Monday, August 22, 2022



Yesterday's show was absolutely the best yet!  Everybody hit the marks of a smooth-running show and the audience was intently engaged and receptive.  As for my own small part, I was amazed when my monologue was greeted not only with a laugh at the end, as it's supposed to, but applause when "Keith" ushered me, "2023, " to my seat on-stage.   

When we mingled after, I was congratulated by friends, including Suzanne and Vickie; Julie and Regina from T.O.P.S. and BCNN; Noreen and her gentleman friend; and two others. Those last I know, but damn, as with Joan from the other night, at this point, I just don't remember who they are or where I knew them. Here's a video Jeff took of the wild finale with all of us whooping it up to the band on-stage:


As for earlier in the day: Nothing special, unless changing the bed and doing two loads of wash is anything special. I did go over to Von's for a few things, plus something or other else, but that fades into history after last night. Ellen called and I had a good talk with her. Van picked me up and I got to the theatre early, but that was okay; chatted with Ken, who seems to live there.   


A somber note: Today (Monday, August 22) is the thirteenth anniversary of my husband's death. Rest in peace, Pat.


This is one of my favorite pictures of him, with baby Joel, Jr., (now in college). This was before the years of illness and decline and I cherish it. 



iloveac said...

What a fun group you've joined. I'd love to be part of something like it. When's the next production?
The photo of Pat and Joel is precious.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat. As for when's the next production, it's not known yet; I'm sure Jeff and Shannon are concentrating on this one to the exclusion of the next. If you'd love to be part of something like this, why don't you look into what theatre companies are around and when they might have auditions?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...