Thursday, September 15, 2022

Wednesday's Goings On

After breakfast, I tried on the dress I had bought at Ross, but darn, it was small--a medium and I probably need a large. I doubted if they'd have one--Ross'es prices are so low, I guess, because they just buy odd lots or something. I had several other errands to run, so left with my cart about 9:30.  

Walked to Telephone Road and on my way, brother Larry called. He said Holy Spirit was having a 100th anniversary celebration at the end of the month and was I going?  I wasn't notified about it and no, I wouldn't want to go, anyway. I remember my high school years as a mix--some good memories, but plenty of teenage misery and I have no desire to relive it.

Bused first to Ross, where I returned the dress and, yes, they had only mediums. I tried on no fewer than eight other dresses and considered two of them, but they really weren't what I wanted, so I left empty-handed. Walked the half-mile or so to Target and returned the blouse I had bought there last week. I then picked up no fewer than four bottles of the California Roots (maker) wine--three blueberry and one peach.  These are the low-alcohol contents ones and they're really pretty good and at clearance prices.

Home, had lunch, then piled six books which I've read into my cart and walked over the footbridge to the library. I was pleased to see many children there, some with adults, some not. I left my books in the donation box, then picked up an account of Hillary Clinton's failed presidential campaign, sat on the pleasant patio to read it for an hour. I didn't borrow it--it's past history and I'm already deep into several another books, including Perrin's, mentioned below.

I called Jim Downes to see if he wanted to go see Betty on Sunday, which he had suggested. Left a message and when he called me back and I answered, he said, "Who's this?" We then had an odd exchange, on which I won't elaborate. He also said he didn't want to pick me up because he didn't want to deviate from the freeway. Fine, I'll take a bus--rather, the total of six buses there and back that I have to take when I go to Santa Barbara. Actually, I'm not anxious to drive with him, anyway--I'm beginning to think he belongs at Villa Alamar with Betty. I suggested we have lunch there and he agreed. 

Texted Suzanne and Vickie, and called Jim to invite them to dinner tomorrow. All accepted and now I'll look for a quick and easy slow cooker recipe. I'll make cornbread and ice cream to add to it.


Dennis Perrin is my former fellow blogger and fellow pacifist. Here's a note from my blog entry of 14 years ago:
"Let's not forget whose interests Obama truly serves, that Wall Street chose him over McCain, and worst of all, that Joe Biden is a heartbeat away. I know -- better Biden than Sarah Palin. Scumbag trumps psycho, one of liberty's many blessings. Again, you gotta work with what's lying around."
Love that "scumbag trumps psycho," Dennis!

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