Friday, August 12, 2022

Dress Rehearsal

Ellen came before noon and I asked if we could go first to Office Max so I could get printer ink. We did, then to the nearby Dollar Tree for various little items. She found some cute things for her third-grade class in both stores. We then went to the Stone Fire Grille for lunch and had a convivial mother/daughter time.

El stopped in for a bit after, then we parted. I tried to nap, but no go; got up, putzed around with this and that, then showered. The Access Van came, I got in, and talked to the very pleasant driver, who's name is Ishmael. Of course, Moby Dick came up in conversation and we chatted about that. I was interested to hear his name isn't pronounced with a starting "Ish," but is more like Is-may-el. 

Got there a bit early, as usual, which is fine by me. I was surprised to see a man there I didn't recognize at first: Good grief, it was Jeff--he had shaved off his beard!  He now looked like the staid and conventional business man he probably is in his other life. 

Rehearsal went well, although after the opening play, which I'm in, time dragged a bit, as usual. I did enjoy nice chats with both Shannon and Erica, re ethnic heritage. Shannon, as I am, is a mix of Irish and German, Erica a more exotic part Spanish (from Spain, not Mexico), other European groups and--I found this fascinating--a particular native American tribe from Minnesota. Ken dressed as the coffee man (he'll be serving it during intermission), with peculiar black hair and beard; see pics below.

Home, thanks to Ken, at 10:00 and I stayed  up another hour with my port and Netflix. Here are some pics I took last night:

Director Shannon in her character as no-better-than-she-has-to-be girl.

Shannon with Meredith, who designed the set and made many of the artifacts;

Ken and the bandleader of The Conspirators (can' recall his name);

Alex, Ken, and Anthony, all of whom are also in IGM;
The years 2022 and 2023 (Anthony wasn't feeling well and declined removing the mask).

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