Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Tuesday With Stella And Suzanne

Quite a day, in equal parts enjoyable and frustrating. I intended to go to Office Depot to have somebody look at this laptop; for some reason, I couldn't get into my Office documents. It occurred to me that it's been much too long since I've gone out for lunch (okay, two days, but still...), so I called Stella. Yes, she'd like to, so let's meet at 11:00? I protested that I couldn't eat that early, so we seesawed back and forth, then finally agreed. We'd meet at Ross (a sort of department store) at 11:00, which is near Office Depot, then walk the half mile or so to The Cave wine bar, where Nancy and I used to go pre-COVID.

Eddie, at Office Depot, got me back into Office, then I started strolling down to Ross. I hadn't gotten there before Stella called at about 10:45. She hadn't left yet, as she was delayed (don't know why), then left without her shoes--had her slippers on. She went back in and had a message from UCLA having to do with one of her medical concerns, had to call them back, and so on. Fine, just get here when you can. She called a second time to say she was leaving then--now it was about 11:10--and a third, to say they were thinning trees on the highway and there was a delay.

She finally got to Ross at 11:45, at which point she wanted to browse and look for a dress. So did I, actually, and we did. She then wanted to go over to Dollar Tree for something or other, then to WinCo. After that, I thought we'd finnaly get to The Cave, but no, she just wanted to stop in at a shoe store she like. Now it was after 1:00 and I was HUNGRY!

But things improved wonderfully after that: We sat outside under umbrellas and I, for one, had a marvelous lunch. I don't usually order pizza, but at The Cave, you get it individually made at the site and they are supurb. When it was served--it was the size of a large dinner plate--I was sure I wouldn't be able to eat it all, but I did. Had the perfect accompaniment with it: a tangerine Hazy IPA . They don't have draft here--it is, after all, a wine bar--but this was excellent.

We ate at a leisurely pace, then Stella drove me home. Having slept so poorly, I decided to take a nap. Dozed for only an hour or so, but felt revived when I got up. Suzanne then texted me to ask if I'd like to pour a glass of wine and come over. Sure thing, so I took my little low-alcohol blueberry wine and we had one of our little talkfests. She showed me and lent me the book her cousin had written about the "inspirational" women in their family, including Suzanne's mother. I'm always leery that word--it often equates with "vapid"--but I'll be interested in delving into it, at least to read about my friend's mother. I'm into several other books right now, but will get to it soon. 

Suzanne and I will also be going to WinCo tomorrow and I'll stock up on heavier items. Slept like a stone, I'm happy to record, and just awoke at 5:30--yay!

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