Wednesday, September 21, 2022


Busy day. I bused to the mall to look in Ross, Target, and Penney's for a dress--tried on two, they looked terrible, so didn't buy. I may have to turn to the Internet, but I greatly dislike buying clothes that way. I don't seem to be in a particular size and things are either too big or too small. Plus, you could say I have slim hips (sure, sure, that's what it is) or be honest and say I have a thick waist, so I can't wear anything  form-fitting. 

However, I enjoyed myself because, as I've been doing lately, I packed a lunch (a Greek pita hard-boiled egg sandwich), plus a can of tangerine beer and ate in an open area of the mall. I like to take my lunch to parks mostly, but this was fun, too--interesting to watch the people walking by. And yes, I know you're probably not supposed to drink alcohol in that area, but I really don't care and it tasted good.

From the mall, I walked about a mile and a half to the Loma Vista Road branch of The Market.  Didn't find all I wanted, so bused first to Wal-Mart, then to the Victoria Avenue Market. While at Wal-Mart, I ran into my old Kimball Park walking buddy, Diane, and we had a nice chat. She's a mere kid of 77 (I swear she looks twenty years younger) and is a serious walker. She has gone to Europe frequently, with walking clubs that go twenty miles at a stretch and is considering Sweden now.    

Home about 4:00 and I noticed that the apparatus for Suzanne's washer and dryer installation was gone from the front. I texted her that she must now have them installed. Had a yummy dinner of salmon (I oven roasted it), fresh spinach, and sweet potatoes. Still can't get the T.V. to work, but at this point, it doesn't seem to be much of an issue as long as I have the laptop. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...