Friday, August 05, 2022


Yowza--2.3 pounds down at home to 130.6 and 3.1 at T.O.P.S. to 129.4.! That made me the biggest loser, although there were only four of us there: Lora, Beverly, Bobbi, and me (Sharon had called to say she was sick and Julie had a dentist appointment). I was supposed to conduct the meeting, but suggested we just skip it after we got weighed--all approved.

Home by 9:30, had breakfast, then prepared for Jim coming for lunch. I made ham and turkey breast sandwiches, heated up the applesauce, and used the bender to puree some blueberries. I had some homemade whipped cream in the freezer, whisked that up with a little milk, and topped a slice of lemon cake with it. 

Jim came at noon and we had our usual talk, including about books we were reading--in my case,  Salman Rushdie's essays and Jeff Cohen's on the ever-so-corrupted cable news.  I showed Jim the cards listing fallacies; he read several and, since I don't have much use for them, I gave them to him.  He left about 3:00 and I puttered around until it was time to go out and wait for the Access Van to take me to rehearsal. 

It was late, but I got there about 6:40 to find only Jeff and some of the band setting up.  What? Where was everybody else? They weren't there because we didn't have rehearsal yesterday--rather, we'll have a full run-through today, Saturday, at 11:00! I just didn't read some of the emails Jeff sent, thinking they were just repeats of the earlier schedule, but they were revisions--damn and double-damn!

Jeff insisted on taking me home and kept telling me it was no big deal--what a doll. When I got in the gate, I stopped at Vickie's and we had a nice chat. She just had a scan and will get results in a few days.  I went from there to get my mail and met Suzanne doing the same. We walked back together, then sat outside for about 45 minutes, chatting about minor and major topics. 

Home and I called to cancel the Access Van I had had scheduled to take me home. I'll text Paula to be sure she's going to rehearsal today and will pick me up. Otherwise, I'll bus there. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...