Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Color, Class, and Tenderloin

Betty Beauty Parlour did a nice job on my touch-up, but I was shocked that it cost $58. With a ten dollar tip, and assuming it's done as recommended (every four weeks), that comes to more than eight hundred smackers a year.  The alternatives, neither very enticing, are to let it go grey or to do it myself.  I'm mulling it over.
It was just as well my friend, who was going to come over after work yesterday, postponed, as it rained all day.  Luckily, it was relatively warm, so the predicted sleet stayed up in the clouds.
I was royally pissed when Doris G., in my acting class, send me an e-mail--and not until Saturday--that she can't be there today.  I had scheduled her and Aline to do their playlet and now must postpone it until next month.  Had to come up with something else to fill in. Decided I'd have each member do a set piece as a particular stock character ("little girl," "femme fatale," "lesbian acquaintance," and so on), so wrote out a paragraph and set it up.
Needing to clear my head after, I went to Acme and picked up a pork tenderloin.  I had read an easy crock pot recipe on my friend, Pat L.'s FB page that sounded luscious.  It's made with yellow mustard, maple syrup, soy sauce, and seasonings, all of which I had.  Whisked them together, poured it over the meat, and let it cook for a few hours. Yummy, yum, yum, was that good.  Of course, I have leftovers for today; think I'll get a baked potato to go with it.

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