Thursday, September 01, 2022


I went early to the Barnes & Noble shopping center in order to 1. look for something to wear to the cast party and 2. go to Michael's for decorative stickers for the card I'm making Shannon. Couldn't find a thing at the former, but got the latter. Also bought three sizes of the card stock I like to use for homemade cards. 

Met Noreen at 11:30 and we had a good lunch and good conversation. I was relieved that she said she feels a lot better emotionally than she had. We lingered until about 1:30, then said goodbye. I went back to Kohl's--still nothing I liked--then walked the mile or so to WinCo, where I bought blueberries. Bused home after that.

It was only quarter of three when I got home and, since it was hot, I went to the pool. Swam around a bit and sat under an umbrella and read my book. Called my cousin, Sally, in San Diego, but no answer, so I left a message. Then called Stella and we had a long talk.

When I got home, Suzanne texted to ask if I wanted to meet and chat at 5:00. Sure thing, and we did. She had her O'Doul's, I brought some cream sherry, and she served sliced avocado on crackers. She showed me the pictures on her phone of her recent trip to see her sister in Seattle, and we had an enjoyable chat after.

Jeff sent particulars of the cast party on Sunday: It'll be at the theater at 5:00, food and water will be provided, we'll bring our own adult beverages, and, if desired, a side to share, although this isn't mandatory. I'm debating whether to make crystal pickles. The only hesitation I have is logistical: I'll probably get the Access Van and I'll have the Irish Crème for Shannon, which will be in a very heavy decanter. Can I handle that, along with a container for the pickles? Hmm...if I ask Suzanne to take me, it could work--I'll think about it.

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