Monday, August 08, 2022

More Play, Most Of Day

 Yes, another. Suzanne got me to rehearsal at 1:00 and I didn't get back home until 6:15. There were long, long periods of sitting around, chatting, listening to the band, and otherwise just hanging out. Our play, "Interstellar Galactic Management LLC" (IGM), finally went on at 3:00 pm. 

For some reason, I was off and flubbed during my first monologue. Damn, I've been practicing constantly and have known the thing by heart for weeks, but I stumbled over several phrases and generally screwed up. Director Shannon assured me there was no reason to be alarmed or apologetic, but I felt lousy about it.  Anyway, we're dark today, but tomorrow we'll meet at 6:00.  

AAGH!--opening night is only four days away!  😰

Rather than belabor the topic, I'll add some pics of yesterday's rehearsal/tech session:

The band in back with some cast members of various plays.

Erica, who's also in IGM; directors Shannon and Jeff in the sound booth.

Ben and Emma, both of whom are also in IGM.

Sandy, Hudson, Bryan, and Rita in The Collider (I just thought it looked neat in B. and W.).

Following are some of the remarkable pieces Meredith, who's an artist, has made for the show; theme, of course, is outer-spacy alien:

These will be used in various capacities in the overall decoration.  The whole room will be much more elaborate by the time we actually open. 


iloveac said...

It seems as though you just started rehearsing for this show a few weeks ago. Outstanding art work by Meredith. What a thrill to be part of 'Franctured Actors'. Would you say the group is semi professional? Lighting, sound, props....our productions are so amateurish but still lots of fun.

Mimi said...

F.A. may look "semi-professional," but it seems to me the great divide is whether you get paid or not. When I was with Our Gang Players, of Manahawkin, we did dinner theatre and did, indeed, get paid. I think I got a hundred bucks, not exactly enough to launch my own company or whatever, but it FELT professional. Yes, Jeff's (or the organization's) equipment (lights, sound, etc.) is pretty sophisticated, but so was that of the Little Egg Theatre Company. I guess the difference is that the Jersey companies mostly performed in actual theatres; F.A. has to do over a big room that used to be a warehouse. Anyway, I'm glad I'm not involved in the technical end!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...