I didn't walk because of the rain. Didn't want to let myself off the hook entirely, though, so I drove to the mall and went through Target at length. By the time I got home, it was just drizzling--in fact, most of the rain was drizzle.
After breakfast, I spent a lot of time on various Internet cleanups and so on. Wrote an e-mail to Andrea, director of the Healthware place at the hospital. She's the one who takes BP and pulse at Kimball and had invited me to submit a proposal. I had a horrendous time trying to attach the FELS blurb, citing my acting class at Stockton State; I finally did it, but I was frustrated for what seemed hours. Before Microsoft added the horrible new "improvements," it was simple, damn it. I'll send the same, just slightly modified to Marsha Meyer, at SCAN. Actually, I spent too much time on the computer, which I try not to do, as a rule.
Later, I drove back to Target to get some pretty ceramic pots I had seen. These are aqua and pick up one of the colors in my throw pillows. I need a few other things, but will get them today.
Cooked up meatballs and sauce and had it over rotini for dinner. Good, but these were frozen bought meatballs, not nearly as good as I make from scratch, but okay in a pinch.
Set up my pills for the next seven weeks. That's how many segmented pill holders I have and I don't like to be bothered with doing it very often. I must call Humana today to order more.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Good Day
A good, active, different-from-the-usual day, combining phys. ed.--or ex.--productivity, and home visits.
Walked Kimball, then spent the morning and some of the afternoon going over my Dionne Quintuplet collection and weeding out this, that, and the other. Called Sue and learned she had tried to call me at the new number, but of course, it just rang and rang. Ditto my brother, Frank, whom I called after I spoke to Sue. Went over to Vons and got more minutes. El called and I asked if she'd bring me some empty containers, of which I know she has many she doesn't need. She did when she came over to move my chest and printer back to the wall. We then chatted over iced tea on the patio; it's always so enjoyable to be with her.
El went off and I drove over to Wal-Mart to get an adapter and RD 40, or whatever it is, to spray on the track of the sliding glass door--it sticks. Was just walking to the car when my phone rang. It was niece Carolyn, who said she and her two, Finn and Claire, were on their way to a party in Simi Valley, had hit Ventura, and was I available for a visit? Yes, indeed, and I sped home.
They got here shortly after, Carolyn dressed in a black, red satin lined cape and boots, Claire in a kind of horse outfit; Finn said he had a mask in the car. As always, I was so pleased to see them and we had a fine time chatting for an hour or so before they continued on to the party.
Got shrimp out of the freezer, squeezed lemon juice over, and used up the cocktail sauce I had made a few days ago. That's all I had for dinner and all I wanted.
Got up this morning to find--it had rained! Not sure how much, but the some of the pavements are wet. My paper isn't here yet, either--I hope the rain didn't throw the carriers into a tizzy.
Walked Kimball, then spent the morning and some of the afternoon going over my Dionne Quintuplet collection and weeding out this, that, and the other. Called Sue and learned she had tried to call me at the new number, but of course, it just rang and rang. Ditto my brother, Frank, whom I called after I spoke to Sue. Went over to Vons and got more minutes. El called and I asked if she'd bring me some empty containers, of which I know she has many she doesn't need. She did when she came over to move my chest and printer back to the wall. We then chatted over iced tea on the patio; it's always so enjoyable to be with her.
El went off and I drove over to Wal-Mart to get an adapter and RD 40, or whatever it is, to spray on the track of the sliding glass door--it sticks. Was just walking to the car when my phone rang. It was niece Carolyn, who said she and her two, Finn and Claire, were on their way to a party in Simi Valley, had hit Ventura, and was I available for a visit? Yes, indeed, and I sped home.
They got here shortly after, Carolyn dressed in a black, red satin lined cape and boots, Claire in a kind of horse outfit; Finn said he had a mask in the car. As always, I was so pleased to see them and we had a fine time chatting for an hour or so before they continued on to the party.
Got shrimp out of the freezer, squeezed lemon juice over, and used up the cocktail sauce I had made a few days ago. That's all I had for dinner and all I wanted.
Got up this morning to find--it had rained! Not sure how much, but the some of the pavements are wet. My paper isn't here yet, either--I hope the rain didn't throw the carriers into a tizzy.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Win and Lose
Well, you win some and you lose some. I didn't walk Kimball because it was raining (incredibly for here) and because I was going to T.O.P.S. I'm not going to beat myself up about that; in fact, I made the decision to skip Fridays.
I was delighted that I had lost some. Plus, it was a fun meeting with Sharon, Michelle, and Bob dressed up in costumes. Also, I had a good talk with Margaret, the nutritionist, and she said she wanted me to meet Steve's boss (Steve is on medical leave, I'm not sure for what). Steve is the director at SCAN and I had approached him some time ago about my acting course, but he decided it wouldn't fit into it's--well, whatever. However, Margaret disagreed and introduced me to Marsha Meyer, to whom Steve reports. She was very interested, questioned me about it, and gave me her card, asking that I send her some information. We'll see how this works out, but it gave me a lift.
Called manager Patti when I got in, to ask about the phone. She said she had called AT&T and they had to check the outside equipment. Later, she came over and said somebody called in sick, and it wouldn't be until Monday. She did send Bob over and he carefully checked both jacks, took them apart and tested with his device and said he couldn't get a dial tone. Okay, I'll have only the cell until Monday, but I'm reconciled.
Saw Suzanne, who told me the young woman upstairs is moving because they're raising her rent. Too bad, as she--I think her name is Donna--had introduced herself to me and she's very nice. Donna left a box of books for Suzanne outside our doors and Suzanne invited me to take any I wanted, although, she said, "They're mostly religious." That's not for me, but I did take one called Journalistas, a book of essays by women writers. Don't know when I'll get to it, as I'm still plowing through the huge Sinatra tome and reading Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business. It was published in 1984 (shades of Orwell), but is as relevant today--or, considering the Internet, more so.
Changed the bedclothes and immediately took a large wash to the laundry place. Did the back and forth thing, of course, but it's now getting so routine I think nothing of it. In fact, I try to get more walking into my day and that helps.
Got a call from Primary Medical advising me that they changed my Monday morning appointment to Tuesday afternoon. Why? Because they want me to see my regular, Dr. Jennings, instead of a sub. Since I had been told she wasn't available in the first place, I wonder.... Oh, the hell with it, I'll see Jennings.
Took my suction cup bathroom thing back and got what I wanted in the first place: a metal stand that holds two hand towels. Looks pretty good and I got a refund of eighty-four cents--whee!
I was delighted that I had lost some. Plus, it was a fun meeting with Sharon, Michelle, and Bob dressed up in costumes. Also, I had a good talk with Margaret, the nutritionist, and she said she wanted me to meet Steve's boss (Steve is on medical leave, I'm not sure for what). Steve is the director at SCAN and I had approached him some time ago about my acting course, but he decided it wouldn't fit into it's--well, whatever. However, Margaret disagreed and introduced me to Marsha Meyer, to whom Steve reports. She was very interested, questioned me about it, and gave me her card, asking that I send her some information. We'll see how this works out, but it gave me a lift.
Called manager Patti when I got in, to ask about the phone. She said she had called AT&T and they had to check the outside equipment. Later, she came over and said somebody called in sick, and it wouldn't be until Monday. She did send Bob over and he carefully checked both jacks, took them apart and tested with his device and said he couldn't get a dial tone. Okay, I'll have only the cell until Monday, but I'm reconciled.
Saw Suzanne, who told me the young woman upstairs is moving because they're raising her rent. Too bad, as she--I think her name is Donna--had introduced herself to me and she's very nice. Donna left a box of books for Suzanne outside our doors and Suzanne invited me to take any I wanted, although, she said, "They're mostly religious." That's not for me, but I did take one called Journalistas, a book of essays by women writers. Don't know when I'll get to it, as I'm still plowing through the huge Sinatra tome and reading Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business. It was published in 1984 (shades of Orwell), but is as relevant today--or, considering the Internet, more so.
Changed the bedclothes and immediately took a large wash to the laundry place. Did the back and forth thing, of course, but it's now getting so routine I think nothing of it. In fact, I try to get more walking into my day and that helps.
Got a call from Primary Medical advising me that they changed my Monday morning appointment to Tuesday afternoon. Why? Because they want me to see my regular, Dr. Jennings, instead of a sub. Since I had been told she wasn't available in the first place, I wonder.... Oh, the hell with it, I'll see Jennings.
Took my suction cup bathroom thing back and got what I wanted in the first place: a metal stand that holds two hand towels. Looks pretty good and I got a refund of eighty-four cents--whee!
Friday, October 28, 2016
Happily walked Kimball.
Well, Bob didn't come yesterday to check the phone line, so I still have only the cell. However, I'm not major upset over it. Went to WinCo for stuff I need and stuff I want. It's gotten considerably cooler and late in the day, even quite windy.
Had several sessions working on my play and I think it's shaping up well. Tried to put up the rack for small items at the bath sink, but one if the two screw-type suction cups doesn't seem to adhere. Will return it today and I hope they have another, as it's just what I need. Transferred two small chests from the hall closet to bedroom one; I want to use the first space for a filing cabinet.
Sherry A. called and we had a long, long conversation, mostly about health insurance. She has major problems--notably constant pain from a disc problem and other things. She had been bitten by a brown recluse spider several years ago and she said it wasn't properly treated, so she has lingering bad effects. Also, she has diabetes, although she isn't overweight, as well as neuropathy in her feet, plus other maladies. Anyway, I'll see her at the BCNN breakfast on Wednesday. I e-mailed Nancy about BCCC and she'd like to go as a guest.
Tired of waiting for Bob, I got in the car about 5:30, intending to stop at Goodwill or something. On my way, El called; she'll come over sometime on the weekend to help me get the copier and chest back. Changed my mind about stopping and just drove out a bit and back. I like to drive around here because I never tire of the majestic scenery.
Well, Bob didn't come yesterday to check the phone line, so I still have only the cell. However, I'm not major upset over it. Went to WinCo for stuff I need and stuff I want. It's gotten considerably cooler and late in the day, even quite windy.
Had several sessions working on my play and I think it's shaping up well. Tried to put up the rack for small items at the bath sink, but one if the two screw-type suction cups doesn't seem to adhere. Will return it today and I hope they have another, as it's just what I need. Transferred two small chests from the hall closet to bedroom one; I want to use the first space for a filing cabinet.
Sherry A. called and we had a long, long conversation, mostly about health insurance. She has major problems--notably constant pain from a disc problem and other things. She had been bitten by a brown recluse spider several years ago and she said it wasn't properly treated, so she has lingering bad effects. Also, she has diabetes, although she isn't overweight, as well as neuropathy in her feet, plus other maladies. Anyway, I'll see her at the BCNN breakfast on Wednesday. I e-mailed Nancy about BCCC and she'd like to go as a guest.
Tired of waiting for Bob, I got in the car about 5:30, intending to stop at Goodwill or something. On my way, El called; she'll come over sometime on the weekend to help me get the copier and chest back. Changed my mind about stopping and just drove out a bit and back. I like to drive around here because I never tire of the majestic scenery.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Looking Up
Well, things are looking up--a little.
Made myself walk Kimball. After breakfast, I tried doing the phone thing. Had to unhook the printer because it rests on a three-drawer chest and all the myriad wires are behind it. It was a great chore to unhook the phone wires, but I finally did it. Inserted the correct wire into the jack and the other into the wall plug, and--
NOTHING! It still says "check tel line," so I give up. Called Betty to gnash my teeth about it and we had a long talk. She has similar problems, though not with the phone. Also, she said she thinks she does remember me giving the flash drive to her and will look for it.
Anyway, after talking to my sis, I felt better. Went to Bed, Bath & Prices Beyond Belief, and got a kind of rack for the bath sink. Went elsewhere and got a sponge mop. (I have a Swiffer, but I don't want to clean the floor too often with whatever chemical is on it; I think it attracts dust and dirt). Picked up a few other things, then went to the office. Told Manager Patti about the phone and asked if I could eventually switch to AT & T for Internet and television. Happily, it seems I can. Also, Patti surprised me by saying they'd fix or replace the door in the hall that doesn't close properly. Ha--little does she know I was going to drop the whole thing as not worth worrying about, but hey, I'll take it. Patti also said she'd send Bob over to look at the phone.
Went from there to the library. Took Bill Bryson's excellent autobiography CD back and got one about a man who had a lobotomy in 1953. Now he doesn't remember anything and repeats himself constantly. Hey, I know I lot of people like that!
Made myself walk Kimball. After breakfast, I tried doing the phone thing. Had to unhook the printer because it rests on a three-drawer chest and all the myriad wires are behind it. It was a great chore to unhook the phone wires, but I finally did it. Inserted the correct wire into the jack and the other into the wall plug, and--
NOTHING! It still says "check tel line," so I give up. Called Betty to gnash my teeth about it and we had a long talk. She has similar problems, though not with the phone. Also, she said she thinks she does remember me giving the flash drive to her and will look for it.
Anyway, after talking to my sis, I felt better. Went to Bed, Bath & Prices Beyond Belief, and got a kind of rack for the bath sink. Went elsewhere and got a sponge mop. (I have a Swiffer, but I don't want to clean the floor too often with whatever chemical is on it; I think it attracts dust and dirt). Picked up a few other things, then went to the office. Told Manager Patti about the phone and asked if I could eventually switch to AT & T for Internet and television. Happily, it seems I can. Also, Patti surprised me by saying they'd fix or replace the door in the hall that doesn't close properly. Ha--little does she know I was going to drop the whole thing as not worth worrying about, but hey, I'll take it. Patti also said she'd send Bob over to look at the phone.
Went from there to the library. Took Bill Bryson's excellent autobiography CD back and got one about a man who had a lobotomy in 1953. Now he doesn't remember anything and repeats himself constantly. Hey, I know I lot of people like that!
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Walked Kimball. Talked to my pals (ha!) at AT & T several times. They told me the service was switched on on Friday. Now I think it may be the phone apparatus itself that needs to be fixed. That was pretty much confirmed when I talked to Ellen. She reminded me that with the former carrier, the phone ran off the Internet; AT & T uses phone lines. Today, I'll try to unplug and get it in the right outlet.
Did a lot of what I call "bookkeeping," including calling Little Egg Municipal Authority to change my address on the water bill, and to take Pat's name off it. I was told I had to request it in writing and send a copy of the death certificate. I happen to have several copies, so did that.
Went to Target to look for a two-drawer filing cabinet. I know I saw a cardboard one there, but I didn't yesterday. I may buy a regular steel one, but would rather not have it so heavy.
Made a few more calls, then saw the minutes were about to run out. Yes, that's the problem with a cheapie Tracfone; someday, I'll get a smart phone. Went to Vons to buy more minutes.
Aside from that and a few little domestic chores, I didn't do a whole heck of a lot.
Did a lot of what I call "bookkeeping," including calling Little Egg Municipal Authority to change my address on the water bill, and to take Pat's name off it. I was told I had to request it in writing and send a copy of the death certificate. I happen to have several copies, so did that.
Went to Target to look for a two-drawer filing cabinet. I know I saw a cardboard one there, but I didn't yesterday. I may buy a regular steel one, but would rather not have it so heavy.
Made a few more calls, then saw the minutes were about to run out. Yes, that's the problem with a cheapie Tracfone; someday, I'll get a smart phone. Went to Vons to buy more minutes.
Aside from that and a few little domestic chores, I didn't do a whole heck of a lot.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
What a world, what a world...
A lousy, rotten day...
I skipped Kimball--but that wasn't why it was l, r--I skipped because I was meeting Carole F. and Doris T. at 10:00 at Mimi's Restaurant for a medical insurance seminar. I did, but before that:
About 7:30, the phone rang. It was Carole W. C., quite agitated. When I had visited her at Dana Point, she had given me a flash drive to give Betty, as I was going to see her at Carolyn's shortly. She had said it contained a lot of old pictures and possibly videos of Betty, Wes, and so on. She hadn't heard from Betty about it and was worried it somehow hadn't gotten to her. I know I did give it to her; in fact, I remember realizing how much they would mean to Betty and how long Carole had worked on them and resolved to hand them to Betty as soon as I saw her. When I did, I think I said something like "Carole asked me to give this to you" or something similar. That was when Mike and the two girls were there, as well as Carolyn's family of four, Ellen, and me, so there was quite a bit of hubbub. I remember that most of them went for a walk and Betty and I stayed in, talking.
I called Betty and she said she didn't quite remember, just wasn't sure I had given them to her. She repeated, "it was chaos," I guess meaning so many people there, plus she had recently had a colonoscopy and had to go to the hospital later. I called Carolyn and she didn't remember ever seeing it, naturally, because she had been out when I gave them to Betty. Both said they'd look for it.
This upset me a lot. I went to the seminar, but then had to stay in to wait for the one telephone guy to cut the service and he didn't get here until about 2:30. I drove to Ellen's school (classes were over, but I knew she stayed to prepare for the next day) and talked the missing flash drive situation over with her; felt better when I left. Later talked to someone else and also felt better. The book The Four Agreements was mentioned and after we hung up, I jumped in the car, drove to the library, and took it out.
I had been told A.T. & T would switch on their service by 6:00 pm. They didn't. Called and was on the phone for THIRTY-EIGHT MINUTES, talking to recordings and people, who weren't much better than recordings. Upshot was they promised to have it on by noon today. In the meantime, I have only my cheapie Tracfone.
What a world, what a world--.
I skipped Kimball--but that wasn't why it was l, r--I skipped because I was meeting Carole F. and Doris T. at 10:00 at Mimi's Restaurant for a medical insurance seminar. I did, but before that:
About 7:30, the phone rang. It was Carole W. C., quite agitated. When I had visited her at Dana Point, she had given me a flash drive to give Betty, as I was going to see her at Carolyn's shortly. She had said it contained a lot of old pictures and possibly videos of Betty, Wes, and so on. She hadn't heard from Betty about it and was worried it somehow hadn't gotten to her. I know I did give it to her; in fact, I remember realizing how much they would mean to Betty and how long Carole had worked on them and resolved to hand them to Betty as soon as I saw her. When I did, I think I said something like "Carole asked me to give this to you" or something similar. That was when Mike and the two girls were there, as well as Carolyn's family of four, Ellen, and me, so there was quite a bit of hubbub. I remember that most of them went for a walk and Betty and I stayed in, talking.
I called Betty and she said she didn't quite remember, just wasn't sure I had given them to her. She repeated, "it was chaos," I guess meaning so many people there, plus she had recently had a colonoscopy and had to go to the hospital later. I called Carolyn and she didn't remember ever seeing it, naturally, because she had been out when I gave them to Betty. Both said they'd look for it.
This upset me a lot. I went to the seminar, but then had to stay in to wait for the one telephone guy to cut the service and he didn't get here until about 2:30. I drove to Ellen's school (classes were over, but I knew she stayed to prepare for the next day) and talked the missing flash drive situation over with her; felt better when I left. Later talked to someone else and also felt better. The book The Four Agreements was mentioned and after we hung up, I jumped in the car, drove to the library, and took it out.
I had been told A.T. & T would switch on their service by 6:00 pm. They didn't. Called and was on the phone for THIRTY-EIGHT MINUTES, talking to recordings and people, who weren't much better than recordings. Upshot was they promised to have it on by noon today. In the meantime, I have only my cheapie Tracfone.
What a world, what a world--.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Lunch and DQ*
Had a nice, low key day. I walked Kimball, then followed my usual pleasant Sunday morning routine.
After some minor housework, I prepared the check for Bob S. for blowing out my system (heh, heh). Made a few notes on various chores for today.
El called, we chatted, then made a date for lunch. Met at The Black Angus, but found they don't serve lunch on Sundays, only dinner. Well, we didn't want dinner, so we left and went to Mimi's. It was okay, although the service was a little sketchy. I ordered a Stella Artois and what was listed as a "West Coast Reuben." According to the menu, it's hand-carved, slow-roasted turkey and thick-cut ham on grilled rye bread with Swiss, shredded cabbage and Thousand Island dressing. I didn't notice it was supposed to have ham on it until I looked it up later, and mine didn't. It tasted nothing like a Reuben, but was pretty good, so no prob. El first ordered a Cobb salad, but was told they had no avocado; good grief, this is California, avocados practically grow wild, but I guess the price went up or something. Anyway, she got an Asian salad instead. I had forgotten I'm going to Mimi's today for that insurance presentation, but that's okay.
We parted after, as El had shopping to do. I went to her place to get more of my stuff out of her garage--mostly my Dionne Quintuplet collection, which is huge. I also, with her permission, took my suitcases over to store them there. I want to work out a way to keep the DQ collection at my place, so I can organize it better. I was able to get all the boxes in my truck, now must figure a way to have them here in some kind of order.
Got home and wonder of wonders, consolidated some things, so now I have not one, but two empty, three-drawer chests. They're not very attractive, but since I was able to put them in the closet, I don't care. Think I'll see how much of my DQ stuff will fit in there.
* Ha, ha, you thought Dairy Queen, didn't you?
After some minor housework, I prepared the check for Bob S. for blowing out my system (heh, heh). Made a few notes on various chores for today.
El called, we chatted, then made a date for lunch. Met at The Black Angus, but found they don't serve lunch on Sundays, only dinner. Well, we didn't want dinner, so we left and went to Mimi's. It was okay, although the service was a little sketchy. I ordered a Stella Artois and what was listed as a "West Coast Reuben." According to the menu, it's hand-carved, slow-roasted turkey and thick-cut ham on grilled rye bread with Swiss, shredded cabbage and Thousand Island dressing. I didn't notice it was supposed to have ham on it until I looked it up later, and mine didn't. It tasted nothing like a Reuben, but was pretty good, so no prob. El first ordered a Cobb salad, but was told they had no avocado; good grief, this is California, avocados practically grow wild, but I guess the price went up or something. Anyway, she got an Asian salad instead. I had forgotten I'm going to Mimi's today for that insurance presentation, but that's okay.
We parted after, as El had shopping to do. I went to her place to get more of my stuff out of her garage--mostly my Dionne Quintuplet collection, which is huge. I also, with her permission, took my suitcases over to store them there. I want to work out a way to keep the DQ collection at my place, so I can organize it better. I was able to get all the boxes in my truck, now must figure a way to have them here in some kind of order.
Got home and wonder of wonders, consolidated some things, so now I have not one, but two empty, three-drawer chests. They're not very attractive, but since I was able to put them in the closet, I don't care. Think I'll see how much of my DQ stuff will fit in there.
* Ha, ha, you thought Dairy Queen, didn't you?
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Here And There
Virtuous Mimi took over and walked Kimball. When I got home, I called what should have been my new number. My phone didn't ring. Called the old number and it did. Went to the AT & T store in town and--well, it took about an hour and they still aren't switched; I just don't want to go into the ins and outs. Upshot was that they should be tomorrow after the other carrier bows out. I sent out an e-mail to various and sundry to tell them the new number and when it would be effective.
Got an e-mail from my cousin John, with an attachment about the Kelly house in Philly--where Grace grew up. My father worked his way through Villanova delivering milk (from his father's farm in Roxborough) and the Kellys were regular customers. I put this fascinating info on Facebook.
Filled out Halloween cards to the family kiddies, two of them in the U.S., three across the sea. Ditto some things I picked up in New Mexico, which I sent to Mr. K. in the Land of the Rising Sun, along with a note his Dad can read him. Took all to the P.O.; in fact, I took two trips.
Called Bob S., who turned off the outside water at the house. He called back and said I owe him twenty-five bucks, which I'll send shortly. I don't know why he doesn't raise his rate, which has been the same the last ten years or so. If he charged fifty--which I would happily pay--that would still be fifteen less than the lawn service, Meticulous, charges. Bob remarked that he turned 81 two days ago; he'll send me a bill for tax purposes. It's nice to have people I know and trust doing work at my house.
Went to the mall. I'm thinking of getting an umbrella for my patio, but am in no hurry--want a bargain. Looked at Sears, which had nothing, then got waylaid at a area rug display. Bought a small one in brown stripes made of some kind of hemp (or is that what you smoke?) or something and put it in the hall.
Later, I got two pretty "angel plants" that need only low light. I've had them before and they're hardy--I don't want anything that takes a lot of fussing.
Got an e-mail from my cousin John, with an attachment about the Kelly house in Philly--where Grace grew up. My father worked his way through Villanova delivering milk (from his father's farm in Roxborough) and the Kellys were regular customers. I put this fascinating info on Facebook.
Filled out Halloween cards to the family kiddies, two of them in the U.S., three across the sea. Ditto some things I picked up in New Mexico, which I sent to Mr. K. in the Land of the Rising Sun, along with a note his Dad can read him. Took all to the P.O.; in fact, I took two trips.
Called Bob S., who turned off the outside water at the house. He called back and said I owe him twenty-five bucks, which I'll send shortly. I don't know why he doesn't raise his rate, which has been the same the last ten years or so. If he charged fifty--which I would happily pay--that would still be fifteen less than the lawn service, Meticulous, charges. Bob remarked that he turned 81 two days ago; he'll send me a bill for tax purposes. It's nice to have people I know and trust doing work at my house.
Went to the mall. I'm thinking of getting an umbrella for my patio, but am in no hurry--want a bargain. Looked at Sears, which had nothing, then got waylaid at a area rug display. Bought a small one in brown stripes made of some kind of hemp (or is that what you smoke?) or something and put it in the hall.
Later, I got two pretty "angel plants" that need only low light. I've had them before and they're hardy--I don't want anything that takes a lot of fussing.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
T.O.P.S. and Telephone
Darn--I went to T.O.P.S. and skipped Kimball. Now I could kick myself for skipping, as I could easily have done both. I did lose some weight, though, and it was an enjoyable meeting.
I waited inside all day for the AT & T person to come. Got a pork loin out of the freezer and simmered it in the slow cooker with onion and mushroom soups. Hard-boiled eggs to put in my salad and cut up onions and green peppers for a stir-fry tonight.
Called AT & T about 2:00 and was told the technician would be there between 8 am and 8 pm--quite a stretch. However, the tech would call an hour ahead, and dummkopf me forgot they'd call on my cell, so I could have gone out all day. I did finally go out for a few things, including Halloween cards for the three kiddies in Asia.
Doris called to remind me about the medical insurance thing which she, Carole, and I will attend on Monday at 10:00. J.C., of Communication Services, will be here between noon and 4:00, so I'll cut out in time to be here. What a hassle, especially changing my number again AND if, as I intend to, get a smartphone later and use that as my only one, so it'll change again.
But as Ellen would ask, "Did somebody die?" No, of course not, so it's senseless for me to get agitated about this.
I called AT & T again about 6:30 pm and found I didn't have to be there, after all, and they wouldn't call me, they would switch it from outside. Now it's 8:48 am and I hope it's done. Later, I'll call my new number and see.
I waited inside all day for the AT & T person to come. Got a pork loin out of the freezer and simmered it in the slow cooker with onion and mushroom soups. Hard-boiled eggs to put in my salad and cut up onions and green peppers for a stir-fry tonight.
Called AT & T about 2:00 and was told the technician would be there between 8 am and 8 pm--quite a stretch. However, the tech would call an hour ahead, and dummkopf me forgot they'd call on my cell, so I could have gone out all day. I did finally go out for a few things, including Halloween cards for the three kiddies in Asia.
Doris called to remind me about the medical insurance thing which she, Carole, and I will attend on Monday at 10:00. J.C., of Communication Services, will be here between noon and 4:00, so I'll cut out in time to be here. What a hassle, especially changing my number again AND if, as I intend to, get a smartphone later and use that as my only one, so it'll change again.
But as Ellen would ask, "Did somebody die?" No, of course not, so it's senseless for me to get agitated about this.
I called AT & T again about 6:30 pm and found I didn't have to be there, after all, and they wouldn't call me, they would switch it from outside. Now it's 8:48 am and I hope it's done. Later, I'll call my new number and see.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Walking Kimball, I got an idea for a good twist in my play. I'm still working it out, but I think it's pretty inventive.
Finally tackled financial stuff. I had put off figuring getting my accounts in order, what with charging on Visa and other cards, including my plane fare to New Mexicoa, and so on Finally straightened it all out and I'm glad about that.
Had a number of different calls to make and again experienced dead air every few seconds--so infuriating! Called Communication Services and told them I was switching to AT & T. Unfortunately, I can't keep the same number, so it will change yet again today. The AT & T person will come in the morning and J.C. from the other benighted outfit will come between noon and four.
Went to Lowe's and got myself six lavender mums for my flower rack thing, along with another succulent--so attractive--for the oblong holder. So bright and pretty on the patio. While I was watering them, Suzanne from next door came out and we chatted.
It was very hot yesterday and I think it will continue. I actually was going to go to the pool, but got waylaid.
I was delighted to get an adorable Halloween card from the Tokyo Trio, which includes a picture of Mr. K. with a witchy (or warlock-y) hat and cape on. It says "There's no trick to this treat, just see Nana!" Of course, it's original and includes some nice drawings--free form by Mr. K. himself.
After dinner, I got a Skype call from the very family mentioned heretofore. Had a fine time talking to Mr. K. and his Dad, although the picture kept freezing up. I will definitely switch over to AT & T for the Internet, also.
Finally tackled financial stuff. I had put off figuring getting my accounts in order, what with charging on Visa and other cards, including my plane fare to New Mexicoa, and so on Finally straightened it all out and I'm glad about that.
Had a number of different calls to make and again experienced dead air every few seconds--so infuriating! Called Communication Services and told them I was switching to AT & T. Unfortunately, I can't keep the same number, so it will change yet again today. The AT & T person will come in the morning and J.C. from the other benighted outfit will come between noon and four.
Went to Lowe's and got myself six lavender mums for my flower rack thing, along with another succulent--so attractive--for the oblong holder. So bright and pretty on the patio. While I was watering them, Suzanne from next door came out and we chatted.
It was very hot yesterday and I think it will continue. I actually was going to go to the pool, but got waylaid.
I was delighted to get an adorable Halloween card from the Tokyo Trio, which includes a picture of Mr. K. with a witchy (or warlock-y) hat and cape on. It says "There's no trick to this treat, just see Nana!" Of course, it's original and includes some nice drawings--free form by Mr. K. himself.
After dinner, I got a Skype call from the very family mentioned heretofore. Had a fine time talking to Mr. K. and his Dad, although the picture kept freezing up. I will definitely switch over to AT & T for the Internet, also.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Lunch with Nancy
Walked, breakfasted, then vacumned, dusted, swept the patio, and generally got the place spiffy.
Showered, dressed, made up, and met Nancy at The Black Angus at 1:00 for lunch. I don't eat a lot of beef and ordered sirloin with teriyaki and other seasonings, plus roasted a lettuce wedge and roasted Brussels sprouts--delicious lunch and I took some of the sirloin home for dinner. lunch.
We had lots and lots to talk about, as ever, and she has some physical concerns, including her chronic low hemoglobin for which she gets infusions. After, we left her car there and I drove her to see my place. Nancy, who lives in a small, but beautifully reconfigured and decorated apartment at her son's house, likes my new digs a lot. She's the first of my friends I've actually shown it to after I put it together a bit (I have plenty more to do). Come to think of it, of my other friends, only Sailboat Sue has seen my last and current abodes and that was when I moved out and in.
Nance and I sat for more than an hour talking about our families and our husbands' deaths: Her Russ has been gone only since January of '15, my Pat for more than seven years. It's somehow comforting to share such things with a friend.
Drove her back to get her car, went home to change, and drove to Smart 'n' Final for my guilty pleasure: Moose Tracks ice cream. Came home and worked on my play--I have some knotty problems to figure out--then watched my hour of television. The "debates"? Of course not; if I want to see lousy theatre, I'll look it up on YouTube.
Showered, dressed, made up, and met Nancy at The Black Angus at 1:00 for lunch. I don't eat a lot of beef and ordered sirloin with teriyaki and other seasonings, plus roasted a lettuce wedge and roasted Brussels sprouts--delicious lunch and I took some of the sirloin home for dinner. lunch.
We had lots and lots to talk about, as ever, and she has some physical concerns, including her chronic low hemoglobin for which she gets infusions. After, we left her car there and I drove her to see my place. Nancy, who lives in a small, but beautifully reconfigured and decorated apartment at her son's house, likes my new digs a lot. She's the first of my friends I've actually shown it to after I put it together a bit (I have plenty more to do). Come to think of it, of my other friends, only Sailboat Sue has seen my last and current abodes and that was when I moved out and in.
Nance and I sat for more than an hour talking about our families and our husbands' deaths: Her Russ has been gone only since January of '15, my Pat for more than seven years. It's somehow comforting to share such things with a friend.
Drove her back to get her car, went home to change, and drove to Smart 'n' Final for my guilty pleasure: Moose Tracks ice cream. Came home and worked on my play--I have some knotty problems to figure out--then watched my hour of television. The "debates"? Of course not; if I want to see lousy theatre, I'll look it up on YouTube.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Lots Done
Walked Kimball, but first stopped at Quest at 7:30 to tell them I wouldn't keep my 8:30 appointment. I'll call for another shortly.
After breakfast, I put all my clothes that don't go on hangers on my bed. I'm delighted that I now have enough room--what with the antique dresser and the white highboy--to put like things neatly away. I was even able to separate long-sleeved tops from short, use a whole drawer for pool items, and put socks and underwear in two different drawers. Wonder of wonders, I have a drawer left over--empty! Straightened up the whole place and consolidated a lot of other stuff.
Spent several hours on my new play. Just before going to sleep, I thought of a good ending, and added it. Also revised some, and honed a bit--will continue that, but the essence is done. Think I'll submit it to the Santa Paula Playhouse when it's finished--and any place else I can think of--nothing ventured, nothing staged, after all.
Took my little blue gem to Five Points and got her washed, then stopped a few different places for supplies. Had a pulled-together dinner of mostly leftovers. Called Doris and she filled me in on various upcoming activities, prominently including several on medical insurance. I'm interested in lowering my premiums, as long as I can essentially keep the particulars I have now.
After breakfast, I put all my clothes that don't go on hangers on my bed. I'm delighted that I now have enough room--what with the antique dresser and the white highboy--to put like things neatly away. I was even able to separate long-sleeved tops from short, use a whole drawer for pool items, and put socks and underwear in two different drawers. Wonder of wonders, I have a drawer left over--empty! Straightened up the whole place and consolidated a lot of other stuff.
Spent several hours on my new play. Just before going to sleep, I thought of a good ending, and added it. Also revised some, and honed a bit--will continue that, but the essence is done. Think I'll submit it to the Santa Paula Playhouse when it's finished--and any place else I can think of--nothing ventured, nothing staged, after all.
Took my little blue gem to Five Points and got her washed, then stopped a few different places for supplies. Had a pulled-together dinner of mostly leftovers. Called Doris and she filled me in on various upcoming activities, prominently including several on medical insurance. I'm interested in lowering my premiums, as long as I can essentially keep the particulars I have now.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Full Day
When I went out to walk Kimball at 8:00, I was surprised to see the pavement was wet. Yes, it had rained overnight (I didn't hear it, as I sleep like a stone) for the first time in five months. An hour later, it was dry, but that was quite a thrill.
Called Betty and we talked. Called niece Carolyn and we did the same. Talked to my pal, Nancy. Said she couldn't decide whether to go to dinner with the widder group last night or not. She lives in Oak View, and has to drive quite a way and it will be dark by the time we finish. As it turned out, she didn't get there and I can understand why. We had a good talk and she suggested lunch tomorrow. Best idea I heard all day and we'll meet at the Black Angus, then I'll bring her over to see my new digs.
I changed the bed clothes and did two loads of wash; that took up the early part of the day. Left a message for Suzanne (I keep wanting to call her "Sister Suzanne," but she introduced herself with just her first name, so I won't) to thank her for watering my ficus. She knocked on my door shortly after and stopped in to chat for a bit. She had been at a conference (for Sisters of Mercy) in Arizona on Saturday and had stayed over on Sunday to visit with her brother and his family, who live in Phoenix.
Went to the doctor's office to get the paperwork for my blood test, for which I was to have this morning, but was told I shouldn't get it until after the 26th. I'm not even sure why, but went to Quest to cancel, but it was after 3:00 and they were closed. It's a pain getting in touch with them, so I think I'll stop in after my walk to tell them I have to change the date.
Went to dinner with the widder gang. Full house last night, with all the regulars and some new people, including a mother and daughter duo from Santa Paula. It was a very enjoyable evening with a group I especially like.
Called Betty and we talked. Called niece Carolyn and we did the same. Talked to my pal, Nancy. Said she couldn't decide whether to go to dinner with the widder group last night or not. She lives in Oak View, and has to drive quite a way and it will be dark by the time we finish. As it turned out, she didn't get there and I can understand why. We had a good talk and she suggested lunch tomorrow. Best idea I heard all day and we'll meet at the Black Angus, then I'll bring her over to see my new digs.
I changed the bed clothes and did two loads of wash; that took up the early part of the day. Left a message for Suzanne (I keep wanting to call her "Sister Suzanne," but she introduced herself with just her first name, so I won't) to thank her for watering my ficus. She knocked on my door shortly after and stopped in to chat for a bit. She had been at a conference (for Sisters of Mercy) in Arizona on Saturday and had stayed over on Sunday to visit with her brother and his family, who live in Phoenix.
Went to the doctor's office to get the paperwork for my blood test, for which I was to have this morning, but was told I shouldn't get it until after the 26th. I'm not even sure why, but went to Quest to cancel, but it was after 3:00 and they were closed. It's a pain getting in touch with them, so I think I'll stop in after my walk to tell them I have to change the date.
Went to dinner with the widder gang. Full house last night, with all the regulars and some new people, including a mother and daughter duo from Santa Paula. It was a very enjoyable evening with a group I especially like.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Settling In
A bit more of lovely NM:
Cloudcroft: Kind of a southwestern New Hope or any other artsy-craftsy locale, this had some fun things for sale and made for a nice, low-key afternoon.
Bear Country: I honestly can't remember to what this relates, but we have pics of this banner. It is bear--as well as elk, deer, and mountain lion--country, after all.
Smokey Bear Museum: Outlines the history of Smokey. Includes the fact that an injured cub, initially named "Hotfoot Teddy," was rescued from a forest fire, renamed, and became the living symbol of Smokey. Mildly interesting.
Besides the activities I'm mentioned, we did a lot of walking, climbing, and driving. There are long distances between towns; it's such a big state and isn't heavily populated in the mountains, which is where Ruidoso is located--at 6900 feet elevation. Not so incidentally, on my first morning there, I awoke with a headache, very unusual for me. I took something and it went away, but later while we were traveling the walking path around the nearby golf course, I became short of breathe. What? I walk every day at Kimball and fairly briskly; that doesn't happen. AHA! I'm not used to the thinner air, which presumably gave me the headache and made me short of breath. Sure enough, I walked Kimball yesterday morning and had no problem at all.
Besides that: We had hamburgers one night and when I opened the catsup container, it spewed out forcefully over my plate, the rest of my food and down the top I was wearing. Also, we had lunch at the RV the day we went to White Sands. I started pulling off the foil covering a container of yogurt and it gushed out onto the ground. Yep, the high elevation did it.
Back home yesterday, I took a stab at emptying my suitcase, but still have some to do. Talked to my dear brother, Jim, several times, to thank him for the treasures he sent me: my father's birth*, baptism, and death certificates; his army discharge papers; my mother's birth and baptism certificates; and their wedding certificate.
Talked to Sailboat Sue, who welcomed me back, and returned Doris' call. I haven't been able to thank Suzanne next door for watering my ficus, as she hasn't been home. I got her a little something at White Sands and will try to catch up with her today.
Went to WinCo to restock and got a few things done on the computer. It'll take several more days to get back to par, but that's okay. I told Ellen I was on vacation for a week and now I feel I'm still on vacation, just in a different state. Lucky me!
Walked Kimball with no problem--thicker air.
* It always startles me when I remember he was born in the nineteenth century--1899.
Cloudcroft: Kind of a southwestern New Hope or any other artsy-craftsy locale, this had some fun things for sale and made for a nice, low-key afternoon.
Bear Country: I honestly can't remember to what this relates, but we have pics of this banner. It is bear--as well as elk, deer, and mountain lion--country, after all.
Smokey Bear Museum: Outlines the history of Smokey. Includes the fact that an injured cub, initially named "Hotfoot Teddy," was rescued from a forest fire, renamed, and became the living symbol of Smokey. Mildly interesting.
Besides the activities I'm mentioned, we did a lot of walking, climbing, and driving. There are long distances between towns; it's such a big state and isn't heavily populated in the mountains, which is where Ruidoso is located--at 6900 feet elevation. Not so incidentally, on my first morning there, I awoke with a headache, very unusual for me. I took something and it went away, but later while we were traveling the walking path around the nearby golf course, I became short of breathe. What? I walk every day at Kimball and fairly briskly; that doesn't happen. AHA! I'm not used to the thinner air, which presumably gave me the headache and made me short of breath. Sure enough, I walked Kimball yesterday morning and had no problem at all.
Besides that: We had hamburgers one night and when I opened the catsup container, it spewed out forcefully over my plate, the rest of my food and down the top I was wearing. Also, we had lunch at the RV the day we went to White Sands. I started pulling off the foil covering a container of yogurt and it gushed out onto the ground. Yep, the high elevation did it.
Back home yesterday, I took a stab at emptying my suitcase, but still have some to do. Talked to my dear brother, Jim, several times, to thank him for the treasures he sent me: my father's birth*, baptism, and death certificates; his army discharge papers; my mother's birth and baptism certificates; and their wedding certificate.
Talked to Sailboat Sue, who welcomed me back, and returned Doris' call. I haven't been able to thank Suzanne next door for watering my ficus, as she hasn't been home. I got her a little something at White Sands and will try to catch up with her today.
Went to WinCo to restock and got a few things done on the computer. It'll take several more days to get back to par, but that's okay. I told Ellen I was on vacation for a week and now I feel I'm still on vacation, just in a different state. Lucky me!
Walked Kimball with no problem--thicker air.
* It always startles me when I remember he was born in the nineteenth century--1899.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
New Mexico
What a fabulous trip to a fabulous state! I won't go into great detail, but will mention some highlights.
White Sands: Not sand, but 325 square miles of blindingly white gypsum dunes, dotted in some places with desert foliage, but mostly bare. We brought sandwiches and had lunch there, then walked a bit into the interior. Very, very hot, but quite beautiful--and dangerous. A French couple died there last year; their 9-year-old boy survived.
Petroglyphs: Fascinating carvings on rocks left by ancient native residents of the area. Some are decipherable as goats or deer and some may be crude maps. Many haven't been interpreted yet.
The Valley of Fire: In prehistoric times, a volcano erupted over hundreds of acres in central New Mexico and the landscape is still mostly black. You can see the ripple effect often where the lava flowed down.
Fort Stanton: A fort erected to house soldiers who came to protect the white settlers from the Indians. Later, it was used as a barracks in the Civil War, then a T.B. sanitorium, a reformatory, and so on. Sounds boring, but it was actually quite interesting.
Lincoln: Where Billy the Kid was shot and killed by Sheriff Pat Garrett. Now, it seems, Billy has been dug up, dusted off, and reincarnated as a local hero. The fact that he was an enthusiastic murderer is being soft-pedalled, as ole Billy Boy is acting as a draw to get tourists in the dusty little town of Lincoln. Well, we fell for it.
Hubbard Museum: My favorite kind of museum because it wasn't overwhelmingly huge, nor did it throw at you every single bit of information or preserved item imaginable. It included the life of the museum's sponsor, Anne Spradling, along with guns, carriages, furniture of the time. Absorbing.
Space Museum: The "museum" part consists of entering a working telescope base and viewing the various phases of the sun projected high up on the circular wall. Interesting, but even better were the spectacular views from outside it. I found amusing the fact that a dozen or so cows (and maybe a bull) were wandering the grounds.
Mexican Canyon Railroad: High up (as everything in the area is; Ruidoso is 6900 feet above sea level) in the mountains, a trestle is preserved and there's information on the train. How workers and early residents ever got the nerve to board it is beyond me.
I'd add more about my trip tomorrow.
Got back to L.A. at one something, Ellen picked me up. and we had lunch in El Segundo, then headed home.
White Sands: Not sand, but 325 square miles of blindingly white gypsum dunes, dotted in some places with desert foliage, but mostly bare. We brought sandwiches and had lunch there, then walked a bit into the interior. Very, very hot, but quite beautiful--and dangerous. A French couple died there last year; their 9-year-old boy survived.
Petroglyphs: Fascinating carvings on rocks left by ancient native residents of the area. Some are decipherable as goats or deer and some may be crude maps. Many haven't been interpreted yet.
The Valley of Fire: In prehistoric times, a volcano erupted over hundreds of acres in central New Mexico and the landscape is still mostly black. You can see the ripple effect often where the lava flowed down.
Fort Stanton: A fort erected to house soldiers who came to protect the white settlers from the Indians. Later, it was used as a barracks in the Civil War, then a T.B. sanitorium, a reformatory, and so on. Sounds boring, but it was actually quite interesting.
Lincoln: Where Billy the Kid was shot and killed by Sheriff Pat Garrett. Now, it seems, Billy has been dug up, dusted off, and reincarnated as a local hero. The fact that he was an enthusiastic murderer is being soft-pedalled, as ole Billy Boy is acting as a draw to get tourists in the dusty little town of Lincoln. Well, we fell for it.
Hubbard Museum: My favorite kind of museum because it wasn't overwhelmingly huge, nor did it throw at you every single bit of information or preserved item imaginable. It included the life of the museum's sponsor, Anne Spradling, along with guns, carriages, furniture of the time. Absorbing.
Space Museum: The "museum" part consists of entering a working telescope base and viewing the various phases of the sun projected high up on the circular wall. Interesting, but even better were the spectacular views from outside it. I found amusing the fact that a dozen or so cows (and maybe a bull) were wandering the grounds.
Mexican Canyon Railroad: High up (as everything in the area is; Ruidoso is 6900 feet above sea level) in the mountains, a trestle is preserved and there's information on the train. How workers and early residents ever got the nerve to board it is beyond me.
I'd add more about my trip tomorrow.
Got back to L.A. at one something, Ellen picked me up. and we had lunch in El Segundo, then headed home.
Saturday, October 08, 2016
Day Before
I forced myself to go to T.O.P.S. and was rewarded for my virtue by losing a bit--not a lot, but more than a pound. Besides, Carole was there and I was glad to see her. She said she and I need to go to the Chumash Casino and she, Doris, Sue, Sherry, and I need to go to lunch when I get back from my trip. Yes, indeedy. It was a good meeting and it's good for me to be out and about.
I didn't have breakfast until 10:00, but even so, I impulsively drove to the Center for lunch. Sat with Noah (whom I called "Neil" for months after I met him), Carolyn, and the two J.'s--Jenny and Jinny (come to think of it, that's probably "Ginny").
The meal was pretty good, but more sparse ("sparser?") than usual. Besides the usual salad and iced tea, there was vegetable soup with a muffin, and fruit and cheese for dessert. I didn't hang around after, but came home to run the dishwasher and start packing.
Worked more on my play, which I hope to finish in rough form before I leave.
Had a sketchy dinner of leftover spaghetti and meatballs, then went out to pick up a few more things for my trip. Drove to the library, which I knew was closed, but just left a return in the book drop.
When I got home, I rang Suzanne's doorbell because I want to ask her to water my ficus while I'm gone, but she wasn't in. Will try again before I leave this afternoon.
I didn't have breakfast until 10:00, but even so, I impulsively drove to the Center for lunch. Sat with Noah (whom I called "Neil" for months after I met him), Carolyn, and the two J.'s--Jenny and Jinny (come to think of it, that's probably "Ginny").
The meal was pretty good, but more sparse ("sparser?") than usual. Besides the usual salad and iced tea, there was vegetable soup with a muffin, and fruit and cheese for dessert. I didn't hang around after, but came home to run the dishwasher and start packing.
Worked more on my play, which I hope to finish in rough form before I leave.
Had a sketchy dinner of leftover spaghetti and meatballs, then went out to pick up a few more things for my trip. Drove to the library, which I knew was closed, but just left a return in the book drop.
When I got home, I rang Suzanne's doorbell because I want to ask her to water my ficus while I'm gone, but she wasn't in. Will try again before I leave this afternoon.
Friday, October 07, 2016
Not A Lot
I waited in for the Communications Services guy to come about my phone and Wi-Fi. I was told he would be here between 9 and 12 am and J.C. (no, he's hardly Christ-like) got here about four minutes before noon. I asked about the password for the Wi-Fi and he said he had told me it's on the bottom of the router. He probably did tell me, but he mumbles so much, I almost surely didn't understand him. When I asked about the phone, which goes blank every fourth or fifth word, he said the same thing happens when he talks to his brother, because he has it on speaker phone. At that point, I just decided the hell with it. When I get back from my trip, I'll just switch the phone to AT & T or wherever.
Took clothes to wash at the laundry place. Waiting there was a woman named Lou Ann. I had seen her around, but we hadn't met. We introduced ourselves and chatted a bit. Lou Ann has very severe arthritis and uses a walker and cane. Even with them, she has difficulty, poor thing. She probably my age; was born in L.A. and has lived in Ventura Del Sol for six years.
Hauled out my large suitcase and will be filling it little by little until tomorrow, when I leave.
Aside from driving to Goodwill and picking up the mate of the lawn chair I had bought the other day, I didn't go out much before dinner. I did spend a lot of time on my new play, which is shaping up pretty well. As almost all mine are, it's a one-acter.
Drove into town about 6:00 intending to go to the library, but didn't. Just drove out a bit, then home. Betty called and we talked. So--not a whole heck of a lot going on.
Took clothes to wash at the laundry place. Waiting there was a woman named Lou Ann. I had seen her around, but we hadn't met. We introduced ourselves and chatted a bit. Lou Ann has very severe arthritis and uses a walker and cane. Even with them, she has difficulty, poor thing. She probably my age; was born in L.A. and has lived in Ventura Del Sol for six years.
Hauled out my large suitcase and will be filling it little by little until tomorrow, when I leave.
Aside from driving to Goodwill and picking up the mate of the lawn chair I had bought the other day, I didn't go out much before dinner. I did spend a lot of time on my new play, which is shaping up pretty well. As almost all mine are, it's a one-acter.
Drove into town about 6:00 intending to go to the library, but didn't. Just drove out a bit, then home. Betty called and we talked. So--not a whole heck of a lot going on.
Thursday, October 06, 2016
BCNN and Other
It turned out to be an enjoyable day. Got to the BCNN breakfast early, but Sue was already there. I gave her the Alzheimer Support Groups info from both Suzanne and me, and she was very appreciative. Sue had talked to Carole and neither she nor Doris were coming. Sherry was, and showed up a bit later. As part of the social committee, Sue had made gingerbread and, of course, I had to sample it, although I don't care for sweet things in the morning. It was good, though.
The program was on breast cancer and I thought it would a bore, but it was actually interesting. The speaker was a Dr. Donald Decker, a very tall, good-looking guy, in his forties or fifties, I guess. He first gave us a little rundown on his past: He was born and brought up in the Simi Valley and had been a kid model and actor, with bit parts here and there before he went to med school. He had a power point presentation, mostly about a new technique called "tomo-something," which is a much better diagnostic tool for dense breasts than regular mammograms. Anyway, he was a good speaker and it went over well. After, the three of us went to lunch--always a welcome idea--and I suggested Paradise Pantry right down the street. We walked there and had excellent fresh salads and cheese plates. We had good talk, too.
I think I've unfairly maligned Sherry; yesterday, far from being boastful or self-absorbed, she was an attentive and courteous companion. I had complained about her to Sue, but after Sherry left (she had an appointment), I said I'd like to take back my assessment. We agreed that Sherry is good to be with in a trio or group, maybe not so much one-on-one.
Went home and changed, then did a couple of household chores. Went to the bank to complain that they're charging me a $5.00 a month fee because for one of my accounts (I have several there). I was told I had to keep over a certain amount in to avoid the fee. Highway robbers! Since the money's just been sitting there--or rather has been absorbed into BOA's ever voracious maw--they don't have to do anything to service the account, so what's up with that? Oh, well, I'll either close that one out or just have some put in automatically, which will kill the charge.
I'm working on a new play, which has me pretty excited. Haven't put much on paper yet, but am working it out in my mind. I think the concept and theme are exciting.
J.C. from Communication "Services" is due in this morning to check my router and phone.
The program was on breast cancer and I thought it would a bore, but it was actually interesting. The speaker was a Dr. Donald Decker, a very tall, good-looking guy, in his forties or fifties, I guess. He first gave us a little rundown on his past: He was born and brought up in the Simi Valley and had been a kid model and actor, with bit parts here and there before he went to med school. He had a power point presentation, mostly about a new technique called "tomo-something," which is a much better diagnostic tool for dense breasts than regular mammograms. Anyway, he was a good speaker and it went over well. After, the three of us went to lunch--always a welcome idea--and I suggested Paradise Pantry right down the street. We walked there and had excellent fresh salads and cheese plates. We had good talk, too.
I think I've unfairly maligned Sherry; yesterday, far from being boastful or self-absorbed, she was an attentive and courteous companion. I had complained about her to Sue, but after Sherry left (she had an appointment), I said I'd like to take back my assessment. We agreed that Sherry is good to be with in a trio or group, maybe not so much one-on-one.
Went home and changed, then did a couple of household chores. Went to the bank to complain that they're charging me a $5.00 a month fee because for one of my accounts (I have several there). I was told I had to keep over a certain amount in to avoid the fee. Highway robbers! Since the money's just been sitting there--or rather has been absorbed into BOA's ever voracious maw--they don't have to do anything to service the account, so what's up with that? Oh, well, I'll either close that one out or just have some put in automatically, which will kill the charge.
I'm working on a new play, which has me pretty excited. Haven't put much on paper yet, but am working it out in my mind. I think the concept and theme are exciting.
J.C. from Communication "Services" is due in this morning to check my router and phone.
Wednesday, October 05, 2016
Here and There
I had every intention of walking yesterday. Got up early, did my things, and strolled to the car at 7:30. Started up to drive to Kimball and--aagh! An icon on the dash lit up showing what was clearly the depiction of a tire with a shaft or something in the middle. With my usual sunny optimism, I assumed it was an indication of a dangerous--even fatal--situation and I'd better go directly to Meineke and get it fixed.
I did, man at counter said it was probably low pressure and they'd charge $34 to check it. Okay, and the guy had it for about fifteen minutes, then came out and said the pressure was just low and there was no charge. Hey, that was good.
Later, I went to Bed, Bath & B. to get the tub mat I had looked at the other day. I had a coupon for twenty percent off I had gotten when I moved. Took it and saw it expired on October 1--damn! However, I always believe in trying, so I appealed to the manager and he okayed the discount. Checking out, I saw a cunning little lantern thing, battery lit, that I just had to have. It was only eight bucks and takes AA batteries. It looks so nice on the surround of the sink and I'll light it for company (if I ever have any).
Stopped at Goodwill and found a lawn chair in excellent condition for $3.99. Bought it and now I have two on my porch so I can sit there with company (if I ever have any). Looks good, too.
Sliced and chopped onions, peppers, and garlic and stir-fried together, then put in some cans of pasta sauce, plus meatballs I had in the freezer. Put it on elbow macaroni and boy, was it good. I made plenty, so froze some of the sauce and have two bowls in the fridge for lunch tomorrow, or whatever.
Went out to the library about 6:00 and found a note on my door from Suzanne next door. I had mentioned to her that Sue's husband, Mac, had been newly-diagnosed with Alzheimer's and that I told her I'd look for support groups. Suzanne had printed out a list of all of them in Ventura County--how kind of her! I knocked on her door to thank her and said it was just the right time, because I'll see Sue this morning at the BCNN breakfast. (I had already found a group in Oxnard that I e-mailed to her.)
Suzanne said she had tried to take a shower and the water turned brown. She asked if mine had and I went to check, but it was fine. It may have something to do with the maintenance done yesterday morning on the water system.
Showered myself and used my new tub mat. It's great! I feel so secure and I really don't care if it should be dried between uses; I'll do it. I called the company, but haven't heard back; said they'd respond by the next business day. My water was crystal clear, so Suzanne's may just be some problem on the end unit
I did, man at counter said it was probably low pressure and they'd charge $34 to check it. Okay, and the guy had it for about fifteen minutes, then came out and said the pressure was just low and there was no charge. Hey, that was good.
Later, I went to Bed, Bath & B. to get the tub mat I had looked at the other day. I had a coupon for twenty percent off I had gotten when I moved. Took it and saw it expired on October 1--damn! However, I always believe in trying, so I appealed to the manager and he okayed the discount. Checking out, I saw a cunning little lantern thing, battery lit, that I just had to have. It was only eight bucks and takes AA batteries. It looks so nice on the surround of the sink and I'll light it for company (if I ever have any).
Stopped at Goodwill and found a lawn chair in excellent condition for $3.99. Bought it and now I have two on my porch so I can sit there with company (if I ever have any). Looks good, too.
Sliced and chopped onions, peppers, and garlic and stir-fried together, then put in some cans of pasta sauce, plus meatballs I had in the freezer. Put it on elbow macaroni and boy, was it good. I made plenty, so froze some of the sauce and have two bowls in the fridge for lunch tomorrow, or whatever.
Went out to the library about 6:00 and found a note on my door from Suzanne next door. I had mentioned to her that Sue's husband, Mac, had been newly-diagnosed with Alzheimer's and that I told her I'd look for support groups. Suzanne had printed out a list of all of them in Ventura County--how kind of her! I knocked on her door to thank her and said it was just the right time, because I'll see Sue this morning at the BCNN breakfast. (I had already found a group in Oxnard that I e-mailed to her.)
Suzanne said she had tried to take a shower and the water turned brown. She asked if mine had and I went to check, but it was fine. It may have something to do with the maintenance done yesterday morning on the water system.
Showered myself and used my new tub mat. It's great! I feel so secure and I really don't care if it should be dried between uses; I'll do it. I called the company, but haven't heard back; said they'd respond by the next business day. My water was crystal clear, so Suzanne's may just be some problem on the end unit
Tuesday, October 04, 2016
Widder Lunch and Stuff
That was easy.
My doctor's appointment, that is. As I used to do at home, I went early--8:40--and didn't have to wait more than five minutes. Dr. Dyer looked at my moles and pronounced them all durmnofinatiateslymbanic types (well, I don't know what he said), but none are to worry about. I was home by 9:15, so good.
Went to the widder lunch at noon and was greeted with hugs and "we missed you" from several. I usually always attend, but hadn't done so the last lunch and dinner because of moving; it was nice to know they were glad to see me. I sat next to Gayle, who's starting to grow on me (but not by much). She was very vocal about her daughter, who's in jail in San Diego (drugs), plus all kinds of other details about her life. One wonders how some people can spout off about their intimate problems to relative strangers. Seems odd, but maybe it's healthier than being too reticent--who knows?
Chuck was there--along with the damn dog, of course--but Pam wasn't. I'm wondering whether that marriage made in fundamentalism is foundering; on Chuck's Facebook page, he has simply "widowed." Hmm...
Anyway, the lunch was fun. Nancy didn't make it after all (she e-mailed me that they were pouring concrete at her son's place and she had to keep Marley's little paws out of it), but my friend, Joyce, was there. She said she's moving to Denver where her children live, but not until after the first of the year; she put a deposit on an apartment for May.
I chatted with a relative newcomer named Susan and the talk turned to hair. She recommended Super Cuts, which is in the shopping center near me. I went there on impulse after I had gone home and changed and darned if I didn't get a nice bob.
I decided to keep my high boy bureau after all and was able to wrestle it into my closet by transferring my suitcase to the broom closet. What a luxury to be able to move things around like that!
Got my tickets for New Mexico and am preparing for that trip.
My doctor's appointment, that is. As I used to do at home, I went early--8:40--and didn't have to wait more than five minutes. Dr. Dyer looked at my moles and pronounced them all durmnofinatiateslymbanic types (well, I don't know what he said), but none are to worry about. I was home by 9:15, so good.
Went to the widder lunch at noon and was greeted with hugs and "we missed you" from several. I usually always attend, but hadn't done so the last lunch and dinner because of moving; it was nice to know they were glad to see me. I sat next to Gayle, who's starting to grow on me (but not by much). She was very vocal about her daughter, who's in jail in San Diego (drugs), plus all kinds of other details about her life. One wonders how some people can spout off about their intimate problems to relative strangers. Seems odd, but maybe it's healthier than being too reticent--who knows?
Chuck was there--along with the damn dog, of course--but Pam wasn't. I'm wondering whether that marriage made in fundamentalism is foundering; on Chuck's Facebook page, he has simply "widowed." Hmm...
Anyway, the lunch was fun. Nancy didn't make it after all (she e-mailed me that they were pouring concrete at her son's place and she had to keep Marley's little paws out of it), but my friend, Joyce, was there. She said she's moving to Denver where her children live, but not until after the first of the year; she put a deposit on an apartment for May.
I chatted with a relative newcomer named Susan and the talk turned to hair. She recommended Super Cuts, which is in the shopping center near me. I went there on impulse after I had gone home and changed and darned if I didn't get a nice bob.
I decided to keep my high boy bureau after all and was able to wrestle it into my closet by transferring my suitcase to the broom closet. What a luxury to be able to move things around like that!
Got my tickets for New Mexico and am preparing for that trip.
Monday, October 03, 2016
Chores and So On
I'm sorry to admit I didn't walk--no good reason, just didn't.
Accomplished a lot of domestic chores, including moving things around, putting others away, and so on. The place is shaping up to look pretty nice.
Drove into town and went to various stores; didn't buy anything. Ventura was jammed, I guess because they were having an "Art Walk." Sherry had asked if I wanted to go, but frankly, I have too much to hang on the walls as it is, and I wasn't interested anyway. I've spent a lot of time viewing art in New Hope, Pa., Galloway, N.J., and points west all over California. I'm just about viewed out.
Went home and showered and washed my hair. I must get a non-slip something or other for the top; when I put conditioner on, the bottom get slippery and I'm very nervous about it.
El and Greg came over after dinner to hang some pics and a broom holder, and bring back my grandmother's bureau. I might very well keep the other one, if I can fit it in somewhere. After they left, I sat down to watch the usual for an hour and, incredibly, needed to put a throw over my knees--it's gotten cool. Good sleeping weather, as Pat used to say, and I did, like a log.
Have a doctor's appointment shortly (ugh!) and the widder lunch at noon (yay!).
Accomplished a lot of domestic chores, including moving things around, putting others away, and so on. The place is shaping up to look pretty nice.
Drove into town and went to various stores; didn't buy anything. Ventura was jammed, I guess because they were having an "Art Walk." Sherry had asked if I wanted to go, but frankly, I have too much to hang on the walls as it is, and I wasn't interested anyway. I've spent a lot of time viewing art in New Hope, Pa., Galloway, N.J., and points west all over California. I'm just about viewed out.
Went home and showered and washed my hair. I must get a non-slip something or other for the top; when I put conditioner on, the bottom get slippery and I'm very nervous about it.
El and Greg came over after dinner to hang some pics and a broom holder, and bring back my grandmother's bureau. I might very well keep the other one, if I can fit it in somewhere. After they left, I sat down to watch the usual for an hour and, incredibly, needed to put a throw over my knees--it's gotten cool. Good sleeping weather, as Pat used to say, and I did, like a log.
Have a doctor's appointment shortly (ugh!) and the widder lunch at noon (yay!).
Sunday, October 02, 2016
The Nun Next Door
I was late getting up--7:30--and didn't get to Kimball until after 8:00. My friend, Nancy, had sent an e-mail and I called her after breakfast. We had a long talk; I'm afraid Nance is again experience great fatigue and for some damn reason, either her doctor or her insurance company doesn't seem to want her to get her infusions until her blood levels are worse. Too bad. She said she'd try to get to the widder lunch on Monday and the BCNN breakfast on Wednesday.
Went out to the patio to water my ficus and noticed that neighbor Suzanne, the Sister of Mercy, was sitting on hers. We chatted for some time and I was interested to know she's participating in a health fair in a few weeks at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. This is aimed mostly toward those without insurance, the homeless, and undocumented persons. I mentioned in passing that my t.v. doesn't work; just comes up with a message. After we talked over our patio walls, she rang my bell and come in to say she'd be happy to look at the television. I gave her the remotes, she fussed around with this and that, and darned if she didn't get it working. Nice of her and I hope to see more of her.
I continued to move small pieces of furniture and other items around. Not sure if I'm satisfied with it, but we'll see.
Sailboat Sue called to give me the bad news that yes, Mac officially has Alzheimer's. The examining doctor said it was advancing rapidly and Sue is just beside herself with worry. They have few friends here and she asked if I'd call her more often. She said she worried about calling me, because I might be busy. In fact, lately, I haven't be doing much socially at all, but I'll definitely get back to Sue frequently. I suggested a support group and she asked me to look into that. I looked up and called the Alzheimer's Society, which for Ventura County is based in Thousand Oaks. They're closed until Monday and I'll call back then.
I called El to see if I could have her do a few little things for me today. She said Greg was off and she and he will come over with the antique bureau I Indian-giver "gave" them. I'll give them the newer white high boy, instead. It wasn't until 5 pm that I took my clothes to the laundry building (just down the walk) and quickly washed and dried.
Went out to the patio to water my ficus and noticed that neighbor Suzanne, the Sister of Mercy, was sitting on hers. We chatted for some time and I was interested to know she's participating in a health fair in a few weeks at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. This is aimed mostly toward those without insurance, the homeless, and undocumented persons. I mentioned in passing that my t.v. doesn't work; just comes up with a message. After we talked over our patio walls, she rang my bell and come in to say she'd be happy to look at the television. I gave her the remotes, she fussed around with this and that, and darned if she didn't get it working. Nice of her and I hope to see more of her.
I continued to move small pieces of furniture and other items around. Not sure if I'm satisfied with it, but we'll see.
Sailboat Sue called to give me the bad news that yes, Mac officially has Alzheimer's. The examining doctor said it was advancing rapidly and Sue is just beside herself with worry. They have few friends here and she asked if I'd call her more often. She said she worried about calling me, because I might be busy. In fact, lately, I haven't be doing much socially at all, but I'll definitely get back to Sue frequently. I suggested a support group and she asked me to look into that. I looked up and called the Alzheimer's Society, which for Ventura County is based in Thousand Oaks. They're closed until Monday and I'll call back then.
I called El to see if I could have her do a few little things for me today. She said Greg was off and she and he will come over with the antique bureau I Indian-giver "gave" them. I'll give them the newer white high boy, instead. It wasn't until 5 pm that I took my clothes to the laundry building (just down the walk) and quickly washed and dried.
Saturday, October 01, 2016
Harp Recital
A different, if unusual day--and I like new things. Didn't walk because I was determined not to skip T.O.P.S. Went and found I had lost a smidgen. During the meeting, my phone rang; I didn't recognize the number, so squashed it, but there was a voice mail, so I went out in the hall to listen. It was Sherry A., asking if I wanted to go to the harp recital and lunch at Bonaventure. She doesn't check her e-mail very often, so didn't realize I had already asked her. Anyway, I called her back and we made a date. I met her there a bit before the start time of 11:00 and we were seated comfortably at a round table for four, set for lunch.
The harpist, Peggy Skomal, and her music were just exquisite. Knowing her audience, she played a number of old-time hits, along with a few classics, some Celtic airs, and a composition of her own. We enjoyed it immensely. After, she invited questions, then asked if anyone wanted to examine her harp more closely. Along with a number of others, Sherry and I both went over, chatted with her, and found out things about the harp I never knew before--and never thought to ask. This is a big sucker--I'd say seven feet high, at least, and maybe five or six on the horizontal. It weighs 80 pounds, Peggy said, and was made by a Chicago company she considers the best in the world for harps. Three different materials make up the strings; depending on the note, some are made of cow gut, some of nylon, and some of wire-wound nylon. I was surprised to be told--and see--seven petals on the base, each of which gives a different tone. Of course, the gilt front included a crown at the very top, the back was of wood, but I can't recall what kind, maybe maple. Peggy is a lovely (tall and blonde), gracious young woman, probably in her thirties, and a fine musician. What a treat to hear her.
We were served lunch after. There was a choice and I was happy to have the liver and onions (ugh! from Sherry), with a baked potato, string beans, and vanilla pudding. Sherry had only fruit and cottage cheese (blah! from Mimi), and seems to eat only bland foods.
Sherry is okay to be with for short periods, but the several hours we had to talk wasn't short. I've never known anyone whose insistent blather included so much self-aggrandizement, persecution, and questionable "facts." Trying to change the subject to some neutral one worked only for a time, then it was right back to Saint Sherry and all the odds against her. What a bore, but the music was worth it.
Went to Kohl's later and took back the pink bedding I bought the other day. I'll just wait until the right one comes along. Bought a doormat for the patio, watered the ficus, and swept. Looks pretty good. Oiled and seasoned the chicken thighs I bought the other day, had some for dinner, and froze the rest. Yum.
The harpist, Peggy Skomal, and her music were just exquisite. Knowing her audience, she played a number of old-time hits, along with a few classics, some Celtic airs, and a composition of her own. We enjoyed it immensely. After, she invited questions, then asked if anyone wanted to examine her harp more closely. Along with a number of others, Sherry and I both went over, chatted with her, and found out things about the harp I never knew before--and never thought to ask. This is a big sucker--I'd say seven feet high, at least, and maybe five or six on the horizontal. It weighs 80 pounds, Peggy said, and was made by a Chicago company she considers the best in the world for harps. Three different materials make up the strings; depending on the note, some are made of cow gut, some of nylon, and some of wire-wound nylon. I was surprised to be told--and see--seven petals on the base, each of which gives a different tone. Of course, the gilt front included a crown at the very top, the back was of wood, but I can't recall what kind, maybe maple. Peggy is a lovely (tall and blonde), gracious young woman, probably in her thirties, and a fine musician. What a treat to hear her.
We were served lunch after. There was a choice and I was happy to have the liver and onions (ugh! from Sherry), with a baked potato, string beans, and vanilla pudding. Sherry had only fruit and cottage cheese (blah! from Mimi), and seems to eat only bland foods.
Sherry is okay to be with for short periods, but the several hours we had to talk wasn't short. I've never known anyone whose insistent blather included so much self-aggrandizement, persecution, and questionable "facts." Trying to change the subject to some neutral one worked only for a time, then it was right back to Saint Sherry and all the odds against her. What a bore, but the music was worth it.
Went to Kohl's later and took back the pink bedding I bought the other day. I'll just wait until the right one comes along. Bought a doormat for the patio, watered the ficus, and swept. Looks pretty good. Oiled and seasoned the chicken thighs I bought the other day, had some for dinner, and froze the rest. Yum.
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Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...
A. came again and I went to an Atlantic City School Board meeting last night with Dennis and Leslie. The idea was to support a parent (an at...
Thursday, August 23: Lunch with the most recent gang of company was nice. Had the menu I planned and everybody seemed to like it; just serve...
A. came after work with Lovable Lulu, the cockapoo . I gave Pat ham and eggplant and he ate it all; we had pizza--yum! A. then went on her h...