Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Leslie came at 8:30 and she, Betty, and I left for Ventnor. Dropped B. off at her house, then went to the library to meet up with the other hikers. There were about 20 of us; I know the leader, Norm, and was pleased to see Walt, with whom I had hiked in Smithville. Leslie and I got acquainted with two nice women, Sue and Betty from Audobon, and found we had some mutural acquaintences.
The hike was leisurely, to say the least. Although it's bad form to get ahead of the leader, most of us did a lot of the time, as--atypically--he's anything but a brisk walker, odd for a hiker. Of course, five miles on the boardwalk is entirely atypical of the Outdoor Club, too. Norm suggested we lunch at the Tropicana before walking back, but Leslie and I begged off, as we were going to lunch with Betty.
We did that, and went to the little luncheonette down the street from St. James (reminded me of Beverly's). I had my usual (without chicken or shrimp) and B. and L. had wraps so huge they took half home.
We had a good talk and a leisurely lunch, then dropped Betty off and arrived back in Little Egg Harbor about 3:30. When Alison called last night, she surprised me by saying she has an interview in this same Little Egg for summer work in the school district. That's almost 35 miles each way, but if the money's right, maybe it would be worth it. What fun if she were to work here! She said she'd stop in after her interview this afternoon and I'll be anxious to hear how it went.

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I started off the morning with some annoying problems with Amazon Japan re Christmas gifts, but I don't want to go into detail.  Left at...