Thursday, August 25, 2022


Yesterday, I was determined to get some of the things done that I've been putting off, so I finally:

 1. wrote and mailed a thank-you letter to the Agricultural Association for the Cowboy Poetry prize;

 2. ordered return address labels on line;

 3. assembled the non-perishable ingredients for Molloy's Irish Creme*;

 4. sent an email to Tristan's Dad (grandson Joel) with a picture of Buddy Holly**;

 5. walked the three miles there and back to the government center to decline my juror summons.

What I didn't yet do was: 

  1. claim the three credits I have coming from Big Fish Games;

  2. get to the bottom of the utilities question of whether I owe $89.64 or not;

  3. donate my body to science.

  4. complete the name rhyme I want to do for Shannon.*

  5. Order the CVS OTC goods

* Shannon had said she likes Irish Creme and I want to make her some and present it with name name rhyme at the cast party next week. Still have to get the eggs and heavy cream.

** Tristan looks like Buddy Holly or will when he's grown:

(But "T" is cuter. 😁)

Incredibly, I went to the pool, bringing my book, a beer, and some cheese and crackers. Did I go in? Well, not exactly: After reading happily for 45 or so, I went into the hot tub--felt great, but I nixed the pool itself. I had it all to myself until Gabe and his adorable little boy, Miles, came in. This kid is remarkable; he's only just turned two, yet he happily jumped in the pool over and over again. He's almost able to swim on his own and has no fear of the water. He also talks well for such a young child and it was delightful to chat with him and his father. Here they are, horsing around in the water; Gabe throws Miles up high and he laughs with delight:
(I took a video of them doing the same, but it was too big, I guess, to show here.)

James, brother of my next door neighbor, Benny, called. He said a washer and dryer are being installed in Benny's apartment and, because Benny can't handle the noise and upheaval, SO-FI (the owners) will pay to have his stay in a hotel for the duration. Wonders will never cease.    
(Ugh, I had a terrible time trying to sleep. RLS was evident, plus I was just restless, for some reason. It's now 4: 22 on Thursday and I'm afraid I'm up for the day. Should I try to nap later? Dunno--that might make it worse.) 

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