Friday, September 09, 2022

Oddity Day (Tuesday), Plus Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, September Sixth to Ninth

Okay, it is now 6:05 on Thursday, September 8, and I have had no Internet since yesterday morning. I called lousy Yandoo Communications, talked to a tech, he said it's on my end, they'll send a person--next Wednesday! Said they'd "try" to have somebody there yesterday, but of course, person never showed. Called again later, but no promises and no show. Since my t.v. is on that "service," too, I can't watch that. I re-watched my DVD of Up In The Air on this laptop, but it wasn't the same. 

Developed bumps that itch on my upper back and neck; will call the doctor at 9:00. Had Suzanne take a picture of them. Had Jim for lunch yesterday--sounds as if  served him up on a platter--the usual, although he seemed in a slightly elevated mood. The ice cream I made turned out great--took some over to Suzanne after dinner. 

NOW, it's 4:34 pm on Friday, September 9. Finally, at long last, Internet is on; Yandoo guy was just here. Saw the PA yesterday, she looked at the bumps or hives, prescribed a steroid, and they seem to be helping. TOPS this morning; 128.6 at home for a loss of a pound, 129.6 at T.O.P.S. for the loss of .01--no, I can't understand it, either, but I don't care. Stayed in the rest of the day, waiting for the tech. Carolyn and Wes at my old home on Rosborough Avenue; they just walked me all through it; I'll try to post some of that tomorrow.  


I call it that because of some of the unusual/unexpected/funny/annoying/gratifying things happened. To wit:

1. My left calf had developed an annoying itch the other day and it was pretty persistent. Bought itch cream and looked up the symptoms of blood clots (oh, yes, my mind immediately gravitates to worse case scenarios). I was relieved to read about pain, swelling, and redness, but not itch. It was still concerning, but today, the itch is completely gone and leg is back to normal--except, there's a red oval on it now. Just not sure if it's a bite of some kind or what, 

2.  A week or so ago, I got a notice from Prime Management to the effect that bushes around my house in Jersey was in need of trimming.  I called my friend and neighbor, Susan, and asked her to take pictures; she did and yes, trimming was imperative:

I called landscaper Tony C., and asked him to take a look. He called back today and naturally, I assumed it was to give me an estimate. I was amazed when he said, "It's already done." What? How could that be? Clearly, somebody--I have to assume it was my tenants--had it done. I called neighbor Susan and she said she had noticed, but assumed Tony had done it. I called tenant Susan and left a message, asking her to call me back to tell the cost--but I'm willing to bet she'll say they'll handle it. This is the same couple who refused a $75 rent increase and insisted on $100, Wow, I hope they never leave. 

3. I had a can of sweetened condensed milk left over from the Irish Creme I made and found a recipe for it to make ice cream. It's very simple, calling for that, plus vanilla, and whipped cream. I decided to try it and when I was in Target, bought--I thought--heavy whipping cream. Of course, I chilled the bowls, utensils, and container, then proceeded, as instructed, to combine the first two ingredients; put that aside while I whipped the cream. And whipped. And whipped. What the hell--! I've whipped oceans of heavy cream in my day and this just wasn't cooperating. I glanced in the trash--AAGH--I had accidentally bought half and half! I poured that into a container--nothing wrong with it and I can probably use it for something or other--and rushed over to Von's to get actual heavy cream.

4. Called Jim and issued an invitation for lunch today, which he accepted.  Wonder of wonders, when I asked him how classes were going, he said "pretty good." Considering his usual gloom and doom attitude, that's an oddity, all right, and I was glad to hear it. 

5. The very best one: I've been sleeping--for me--well. True, I probably get only seven, not eight, hours, but I awaken very close to five, which is fine for me. 


It's still pretty hot, but not quite as bad as it had been. As mentioned above, I walked to Wal-Mart after breakfast, then bused to Target.  


Business Note: Called the SOB BOA early on and talked to someone in North Carolina named David. I explained I had gotten a letter from El Paso to the effect that "were unable to provide photocopies" of what I requested because they're "from electronic transactions." Yes, that was established before. This time, I fervently hope, I impressed on David that yes, it's easy to see the rent--of a year ago, now--was taken from my bank account, but the apartment people said they didn't get it. Upshot of a 45-minute phone conversation: David said he'll send photo copies of what SO-FI endorsed, proving that they got it. Then why did I get the letter mentioned above? Oh, who the hell knows and I don't even care.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...