Tuesday, August 09, 2022


One of the many things I enjoy about being with Fractured Actors is getting to know the young people in the company. During the inevitably long waiting-around pre-opening days, I chatted with Amber, here on the left, playing the bride in "The Wedding Dresser." I was surprised and pleased to find she had lived in  Singapore for six months as a journalism intern during college. I've also gotten acquainted with Magnolia (love the name!), sitting in the background, who was a Mormon, but left the religion. She's only twenty and a lovely girl. BTW, standing is Amy, Ken's daughter-in-law. Her husband, Ken's son,  had been the music director at Vineyard (now Luminal) Church for thirteen years.   
I wanted to put the above underneath my usual daily doings, but for some reason, Blogger won't let me. Nor do they seem to want to left-align the text, so it's centered. (But I guess it don't make no never-thatmind, as the saying goes.)
I didn't want to brood over my faux pas at rehearsal Sunday night, so called Noreen, then Diane to see if either was available for lunch. They both had commitments, so I decided to bus to Oxnard and drop in on Greg at work.  I went early--got to The Collection about 11:30, although I was pretty sure he doesn't start until 2:00. I had time to go to Target and get eight washcloths (I have a kind of thing about washcloths) and also bought a made-up Caesar salad that comes with a fork. Sought out a nice little park in the complex and sat there to eat it for lunch. I still had plenty of time, so sat on a bench in front of The Cheesecake Factory and called Nancy P. She still isn't going out--is afraid to--but we had a good talk and I enjoyed it.
Got to Whole Foods and saw Greg. We chatted for a few minutes, then I headed off. Got the 17 bus to the Esplanade, then the 6 back to Ventura Transit Center, and the 10 from there. I felt a lot better by the time I got home and I hope and expect to be letter-perfect at rehearsal tonight.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...