine, too!--who are due to blow in tomorrow. Oh, joy--my boy and his girls will be here soon!
A bummer happened after dinner: I felt like going for a drive, went to Smart 'n' Final and got a long scratch all down the right side of my car because I didn't see a cart there. Complained to manager, he gave the number of corporate, which I'll call, although I know the odds of having them do anything are about a zillion to zero.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Walked Kimball and that was the high point of the day.
That'll tell something about the idiotic, frustrating, and infuriating experience I had. I don't want to go into a song and dance about it, but I had called Fern, who is my Toastmasters "mentor," and has been so patient and understanding. The problem is negotiating the freakish web site--I can't do it. We decided I'd bring my laptop over and we'd go over it.  I did, but my laptop is hooked directly to the wi-fi--or whatever the hell it is--and it said I had no internet, even though I was at Fern's and she has wi-fi.
I was there about an hour while she went over all the ins and outs, very kindly. The problem is, she tells me too much in a steady stream, when I just want to know how to BEGIN, fer cryin' out loud!'
But never mind and the hell with it. Went home for lunch, then to Michael's for some containers, then to WinCo for food, then to town for my walk and a bit of reading.
Ran into Diane, who said Anacapa, where we had planned to meet today, is too expensive for her, so we'll just bring our lunches to the park again. Probably just as well.
I'm not sure if it was because of the web site problem, but after I got up for the usual at midnight, it took me an age to fall asleep again. Now I'm feeling groggy; maybe I'll take a nap after Kimball.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Dentist and Toastmasters

Walked Kimball late, but still ran into Carolyn, who said little Sophie isn't eating and Bob had to take her to the vet. Home before 8:00, had breakfast, and pulled together some of the improv material I told Rachel I'd help her with for Humor & Drama. Ellen came shortly after 10:00, having taken her Valium after she parked. We waited until quarter of eleven, then drove down the street to the dentist's office.
On impulse, I asked the receptionist what Dr. A. would charge for a new patient--x-ray exam, examination, and so on--said she'd ask the doc. I left El and went off to WinCo for fruits and veggies.
Went back in an hour and El wasn't quite finished, but Dr. A. came out and said she had "done well." Receptionist the new patient charge would be $99. Hmm...several other dentists advertise the first visit is free, but on the other hand, this is so close I could walk there and I liked Dr. A. I'll think about it. Betty called while I was waiting and we talked for a time.Took Ellen back to my place and she zonked out for an hour or so. When she got up, we had a light lunch, then off she went.
Suzanne rang my bell to give me some lovely fresh tomatoes and cucumbers one of her (adult) students gave her. She came to in to chat for a bit.
Got to Dudley House before 6:00 to open and set up for Poinsettia Toastmasters. The regulars came in and we also had several guests, including an adorable young couple, Celina and George. Rachel opened and we had a lively meeting. I was evaluator for Sue's "Theodosia Burr," for which I had no problem giving high marks. I delivered my critique of her talk and was surprised and pleased to get the blue ribbon for "best evaluator."
Home by 8:30, watched some T.V., and turned in.

Monday, June 25, 2018


As has become standard, I walked Kimball very early--home by 7:10.  I immediately took a load to the laundry place, then had time to go back and put it in the dryer before breakfast.
The usual Sunday, then I assembled and wrapped Claire's presents, plus pulled together a few other things I wanted to take to Carolyn's, including some clothes for Betty. Got to Ellen's a little after three. She had thought we had agreed on 3:45, so wasn't ready, but no prob, she was soon. She drove to Santa Barbara and we joined the birthday party for the twelve-year-old.
It was a lot of fun. Nephew Steve and his Robyn were there with their boy, Dex, along with some kids and friends of Carolyn's and Dana's, including their physicist friend from Germany. (C. and D's boy, Finn, had visited with his family in Dusseldorf (?) two years ago.)
The buffet, all made by Dana, was just delicious. There was chili--actually the best I ever tasted, not from a can, but put together from scratch--with hunks of "peasant bread," plus homemade macaroni and cheese, salad, and a few other sides.  The robust red wine was a perfect complement (that's what the wine reviewers say!) and I also indulged in a messy, calorie-packed, divine piece of birthday cake.
We had such a good time. I consulted Robyn* about my Victorian outfit for the Carrie Dudley gig and we talked a lot about it. I'll send her further specifications soon. We stayed until about 7:00, then said goodbye and drove back to El's. Got my car and was home by 9:30.  Stayed up for my fruit and Forensic Files and didn't set the alarm. Slept late--6:30--and now it's 7:00, but will dress and get the Kimball walk in.
* Robyn is a costumer and was actually nominated for an award for her work.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Various And Sundry

Continuing my early Kimball, I was home by 7:05--good grief!
After breakfast, I ran several errands: Went for more blueberries at Vons; got freezer bags and gift tissue at Dollar Tree; sent off Joel's sixteenth birthday present at the P.O.; and took what I had bought Claire back to Justice.
I wasn't sure I wanted to exchange it, but wanted to look at other "carrying case" models. Decided to keep the one I had and picked up two other little gifts to put inside. I'll add the small frame and picture of Betty as a child, which I photo-shopped from the original--that's her Nana, after all.
Did the town walk. Read for a time at the library a new bio of Wallis Simpson. Unfortunately, either I've just lost interest in her and David or it's a boring book to begin with, probably both and I won't continue.
I finally finished the humongous bio of Tennessee Williams, which Greg gave me for Christmas. It's excellent and I greatly enjoyed it, but took me a while. I'm now starting on Inseparable, the one about Chang and Eng, the conjoined twins, that I bought from the author. Also finished listening to Dead Weight about the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915.  Got another out called Patient H.M., about a man who lost all his memory.
Rachel, of Toastmasters, had asked me to contribute some ideas from improv, so I've been researching that and tinkering around with it.  Poinsettia meeting is tomorrow evening at Dudley House. Talked to Ellen and confirmed I'll get over to her place about 3:00 and she'll drive to Carolyn's for the party.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

T.O.P.S. And The View

As I mentioned before, I "slept in," as the saying goes. Didn't get up until 6:30 or to Kimball until 7:00. Saw Carolyn and Beth, Diane and Irene, and chatted a bit.
Home, I looked over the "Top  Shape" Bingo-like game Noreen had made, then changed and went to T.O.P.S.  In the last few months, I've been glad to find I'm still at 128, but yesterday, I actually lost a pound and am at 127. Fine by me, of course.
Everybody loved the game and we had a lot more fun than we usually do. If I can find the time, I'll make up a different one and see what happens.
Home for breakfast, then out to Vons, WinCo, and a few others for supplies as my cupboard (fridge, that is) was almost bare. Bought lots of blueberries, a cantaloupe,  a cauliflower, and lettuce, cucumber, and chicken. By the time I got home, it was after 12:00, so I made my usual big salad, ate it, and took off to be at Sheri's at 2:00.
Wowee and gee whiz and whatever other exclamations there are: The view from her house is just spectacular. Spread out below is practically the whole city of Ventura, the beach with the long, long, pier extending out, the Pacific Ocean, and the Channel Islands beyond. Every room at the front of the house facing the view has huge, un-curtained windows. I told Sheri I'd never get anything done there--I'd spend all my time just gazing at the panorama.
The house itself is huge. We went through room after room, including a hall with several guest rooms and separate baths off it. In the "basement"--actually, a large first floor apartment--Sheri keeps items concerning Dudley House. She had devised the large placards the city had used for Ventura's 150 anniversary in 2016, filling them with historic scenes and so on. However, she had none of the artifacts Connie mentioned; all of those are at the house. After I research further about Mrs. Dudley, I'll see about what I can incorporate into my presentation.
As for Sheri herself--hmm. For openers, she looks like an unmade bed (a phrase I read years ago, can't remember where). She has much-too-long, unkempt grey hair, was wearing what I think was a man's Hawaiian shirt, baggy pants, and sneakers that looked like they came over on the Mayflower. I'm not sure whether it's from high blood pressure or not, but her eyes bulge noticeably and one of them wanders. She talks and talks and talks and talks and has a peculiar way of seeming to be scowling all the time. If I hadn't been in her certainly three- or four-million dollar house, I'd  peg her as one of the homeless. However, she is a fount of information on the Dudleys and I'll certainly be using her expertise.
Finally got away after an hour and a half and reluctantly parted with the view--not so reluctantly with Sheri, who gave me a big hug (ugh)--and drove to town. Did my usual walk and read for a bit at the library before heading home.
Ellen called and we laid our plans for Santa Barbara tomorrow.  Noreen called and was happy to hear how much my fellow T.O.P.S. members enjoyed the "Top Shape" game she had made.
After dinner, I spent a fair amount of time scanning childhood pictures of Betty and me. Got a good one, cropped my seven-year-old self out, framed it, and will put it in the carrying case I'm giving hr granddaughter, Claire, for her birthday.

Friday, June 22, 2018


Just got up and it's quarter of seven! Toastmasters wasn't over until almost nine last night, and when I got home, I stayed up for another hour.
Yesterday was just this and that. Walked Kimball and went to the Lunch Munch at the museum, but nobody else I knew showed. That was okay, as I just ate my salad and listened to the guitar-player. He didn't sing, however, and it was so-so.
On the way home, I stopped at the mall to get a present for Claire. Went to Justice,  a tweener store that Vivian and Violet like--or used to like, not sure. Got a pretty kind of carrying case, although I may go back and exchange it--I was in a hurry.
Home to shower and change, then I went to Humor & Drama Toastmaster. I did pretty well as mistress of ceremonies and was told I was better than that, although I was winging it most of the time. It was fairly well attended and the speakers were okay. I kept each segment to the time allotted and awarded the ceremonial statue to Christine, followed by great applause.
Yesterday was my wedding anniversary. Sixty years.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Brewery

Kimball very early, so was home just after 7:00.  Puttered around here and there and put together my big salad for lunch. I had intended to take it with me to meet Diane on our Wednesday excursion, but changed my mind and made up a sandwich of turkey breast. Had the salad for dinner.
Left for town about 11:30, parked at the museum and walked down--or up, dunno--Main Street to the library, then cut down to Santa Clara to the Ivory Coast Brewery. Diane was walking up just as I was, so we were both a bit early.
Went in and ordered. I told the barkeep I like a citrus-y beer and he gave me a tasting glass of it. It had too much hops in it for me, thought.  I liked the next one I tasted better, an IPA, so got that. Diane got a very dark beer--not sure what it was--and we sat down.
Talked and talked, of course, our topics ranging all over the map from family to politics to Buddhism to sex. We were there about an hour and a half, I guess, but I can't sit for so long--I get antsy--and we parted. Diane suggested we go to Anacapa Beer on Main next time and I enthusiastically agreed.
Walked back to the car and meandered to The Coalition; didn't get anything. Drove to WinCo for diet 7 Up, then to the east end Goodwill and got some drinking glasses.
Home, I revised the little rhyme I'm going to recite at Toastmasters tonight, as I'm the mistress of ceremonies. That isn't the usual thing, but I thought I'd jazz it up a bit--the meetings tend to get pretty tame and predicable.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

"I Feel Pretty" And yondoo

Did all the morning stuff, walking Kimball is pretty cool temps. I'm looking forward to the weather heating up soon.
Called Sheri O., the Dudley House person, and made a date to go to her place on Friday afternoon to view various props. I better start getting serious now about researching and writing my talk as Caroline Dudley.  Got my plane tickets for New Mexico; I leave on July 16 and return on the 24th. I have to arrange to get to the Sheraton for the shuttle to LAX, then reserve a place on the shuttle. I'll ask Nancy for the former, as she gets up early.
Met Nancy at the Regency at 11:50. We saw I Feel Pretty, which was goofy fluff, but fun. We then repaired to The Cave and had their excellent Chardonnay and yummy/ delicious goat cheese plates. Nobody does appetizers as well as The Cave.
We sat and talked so long it was 4:30 before we left. I went to the post office from there to mail a birthday present to Tokyo, then drove directly to town for my second walk. I reversed it by parking at the library and walking to the museum in somewhat cool weather.
I was pleased on the way home to get a call from niece Carolyn, inviting me to a birthday party on Sunday for Claire, who will be twelve. Sure, of course, I'd love to, especially as Carolyn already invited Ellen, who will go and she'll drive. (Claire will actually be twelve tomorrow, my sixtieth anniversary.)  I told her I'd bring some clothes for Betty which I can't wear anymore.
After dinner (just veggies this time), I sat down at the laptop and was annoyed to be told there was  no Internet connection.  I called yondoo (that's exactly the way they spell it, and with no capital, the illiterate nerds) and was told "the engineers are working on the problem." Damn it, this is the second time in a week this happened with the new outfit. May they be strung up on their own wireless crapola. (I know that doesn't make sense, but it makes me feel better.)

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Two Washes And The Widows

Saw Carolyn at Kimball (it was barely 6:30) and we had a talk. Her adult daughter is causing her a lot of worry and I sympathized. I said I may go to Lunch Munch on Thursday, but may not. I really have to turn my attention to the Caroline Dudley thing.
Speaking of which, Connie K. sent me some web sites where I can find Victorian costumes. Good grief, their blouses are fifty bucks, skirts the same, and I'm not getting paid for this gig, so will try to find my own.
I had a busy day. Did a load of wash, ran the dishwasher full of company dishes, and otherwise put things in order. Betty has jokingly accused me of being compulsive and maybe I am, but so what? After I have company, I want to get everything back shipshape as quickly as possible, so shoot me.
It was a little after three before I had finished what I wanted to do and had lunch. I went to a few places for this and that, including Wal-Mart for my ome-? (can't spell it), the acid reduction pill. Think I'll see if I can get an Rx for it, as it would be a lot less expensive. Since it was that late and I was going to the widder dinner, I decided not to drive all the way to town and just went back to Kimball for my afternoon mile-and-a-half. Home to shower, wash my hair, and change, then it was off to Sizzler for dinner.
I found it jammed when I walked in, but Nancy, Carolyn,* and another Soaring Spirits attendee were half way up in the line to order, so I stood with them. About fifteen of our group were already eating, so we sat at the end, I next to Vera. Happily, she mentioned we might switch to Stone Fire Grill, which just opened in the Barnes & Noble Shopping Center. I hope it works out. I don't eat much or their menu, so just had a glass of Chardonnay and sauteed spinach. Home by 7:30.
*The three Carolyns I mention in this narrative are my niece, the one I met during my morning walk, and the one in Soaring Spirits, the widder group.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Lunch Party

I went to bed at my usual time on Saturday and slept like a log. Got up at 5:15, left for Kimball less than an hour later, and got back home by a few minute after 7:00. Betty got up soon, but said she had  had an uncomfortable night with her stomach.
She left for 9:30 mass with Suzanne and I sped around taking the sheets off the couch, putting the massive amount of things Betty brought out of sight, and straightening up.  After running the dishwasher, I set the table, made the salad and turkey breast sandwiches, and assembled the brie, crackers,and grape plate. By the time Betty got in, everything was shipshape.
I had asked Nancy and Noreen to call me when they drove into the main entrance (in separate cars; they didn't know each other before meeting here), then I drove through the gate to get them and bring them back. Each of them brought me a bottle of wine and Noreen added a bouquet of flowers--how nice! I had a bottle of Chardonnay chilling, as well as Corona and iced tea, and we sat and talked for a full hour before lunch. Noreen also brought a oleberry (?) pic and real whipped cream. It was actually the best pie I ever tasted--almost all fruit.
Lunch was great fun--yum, yum and gab, gab. Nancy and Noreen didn't leave until almost 4:00, shortly before Carolyn, Finn, and Claire came to pick up Betty and take her back to Santa Barbara. They sat and chatted for a bit and I gave the kids the last of the excellent pie.
As soon as they left, I drove to town and did my afternoon walk.  It was a good visit, but now I'm back to the life I made here and that's fine by me.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Around And About With Betty

Slept until 6:30, so walked Kimball late. I did run into Carolyn and told her my twin sister was here. Betty and I had breakfast, then went to WinCo and the Dollar Tree for lots of stuff. I got various for our little luncheon today and Betty got all kinds of small things she needed.
We got home and put things away, and just made it to Ellen's in time. Since it was Saturday, always a busy day on Route 33, it took a while, but we go there a bit after noon.
El had a lovely summer meal of a green salad, chicken, and deviled eggs, plus a plate of crackers, cheese, and grapes. She kindly had Blue Moon in for me, which I enjoyed. We had an great time sitting out in her patio and talking, then walked down to the quaint little church turned book store.Betty bought a book for her granddaughter, and I bought one of Emily Dickinson's poetry for young people for granddaughter Violet.
We sat again on the patio after, then left my darling daughter's. Drove to town and parked, then walked to various shops and bought a few things; home by 5:00.
I called Nancy, whom I'll see today. Made a stir-fry for dinner, as well as fresh spinach, then Betty and I had a quiet evening.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

T.O.P.S. And Twin

After Kimball and gnashing my teeth about the Internet loss, I changed and went to T.O.P.S. I was prepared for a gain--maybe to 130, considering all my meals out--but happy day, have stayed at 128. The meeting itself was better than most, as Michelle did the program and had brought a "chair exercise" video on her tablet. Now, I walk a consistent three miles a day, but I liked this because I think I should do some upper body work. Anyway, it was good.
El and I had an enjoyable time at lunch (and I was eternally grateful at her handling the Internet crisis), then said goodbye, and I drove to town for the usual afternoon mile and a half. I walked to the library, but didn't go in; instead, I deviated down a side street and went back to the museum via Santa Clara Street. Home, I got out my good ol' chopper and did two big green peppers and two big onions. I'll have them ready for a stir-fry tonight for Betty and me.
The aforementioned got here about 9:30 with Steve, Robyn, and Dexter.  Of course, they called from the entrance and I met them to escort them here (a gated community is such a pain). Dex thanked me for the graduation card and modest amount of cash I had sent, they stayed for just a few minutes, then off they went to Big Bear, where they were vacationing.
Betty and I stayed up with iced tea chatting for another hour and a half, at least, then went to bed. I slept late--to 6:30--and now want to dress and go to Kimball.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Internet Prob And Lots of Other Stuff

Damn! I got up this morning (Friday) to find I had no Internet. Tried to fix, couldn't, called yondoo, they said it had been out, to reboot, but still couldn't get it working. Happily, Ellen called to say she's be over this way and was I available for lunch; if so, she'd bring hers. I was, she did, and after all kinds of problems and calls to the service and so on, she got me back on. However, it doesn't extend to my phone, so I'll have to get another router or something.
This is what I wrote Thursday night about Thursday:
Another good day in the glorious summer. Carolyn and I greeted each other at Kimball with "see you at the museum!" and that's what we did.
I went a little early to find that the Lunch Munch and music event was in the outer, larger courtyard, rather than the inner one. This actually works out better--more room and there are shade trees. Nancy came shortly after I did and while we were chatting, an attractive woman came and and asked, "Rosemary?" Yes, indeed, and she turned out to be the friend Carolyn had invited. Shortly after, Carolyn came, and we sat down and opened our lunches.
Nancy immediately noticed I had brought my little bottle of wine and said she would have, but didn't know it was permitted. Neither did I, but it's my policy in such a situation is to do what you want first and ask questions later. Good point, Nance agreed and she'll do the same next time. I had invited Noreen, also, but she didn't show. I called her twice, but there was no answer and the recording said she hadn't set up voice mail.
The four of us had a great time. Carolyn's friend, Beth, happens to be a widow, also-her husband died very suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 57 nine years ago with no warning at all. Anyway, I liked her a lot, plus it turned out she and Nancy have a mutual acquaintance, so that was fun. Beth lives with "her boyfriend," as she called him; she has no plans to marry and doesn't want any.
We stayed for about an hour and a half, mostly talking over the music. Carolyn said she's like to start a women's group, just to meet over lunch, say, chat and enjoy each other. Great idea; I'm in several and most I enjoy immensely.
After we parted, Carolyn and I walked the few blocks to Patagonia, as she wanted to show me the place. I didn't realize they had such a big campus besides the retail store--very outdoorsy and very expensive--and we looked around here and there, then walked back.
Carolyn left and I walked to the library, read about Prince Charles for a bit, then left for my car and home. Got in about 4:00 and took a load of wash to the place. When I got back, I glanced at my calendar and saw that my Japanese daughter-in-law's birthday was a week away. I quickly found a card and drove to the post office amid lots of graduation traffic from the nearby high school, and mailed it. Whew!
Betty called and said Steve will drive her here tomorrow (Friday) night. Then she called to say it would be Saturday. Later, she switched it back to Friday between 8 and 10 pm, so she should be here tonight. She'll stay until Sunday, when Carolyn will pick her up between 2 and 5.
I called Noreen and invited her for lunch on Sunday, too. Also asked Suzanne if Betty could go to  mass with her; she can, at 9:10, so that's okay.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Park Versus The Brewery

My Earlier Than Before Kimball walk has now become an entrenched habit. I used to leave for the park between 7:00 and 7:15; now, I'm always home by 7:20 or so. I don't mind, though, so see no reason to revert back.
Saw the regulars yesterday: Ed with Lola, Carolyn and Bob with Hazel and Sophie, Irene and Diane, along with the dozen or so others whose names I don't know, but greet each morning. Diane gave me an article about "Wild and Scenic Film Festival" to take place in August. Looks like fun and I think I'll go.
Did a few minor chores after breakfast, then left for town.  Went inside the museum and talked to the docent to see if more tables and chairs could be set up for Lunch Much today, as I'm expecting five people. I then walked down to Plaza Park to meet Diane for our Wednesday lunch at 12:30.
We had a fine time talking and talking, of course, and surreptitiously drinking our wine. She suggested we might vary the formula by attending Happy Hour somewhere and we discussed where. Figuring she didn't drink beer, I diffidently asked if she knew of The Brewery, just a few blocks away. She didn't, but hey--she loves beer!  Now yer talkin', sez I (well, not really). We then walked down to that establishment, looked around, and chatted with the bar keep. It's not a dimly lit bar, but a large, bright place, with plenty of windows and high ceilings. Happily, we decided to bring our lunch and meet there next Wednesday.  (Thanks for the memories, Plaza Park, but from here in, it's The Brewery.)
We parted and I drove home. Got a welcome call there that concerned my July trip to New Mexico; must make reservations soon. I had time to kill before dinner, so drove to Santa Paula and stopped in a Dollar Tree for a few things.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Blood Work And Ellen

Finished Kimball at 7:20 and went directly to the Quest in Von's. What a difference from the other one, when you need an appointment three weeks in advance and is always crowded. Yesterday, I was able to quickly register electronically, wait for maybe three minutes, then had blood drawn, and I was outta there in a flash. I hope this little gem remains unknown to most--it's so convenient, I can actually walk there.
Stopped over in Cypress Meadows and liked what I saw. Made an appointment for this morning at 10:00 to see apartments and ask questions. This is a long shot, but if Suzanne moves there, I wouldn't mind doing so, too. True, it's an over-62 complex and I'm not crazy about the idea of living with older people, but considering other factors, I might do it.
Ellen came over about 11:30, we chatted for a bit, then went to Two Trees for lunch. I hadn't been there for some time--it's always crowded--but enjoyed my Cobb salad and local beer. We then went to Big Lots and various other shops; she even agreed to go to Goodwill and bought a basket.  Later, we came back to my place and had a good long talk about this, that, and the other. El invited Betty and me to lunch on Saturday, which will be fun. She left about 4:00 and I drove to town for  my walk. Didn't go into the library, but turned down the street to Thompson and walked back.
I called Nancy to see if she wanted to join Noreen and me tomorrow at Lunch Much and she said yes. Carolyn and her friend will go, too, and today, when I meet Diane in the park, I'll ask her, also.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Walked Kimball and was hailed by Ed (with Lola, his pup), who had seen my picture in the Ventura County Star. Soon, Irene and Diane came along and mentioned the same, then Carolyn and Bob. Ha--I feel like a movie star. Carolyn asked me to go to Lunch Munch at the museum on Thursday and I said I would.
I guess I forgot to mention my picture was in the Ventura County Star on Sunday. It was of two other women and me, as we waited for the talk on Robert Kennedy to start. Interestingly, this was the fourth time my picture was in the Star in the less than three years I've lived there.  I was in a picture of the audience at a lecture a year or two ago,; was with my older daughter alongside my little piece about her  Thanksgiving birthday; and I was on the front page when I performed for the Maritime Museum.
I practiced my Toastmasters speech a lot, along with gestures, had lunch early, then left for town. I'm a little bored with the museum to library walk, so went part way and turned down a side street. I probably walked longer than usual, but enjoyed the different shops and things.
Ate dinner early because I needed to be at Dudley House at 6:00. Ellen called and we made a date to meet today for lunch, after she gets some things she needs at Target.
Opened Dudley House, set up chairs and tables, then Jan came to show me how to operate the parking lot lights (it's just a switch). The other Toastmasters came and we had an okay meeting, although it was sparsely attended. We have a new member, Denise, but there were only seven there.
I did my speech--"On The Beach" about seeing the man with the knife in his heart on the Ventnor beach when I was ten years old--and it went over big.
After the meeting, Rachel and I chatted for a bit. She asked me if I had ever heard of the events at Patagonia, a high-end outdoor clothing outfit near the museum in town. She's a hiker and somewhat of an environmentalist, so often attends the videos and talks there. I said I was interested and will join her sometimes.
Nancy called just as I was about to start the car. I had meant to call her to tell her I was meeting El today, so couldn't do our lunch and movie. However, I asked her to join Noreen and me at Lunch Munch on Thursday and she said she would.

Monday, June 11, 2018


After the Sunday morning Kimball, crossword, and ca, ca, ca--oh, damn, I can't continue the alliteration--it was just a so-so day. Washed and trimmed two pounds of carrots and put in the slow cooker with lime and tangerine wedges.  Defrosted some frozen raw shrimp for dinner and put them in the fridge. Sliced tomatoes, added garlic and seasonings and stewed them.  Did some computer stuff and minor chores here and there. Spent a lot of time practicing my Toastmasters speech, "On The Beach," which I'll present this evening.
Took off for town after lunch and did the usual walk to the library.  Read a bio of Billy Wilder, the movie director, for a half  hour or so. Stopped into The Coalition and found a nice doormat made of wooden circles and bought it for less than five bucks.  Put it on the patio and it looks good.
Nothing very interesting going on...

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Usual

Back in the groove, I walked Kimball and went so early, I was home by 7:15. Since I don't eat breakfast until 8:00,  I took a load of wash to the laundry place. It's annoying that the one closest to me doesn't seem to be open, although I know the new washers and dryers have been installed.
At the other location, I fell into conversation with a guy named Paul, then a woman named Kerlinda (it sounded like). Paul has lived here fifteen years and knows Suzanne; we commiserated with each other about the various gripes we had about Ventura Del Sol. The truth is, though, I love it here, and am even reconciled to a big hike in my rent in July.
Clothes were dried and done when Suzanne came over to tell me about her trip to Tennessee to her cousin's fiftieth anniversary.  I had missed her--she had  been gone a week--and was glad she was back. She brought me a huge and beautiful pink rose from her garden to thank me for getting her mail and showed me pictures of her trip on her camera. She and her companions also went to the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, and had a great time.
Betty called, saying she had mislayed her black sweater and did I have it? What? Of course not. I fear her memory is getting worse and worse, which was evident when I was with her on Friday.
After, I went to WinCo, Vons, and a few other places for veggie and fruit provisions. Home and prepared a few, then made my big salad for lunch, ate it, and drove to town.  It was jammed, of course, since it was a weekend in summer. There were no spots open at the museum, so I parked at the Knights of Columbus lot with no prob. Stayed at the library reading for a bit.
When I got back to the car, Cece called and we discussed Toastmasters on Monday. She asked if her women's group at her church could go to Dudley House for a tour in September or October,
and I volunteered to conduct it if it's okayed.  Jan H., of Dudley House, will meet me before our meeting, so I suggested Cece come to, and ask her if okay.
Ellen called about 7:00 and we had a good long talk. She's getting solar panels on her roof and on Tuesday or Wednesday, the electricity will be off for eight hours. She suggested we spend the day together and will confirm on Monday.

Saturday, June 09, 2018


For the first time in months, I missed the Kimball walk, as I was on the train at 6:12 am. Got in 45 or so later, to be greeted by Carolyn's husband, Dana and off we went to his and Carolyn's place.
After enthusiastic greetings (especially from Calvin; I thought he'd knock me over wagging his tail), we chatted for a bit, then walked to Claire's school. This is only down the block, across a street, and through a field, so very convenient. However, Claire is leaving here and will be taking a bus to middle school.
The graduation ceremony was actually very well done.* There was a short introduction by the principal, a  few songs, and each child went to the microphone and said a few words about his or her memory of going there. After, there were refreshments and mingling with others--very enjoyable. We then walked home and Betty and I chatted while I had a cold Blue Moon and Carolyn made the yummy lunch.
This was well done, too.  Besides the beer and nicely-chilled wine (yes, I had some Chardonnay, too), Carolyn served cheese and crackers, a green salad, a delicious bow-tie pasta salad, and lemon cake. I had brought a batch of my crystal pickles and they went over big, too.  Another couple and their daughter, who was Claire's best friend, came and we all had a great time eating out in the backyard and talking and laughing.
The others left and the rest of us mostly sat and chatted.  I'm not used  to sitting so large a part of the day, so suggested we take a walk, which Betty, Carolyn, and I did. Betty will be going to L.A. to her son's next weekend and we discussed the possibility of her taking the train to spend some time with me after. We'll see and I haven't yet decided if I want to go there myself.
I took the last train back to Ventura at 7:02, after hugs, loves, and thank-yous all around. Enjoyed the short train trip back, picked up my car, and got in before dark. I saw that Suzanne's car was there, so remembered she's back from Iowa.  I rang her bell to give her her mail, then said I'd catch up with her another time to hear about her trip.
*Remembering our graduations from St. James and HSHS, I remarked to Betty and family it sure beat listening to a priest drone on.

Friday, June 08, 2018

Walking and Talking

Another full and mostly pleasurable day. Saw Kimball Carolyn during my morning walk and we confirmed our "Lunch and Munch" date at the museum. After breakfast, I spent an enormous time on the phone trying to get my Communications Services/Yandoo service cleared up. It's just too long and involved to go into, but it still isn't resolved. I also had a big argument, both on-line and on the phone with the Ventura County Star billing department, but I think I came out ahead on that one.
Met Carolyn at noon and we ate our lunch while listening to the pretty girl who sings and plays the ukulele. Stayed for about forty-five minutes, then walked to the library, then past it, then down one street and another, talking and talking and talking.
Carolyn is 67 (looks about 50 to me, if that), very slender and toned--she works out a lot--with a husband she calls "Robert," but who introduced himself to me as "Bob."  They have two daughters in their thirties, neither married, and moved to Ventura recently from L.A. They had a house there they sold for big bucks, but decided they wanted a slower life style.  She and I got deeply into each others' ideas and opinions and, in fact, sat down to talk along the way. I suggested she may like BCNN and if she wants to, will take her to the August meeting (we don't meet in July).
During this time, niece Carolyn called to tell me the graduation is at 8:45 am and would I want to stay over? It turns out Ellen can't go after all, because although the children are gone, she has meetings all day today. Called El and she confirmed, plus told me her solar panels were being installed as we spoke.
I decided not to stay over in Santa Barbara, as I don't want to leave my car at the station overnight.  I'll take the 6:12 train and somebody will pick me up in SB. It's now 4:15 and I just got up.


Thursday, June 07, 2018

BCNN, Hair, And RFK

A busy one. Walked Kimball, then I changed for the BCNN meeting at 9:30. I was surprised that none of my friends*--Doris, Sue, Carol or Sherry--came, so I sat with others. The program was on the restoration of the Ventura Botanic Gardens (Grant Park) after the fire that devastated it. There were slides and you'd think it would be interesting.  Unfortunately, the speaker, a young woman who's some kind of horticulturist or something, droned on and on. She managed to make a pretty interesting subject deadly dull and I didn't get out of there until 11:45.
Home, I packed the little outfit I got for the baby. I was determined not to miss my town walk, so I drove to museum, then took Santa Clara Street and walked to the post office to mail the package. I was puzzled when the person behind the counter couldn't seem to find the address; must find it elsewhere.
My hair appointment was for 2:30, but I got  there a little early and luckily, Mary took me early. I won't even describe the horrible ordeal I suffered--that I always suffer--with a color and cut, but I didn't get out until 4:30. In truth, my hair looks damn good, so I guess it was worth it--barely.
Niece Carolyn called while I was slathered with dye, so I called her back when I got in the car. She said the graduation was at 8:45 tomorrow morning and wondered if I might want to stay over tonight. I really don't, would rather just go for the celebratory lunch, but she'll call Ellen and I'll do whatever she decides.
Changed again, drove back to the museum, and met Barbara Q. and her co-worker, Lily for the Bobby Kennedy death fiftieth anniversary program at 6:30. Luckily, we were early, as it was packed. The speaker was an old guy, reporter for a British newspaper, who had been in the press pool on The Day and had witnessed the shooting. He talked, showed some slides, and it was pretty interesting. I appreciated the fact that I could drive home in daylight, as it wasn't quite 8:00 when I got in.
I had skipped dinner, so just had my fruit with Frazier after a good, full day.
*I haven't seen, or heard from, any of them since last month's meeting and frankly, that's okay.  From what Doris said last time, I don't believe Sue has been in touch with the other three, either.  I'm okay with that, actually; I don't think I have much in common with them as I do with my other friends.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Catching Up

I saw Carolyn and Bob at Kimball and Carolyn said she'd like to go with me to the "Lunch Much" at the museum tomorrow.  That's fine and I thought Noreen would come, too. However, she called later to say she's in a pinochle tournament in the morning and evening, and thought she'd better nap in the afternoon. We'll go next week. Speaking of Noreen, I called T.O.P.S. leader, Lennie, about the Bingo game Noreen said our group could play. Lennie didn't know who had the program, but thought it would be okay. 
Coming back from Kimball, I stopped at the school across the street to vote. There are twenty-seven people running for governor! I just picked out a nice Hispanic name and voted for her.
Finally had my catching up day, so I changed the bed, did a wash, and generally--well, "caught up." I decided  to finally get my hair done, so made an appointment for 2:30 today. I have BCNN at 9:30 and Barb Q. and I are going to the museum for a lecture on Bobby Kennedy at 6:30. That's why I called Diane  to beg off our lunch date in Plaza Park.
I looked on Facebook and saw that my little darling, Vivian, had graduated from eighth grade. I had no idea! I assumed her school followed the modern elementary/middle/junior/high school routine, but no, it's on the St.James/HSHS plan, as we were. I'll send a card and present as soon as I get around to it.
Got a card and gift for Claire for her graduation into middle school and same for the new baby in Jersey. Jeanne Painter called, wanting Betty's phone number, and we talked for a bit. She said she had seen both Teddy G. and Janie M. right before they died--gawd, is she the angel of death?
Betty called when I was at Barnes & Noble; I then took my little gold chariot to Five Points to be washed. Stopped at WinCo for two pounds of tomatoes and when I got home, sliced them and a huge onion, seasoned them, and popped them in the oven.
Oddly, I wasn't hungry at dinnertime, so I put my fish back in the fridge and just had a big bowl of cauliflower, plus some of the roasted tomatoes.
Took a drive after, then showered and washed my hair.  I can't wait to get it colored and cut!

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Widder Lunch

Followed my regular routine in the morning, then spent time on veggie prep. Went to Target and bought a darling little outfit for the new baby in Jersey, before zipping across Main to meet up with the widder group for lunch at Sizzler.
I hate, hate, hate Sizzler. I hate the food, I hate the prices, and I hate having to stand in line to put in my order. However, I love the group and was greeted with great good cheer when I walked in. I understand that Vera and Susan are looking for a new place to meet--let's hope they find one soon.
The party givers of last week, Vera (Friday) and Donna (Saturday) were both there, as were my other pals, about twelve attendees in all.
 We had two men this time--Greg, who lost his wife in April and Rick, who is also a recent widow--and they were fun to be with. Nancy and I greeted each other with pleasure and she, that sly minx, suggested we go to The Cave after.
There, we had more wine, plus their in-house made potato chips, and talked and talked, Nance having just gotten back from her month-long trip east, with a cruise to Nova Scotia. We finally parted about 3:00 and I took off for town. Did my usual walk and got home a bit after 5:00.

Monday, June 04, 2018

Comics And Cherie/Sheri

I didn't get up until 6:00, so was later than usual at Kimball. That was okay and it was wonderfully warm and sunny--very enjoyable. Did my Sunday things, then a few things around the apartment. I had told Connie I'd call her at 2:00, so I drove to town early. Reversed my usual and parked at the library,  then walked to the museum. Director Elena was there and greeted me warmly.
I went through the museum, which is small, wanting to particularly see the cartoonist exhibit. Chuck W., a friend of my older son's, was a cartoonist for Superman comics, and knew some of them, including Jack Kirby, who, I learned at the display, had lived in Thousand Oaks near here. He died several years ago. A lot of his work was shown, as was that of other artists. I greatly enjoyed the exhibit and told Elena I would be back for lunch in the courtyard on Thursday. Went to WinCo after lunch for a multitude of fruits and vegetables. Because I eat so much fresh, I have to replenish my provisions often; I actually like to do that.
I wasn't able to connect with Connie about my Caroline Dudley stint until about 4:00.  We then talked for an hour about the mix-up. AND I found there are two with the same (sounding) first name--one spelled "Cherie," who is president of Dudley House and the other spelled "Sheri," who is the one I spoke to. The latter is very active in all kinds of county affairs. Connie had thought I had been referring to the former, when it was actually the latter and--oh, hell, it's  all straighten out and I feel a  lot better about it.

Sunday, June 03, 2018

Another Day, Another Party

Just the usual went on in the morning and early afternoon, then I prepared for the barbecue. Sliced strawberries and combined them with peach slices (thawed) and lots of fresh blueberries, assembled all, then set off for Donna's, only about two miles away.
She has a beautiful big house, beautifully decorated, with a large yard, shaded patio, and nicely laid out kitchen. I got there shortly after 4:00 and there were already lots of people. I immediately saw Joe L., Donna's 92-year-old father, sitting at a table with friends. There was an empty chair and after we embraced, he urged me to sit there.  After getting a Stella, I did, and met his friends from The Townhouse, where he lives.  Joe graduated from Rider in the forties.
My widder group friends came shortly later--Gayle, Susan, Carolyn, and Barbara--and we laughed  over the "two days, two parties" thing--we had all been at Vera's on Friday. Soon, I drifted over to them, then moved around here and there, talking to various. I met lots of interesting new people, including Donna's SO, a real keeper named Mark. He's not only tall and good-looking, but he has a sense of humor and not the juvenile jokey kind. His in-laws and their grown son and his husband were there.  His in-laws? Yes, both Donna and Mark were widowed, but his late wife's parents have become friends with Donna (which isn't hard--she's wonderful).  I had an instant rapport with Jim, the FIL, and we talked for quite some time.
Later, we five from the widder group sat and talked together, covering a multitude of topics, from gun control to pacifism to a cruise we might take together. There was a lot of yummy food, of course, and I was pleased to see my fruit almost gone. I had plenty, in addition to the beer, plus plenty of white and red wine.
We didn't leave until 8:30 after one of the best parties I've ever attended.

Saturday, June 02, 2018

T.O.P.S. And Vera's Party

Lots of fun activity continuing:
I saw Kimball Carolyn at the park and gave her my card. I mentioned the "lunch munch" every Thursday and the museum and she's interested. Home, changed, and went to T.O.P.S. I was satisfied to be down four-tenths (last week I was up two-tenths, the week before that down...etc., etc., etc.), so holding steady at 128.
I had volunteered to do the program and it went over big. I prepared certain situations about weight loss and gain, then asked each member to pick one in turn and respond to it--a kind of improv. There were a lot of good answers and I made very sure to gently end one person's soliloquy and draw out the next, so nobody droned  on and on. I was surprised and pleased to see Noreen come in. She belongs to another T.O.P.S. group, but also meets at Trinity Lutheran after we do (we end--or should--at 9:45) for O.A. She was greeted happily by Carolyn and Sharon; all three having been in my acting group.
After we broke up, Noreen asked me to walk to her car with her, where she presented me with a Bingo game she had devised called "In Shape." It's so imaginative and creative, I know our group will be pleased. I'm going to call leader Lennie and ask if I can bring it next time.
Called Connie to try to straighten out the mess I seem to have inadvertently caused by responding to Cherie about the County Fair thing. She hasn't called back yet, but this is a drag.
Called Donna and Gayle to find out where Vera's fortieth birthday/name change party was to be, as I couldn't find the invitation. It was at the Ventura Beach Club in town and I found it with, then did my afternoon walk.
Got to the party at 7:00 and found Gayle, Carolyn (the widder group one), Barbara, and Susan at a table in the attractive, fenced patio, and sat down with them. Inside, there was a huge spread of subs, pasta salad, chips, cookies, fudge, and other goodies, plus a cash bar. What was weird is that there were security people here and there to enforce the rule--or law, I guess--that you couldn't drink anything, including soda and water, outside.
I got a beer with my food and Gayle a Margarita, so we had to bring out plates into the bar.  Later, I had a glass of wine with Susan inside, also. The interior was one large room, with low leather seatings along the walls, lit up with floating lights and very loud with a live band.  At about 9:00, Vera went on the bandstand and announced her name change: From now on, she'll simply use her first and middle names:  Vera Lynn. Yes, the name of the old movie star; I must look her up.
As I remarked to my group, I never knew anyone who had so many friends as Vera. There must have been more than a hundred people there, most within twenty years or so of Vera's age and what fun it was to talk and laugh with them; I had a great time.
Now to prepare for tonight's party at Donna's. 

Friday, June 01, 2018

The Museum And Toastmasters

At Kimball, Carolyn (of Carolyn, Bob, and the two yappy little dogs) stopped me to ask if I ever went to the museum. Of course, every day, in fact. She was interested in a kind of fashion show and reception they're having; however, it's $70 and neither of us want to go that much. I told her I'd give her my card this morning and we'll plan something.
Noreen called to see how I did at T.O.P.S. She forgot I don't go until today, but we had a good chat.
Betty called after breakfast; she's now at her son, Steve's, in L.A., where she'll be until Monday, then to daughter, Carolyn's, for the graduation party. Steve's boy is also "graduating"--from fourth grade  or something--the week after next and maybe I'll go to that; she didn't have much info on it.
I made up my lunch and took off for the museum. On my way, I got a call from Cherie, of Dudley House, and we had a long talk, partly while I was driving (yes, I know, shouldn't have) and after I pulled in. I feel much more confident about impersonating Caroline Dudley at the county fair, as Cherie has props and lots of info. I asked her to critique my performance after I work it up. Got an e-mail from Director Connie K., also, and I asked her to do the same.
I got to the museum about 12:45 and was directed to the courtyard. People were sitting at tables with umbrellas (luckily--it was very warm) and a young woman was playing her guitar and singing. Gee, it was lovely to sit there in the sun, eating my lunch and listening to music. Think I'll make it a regular thing. I walked to the library after, but didn't go on, just walked back, as I wanted to get home to shower and wash my hair before Humor & Drama Toastmasters.
I did my research talk (history of the flush toilet), which incredibly, went over big, although I wasn't happy with my delivery at all. The guy  who owns several Dan, the Pizza Man, restaurants, was there, and we got acquainted. He's only in his thirties, is good-looking and so personable. It turned out he's an area director of  Toastmasters, as well as being a member of several clubs. We had a ball talking. Even better, Rasika (can't remember her last name) was there.
This is a young woman--maybe 25 or so--whom I had heard speak at the area Toastmasters gathering several months ago. She did a wonderfully inventive, hysterically funny kind of sketch at which everybody howled.  I had mentioned in my talk that "National Toilet Day" is on November 19 and Rasika opened her shtick by saying that was her parent's anniversary and bouncing off some funnies on it. After, we walked out together to her car and she gave me some printed info on the upcoming show she's appearing in. This is in L.A. and unfortunately, I just noticed start very late, at 10:30 pm. Think I'll share with Betty's son and daughter-in-law; the latter does stand-up herself.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...