Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Twenty Again!

I finally got back into being able to post on my blog, but only after all kind of machinations, frustration, and a final ignorance of how I did it, which is infuriating. However, at least I'm in--that's something--but it stressed me out. So did my projected activities: first, my dermatologist appointment in Oxnard and from there, the cast/crew cleanup at the theater. I always get stressed about being late or otherwise not measuring up to what I'm supposed to do--a product of my RC upbringing, no doubt. 

Showered and washed my hair.  Access van picked me up and I got to the dermatology office in Oxnard right on time. I was taken soon after, had the full body scan, and Dr. S. found a number of benign bumps and blemishes, which she zapped with the freezing gun. She said the slight roughness on my nose was pre-cancerous, so zapped that, too. I then had to wait an hour for the van to take me to the theatre, which I did on a bench outside. Called Bobbi to see how her husband and she are (both have had some health "issues," as the cliché goes), then Ellen, who was on her way home from work. 

Most of the cast and crew were there and we were all assigned certain tasks. I carried a lot of the props up to the prop room upstairs and helped out otherwise.  We decided we'd all go to Anthony's next play in a few weeks at the Elite in Oxnard--that should be great fun. Alex took me home on her way to Santa Paula, where she (yes, Alex is a woman) lives and I got in about 7:00.

Heated up a slice of frozen pizza, poured some Mountain Dew, and ended the day with Bob Odenkirk and Better Call Saul. I was just exhausted and went to bed a little after nine. Slept like a stone, a brick, a log, or whatever else, got up at 5:00, it's now a half hour later and feel like twenty again! 


iloveac said...

May that feeling last a long, long time.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...