Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Had a "cleaning up/getting it done" day, which was long overdue. I seemed to have been consumed by the show for the whole month and put so much off (of course, I tend to be a procrastinator in the best of times) that now, things are urgent. 

Early on, I trekked to The Market and Wal-Mart for items to embellish the wrapping of the carafe of Irish Crème I'm making for Shannon. Home, I tackled the last--I thought!--of the rent/utilities bills SO-FI says I didn't pay, but I know I did. Sent Jasmine an email asking her to confirm that the only thing left in question was a $89.64 utilities charge. No only did I pay that, but I overpaid--long story I won't revisit at this point. Annoyingly, I got a letter from BOA to say they "couldn't find" the checks sent to SO-FI, which I had requested. I called, was put on hold, then call was dropped, called again and finally got told I had earlier requested them from the wrong department--AAGH! I think--I can never be sure--I was finally directed to the right one, but who knows?

Got a email from Sandy from the show--to me, but copied to all the Fractured Actors cast. She asked if I'd send her a copy of my "Heart's Desire" verse, for which I won the Cowboy Poetry Contest. I wrote back suggesting I instead recite it at the cast party on Sunday--and that others in the gang, wonderfully talented as they are, could do their own offerings. Founder and director Jeff and others in the group enthusiastically agreed and that's what we'll do. I certainly have no intention of distributing it to others, let alone sending copies in print. It's under copywrite and I don't want it out there without my permission.

Got a letter from Prime Management at Sunrise Bay to the effect that the garden beds at my house in Little Egg are overgrown and in need of trimming. I'll call friend Susan shortly to see if she'll check and possibly, take pictures. I'll then call CantRememberHisName, the gardener I've had before, and hire him to do it. Finally, I'll email the Susan who actually lives in my house to inform her and Cliff.

I called Noreen and we made a date for lunch today. We'll meet early--11:30--as she has an appointment to pick out her son's headstone. I was concerned when she said she wished she hadn't lived so long; she's thought she would be dead by the time she was 80, but that was seven years ago. I actually asked her if she had any thoughts about taking her own life and she more or less deflected the question.  I'll try to gently draw her out at lunch. 

1 comment:

iloveac said...

I once asked a therapist why we talk people out of suicide. She said "because it may be due to Depression and Depression is treatable. Makes a lot of sense for folks with Depression. Many people won't tell you they are depressed so you have to go by their behavior.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...