Monday, August 15, 2022

Sunday Not-Exactly-Matinee

Wish I could have slept later than 5:00, but couldn't. After breakfast, I washed the bathroom rugs; I want to do the hard floors today, as I've neglected most housekeeping since the start of rehearsals. I didn't do much more than fool around on this device until I got in the shower. Lunched, showered, dressed, and got ready to the Sunday show call at 3:30.

Happy day, it was probably the best yet, for me, anyway. (Not "anyways!" I hear that more and more and it's driving me batty.) I was letter perfect with my teeny part and everybody seemed more relaxed. Ben, Ken, and I ran over our lines together beforehand and opened the show with confidence. Waiting around after, I chatted with several, including darling Vera, who introduced me to Fractured Acorns in the first place. 

As for the audience, it was another good one. Certainly, my much-loved part of it, Ellen, assured me afterward that she greatly enjoyed it. I had told her she didn't have to stay for the whole thing, as my small part is in the first play, but she did and I was able to introduce her to Shannon and a few other cast members. We mingled a bit, then she and I left and went to the Victorian Pub for a late dinner. She dropped me at home and I relaxed with my usual of Netflix and sherry.

Here's a pic of Jeff's and Shannon's seven-year-old Harper, who has a small part in Window Dressing.  After I showed it to her, she herself added the printing ("Prom King And Queen"). I'm not sure how to remove, but no matter, I guess. 

Speaking of beautiful little girls, here are my granddaughters, Vivian and Violet, at 18 and 14. Hmm...guess you couldn't say they're little, anymore.


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