Friday, August 26, 2022



I was horrified when I went to open Apache Office,  and found it wouldn't. I spent an hour or more looking up the "community resources" answers as to why.  Couldn't follow the solutions, so I got my cart, packed up my laptop, and walked to Telephone Road, then bused to Office Max. 

It's just incredible to me that their techs will fix problems at no cost--and they do it quickly and cheerfully. The tech guy was occupied, so "Albert"--I think he's the manager--got it going again for me. He said I had a lot of stuff on it, so of which should probably be removed. I'll do that as soon as I figure out how. Also bought an ink cartilage, which cost me two bucks and change, as I had a "reward" of $13,00.

Stopped at Aldi for lettuce, broccoli, and cheese and broccoli manicotti. I've had that last stuffed with chicken; it's frozen, but really good. Bused home, had lunch, then spent an hour on food prep. That included chopping three big red onions; microwaving and seasoning a bag of spinach, and washing, paring, and roasting two large tubers: a yam and a sweet potato. I read that they're supposed to be good if you have an ulcer and I think I do.

Speaking of...I got a call from a nurse with Blue Shield, asking if I had an health problems, questions, and concerns. Jeez, if I do, I'll ask my doctor, but I talked to her for a bit. Julie called and will pick me up this morning for T.O.P.S. I must ask when she leaves for two months in Austria (she was born there), as I want to get her a little gift--she's been so nice. Also want to get Ken something--maybe a succulent--since he takes me home from the show. 

Called the Access Van and will be picked up for tonight's performance at five something. I hope T.O.P.S. doesn't drag on too long, as I asked Jim to get here at 11:30, since I have to shower and wash my hair and otherwise prepare for tonight.

I'm working on a little name rhyme for our director, Shannon, and it's a rather difficult one, as hers has has three of the letter "n." I want to give it to her at the cast party on the fourth, along with the Irish Cream I'll make.

 Took a one-hour nap, since I had gotten so little sleep and just got up at 6:30--yay!

Friday, May 6, 2022


Walked down Victoria to IHOP to meet LaVonne for breakfast at 10:00. I had an omelet with hash browns and good grief, although it was two hours after my usual breakfast time, it was so big I could eat only half.  I asked for a container (reheat an omelet--why not?) and put it in the handy nylon bag I keep in my purse. LaVonne and I then walked to Power Storage, where her granddaughter is manager. I met

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...