Sunday, September 04, 2022


I had a horrid time sleeping over Friday to Saturday. Woke up at 1:30 and am not sure if I got back at all. Got up at 5:00, but didn't feel too bad, so maybe I drifted off for a time without realizing it. 

I have a regular ritual in the early morning, after bathroom ablutions: I top off this blog, then read Patti's, and follow with email and Facebook.  I was pleased to get an email from my dear friend, Leslie R., just saying she was thinking of and missed me. She and Dennis still live in Sunrise Bay and I saw them when I was in Jersey last November. I wrote back and suggested we call and catch up with each other.

Spent most of the morning making and decorating the little poem card for Shannon. Here's the verse I came  up with:

S howtimes with you and Jeff, my dear,

H ave always been a blast,

A nd there are other precious perks,

N otably, the casts;

N ot to mention all the fun

O f all the Suite J work you've done--

N ow, those are memories that last!

("Suite J" is what they call the theatre.)  Not one of my better ones, partly because of the near rhyme, which I don't like, but it is what it is and it'll serve to accompany the Irish Creme I made her.

Thought I'd walk to Smart 'n' Final for various, so took my little cart and started out. I hadn't even gotten to Telegraph Road when I realized that wasn't a good idea. It was an incredible 90 degrees and without a breath of a breeze. Walking a mile and a half there, then back the same distance would have been foolhardy, so I just went over to Von's and got the items I needed.

Home, lunched, and I toyed with the idea of going to the pool, but decided against. I was really beat, so I took a very refreshing nap of about an hour and a half. It's amazing how such a short time will revive me--got up and went out to get the mail...

...of which there wasn't any, but Suzanne was sitting on the lawn outside our front walk. I joined her and we chatted happily for an hour or so. Then Andy, from upstairs, came out and he stayed for twenty or so to talk. Leah and Chuck passed by and said hello--I have such nice neighbors. 

Just had soup for dinner and as I was finishing, I received a call and voice mail from somebody I didn't think I knew. The message was garbled so, just on a hunch, I called back and left a message. Of all people, it turned out to be Jim Downes, Betty's old boyfriend from high school! He asked about seeing Betty and I told him the particulars. He asked me to go with him and yes, I will, but he wanted to go today and I have the cast party. He wants a Sunday and next is Ellen's birthday, so that's out. We'll try for the eighteenth and I said I'd call him in a week or so. (For an earlier--rather snide--mention of Jimmy D., see my entry of 10/22/14.)

Last night, Saturday to Sunday, I slept well--yay!


iloveac said...

Interesting that such a boastful person like Jim married what you describe as a sweet demure girl Lou. Yin and Yang, right? It'll also be interesting to hear if he's mellowed in the past 8 years. Betty must have been the 'love of his life' and back then she was sweet and demure. Be prepared to see him cry when he tries to talk with her.
Just curious when you take a nap, do you set an alarm or let nature wake you?

Rosemary Molloy said...

Can you see this comment, Pat?

iloveac said...

Yes, but it's just your question. No reply to my comment. You did tell me via email though.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...