Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Monday And Soaring Spirits

 A day off from the all-encompassing Area 22. I love being there, but it's good to take a breather, too. I washed my sheets and other whites, then re-made the bed. Tackled the hard floors and they look good after their Bona dust and wash treatment.

Walked to Smart 'n' Final and back, so got three miles. in Stopped at CVS for some new cosmetics and, for some weird reason, couldn't find blush. I'll have to see if I have any old stuff. 

Talked to T.O.P.S. leader, Lennie, and she said she'd pick up Helen W., but somebody will have to take  her home. Ain't gonna be me, that's a cinch. Did another wash load after lunch,

Old school chum Jeanne Painter facetimed me to tell me her 33-year-old grandson is getting married in October, reception at the yacht club, he owns two houses on LBI, and blah, blah, blah. Jeanne and her 93-year-old lover, John, are still at one of his places, Lake George, but will be returning to Jersey in September.  (It's hard to decide if I actually enjoy Jeanne and her eternal self-absorption or if I find her a total bore.)

Julie picked me up at 5:45 and off we went to Stone Fire Grille for dinner with Soaring Spirits. Julie, however, didn't go in; she said she was just going to Kohl's, right across the way, instead. Okay, no prob for me, anyway. Longtime members Vera, Susan, and Gayle were there, along with newcomers Renee, Claire, and Dennis. As we chatted, Amy came in. She has some big problems of various kinds, including an unpleasant probate situation with her late husband's children. As she, Vera, Dennis, and I talked, I was asked how long ago Pat died. I answered "thirteen years next week," then surprised myself by starting to cry. In this company, though, there were no reactions of alarm, distaste, or overly solicitous concern. It was just accepted as natural and normal, then we continued chatting.  

We were there until 7:15 or so, then Vera took me home. We had a good talk about the show, also about Fractured Actors and the various people involved, all of whom Vera knows well. (She's the one who introduced me to the company.) I like her so much and am pleased she'll be there at each performance behind the soda/tea/wine counter. Here's a picture of Vera and I can attest that her inside is just as beautiful as her outside:

Vera was twenty-one and pregnant with their second child when her young husband was killed in a car accident. That was 22 years ago; her son and daughter are now living on their own, but are still very close to their mother.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...