Thursday, September 22, 2022


I was surprised to get a call from Jim--Downes, not Crowley--about 10:00. I apologized for being somewhat unpleasant in my annoyance at his unpredictable actions on Sunday. Now, most people would react with something like, "oh, no, I understand; I shouldn't have done--(whatever)" or "oh, no, you were perfectly fine...," or similar bullshit, but Jim said, "yeah, you showed your true nature." I laughed out loud--there's something to be said for honesty--and we had a good talk. Interestingly, there are some things Jim had told me that I suspected were untrue and in our conversation, it turned out I was correct. Hmm...I'd like to elaborate on this to my friend, Pat; will see if we can set up a time to get in telephone touch.  Also, I got his email address and later, sent him the pictures Carolyn and I took with Betty. 

Spent a lot of the rest of the morning on the phone with Amazon (I have icloud), Bilt (new credit card), and others.  Called the hematologist's office and found that they hadn't received my blood and breathing tests; no surprise, since I had only had them done two days ago. However, they had my earlier tests, so it was decided I should go anyway, which I did, via the Access Van. Dr. B. said he didn't think my platelet count was significantly low and there shouldn't be any concern unless it falls below a certain level. He mentioned, which I hadn't known, that it can vary, as blood pressure can. Okay, good news.

The Access Van wasn't due to pick me up until 4:00 and I got out about 3:15, so I spent the time in the lobby making phone calls. Called Ellen to tell her the results--she was still at school, preparing for back to school night--then my old friend, Nancy, who hasn't gone out almost since COVID became a thing. She told me she was actually getting afraid to go out--it's called agoraphobia and I knew at student at Rider who was in therapy for the same problem. I asked Nancy if maybe she'd like to me to come to her place next week and bring lunch, if she was sure she wouldn't be uncomfortable. She liked the idea and will call me so we can arrange it.

Home and I picked up my mail, which included my new credit card, "BILT," which is kind of, sorta, associated with Wells Fargo, the card I use regularly. According to the blurb, WF has "a relationship with BILT" (geez, are they sleeping together, or what?). The reason I want it is because I can pay my rent with it (there's no fee, as there is with other cards) and earn cash rewards. Why not, so I scanned the code to activate it, then walked over to Von's for t. paper and  yes, it worked. 

Lora had invited me to go to bingo--of all things--this evening and I accepted. It's at the clubhouse where she lives and she'll pick me up at 6:10.


As for show biz: Thanks to Erica, we Fractured Actors are planning to go in a group to Anthony's show. Also, she suggested--and I love the idea--the following, which she copied to the whole group:

Hi Rosemary, 
I feel remiss, as I intended to take the lead on this, and use the occasion to start a division of Fractured Actors called something (more clever than) like Fractured Actors Watch Party.
The point of the group is to support theater in the community, and actors from our community in other shows, by going to see plays together. 
1) Anyone who is interested in being on this mailing list/in the group, reply here and let me know. 
2) As far as Journey of the Skeletons goes, the run is through Oct 9, with performances Fri night, Sat night and Sun. 
I am out of town until 10/3, but would be happy to coordinate a group of us going perhaps on Friday 10/7? 
Who wants to go? Let me know.


iloveac said...

Let's talk this Saturday or even Sunday. I'll be around all day. I'll call you. BTW, not only does B/P two scales will give the same reading as you have found out. That's why they say...same scale, same time, before breakfast. I go by the one that shows a number I like best and that becomes my standard.

Mimi said...

Okay, Patti, we'll talk S. or S.--looking forward.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...