Friday, September 30, 2022


Tuesday was slow, but Wednesday wasn't. At 8:15, I was just in the middle of breakfast when Suzanne rang my door bell. She had looked up and printed out info on Firestick and wanted to help me get my T.V. back. In truth, I wasn't all that interested, didn't want to seem ungrateful, so I asked her in. She went through suggesting several remedies, all of which I had already tried. I went through them all again, along with a number of other fixes, none of which worked. I mentioned that someone at Yandoo Communications said I probably needed to change the password of the router because I have a new one, but I wasn't able to do that, nor did Suzanne have any suggestions.  Suzanne finally left and I sat down to finish my breakfast. 

Called Noreen to confirm our teenagey type double date today--she and Gary, Jim and me--and I mentioned we'd get separate checks. "Oh, sure, two checks," she said. I replied, "No, four--or three if one of you or Gary want to treat each other, but that's not going to happen with Jim and me."  Good grief, this isn't 1952! 

I had just hung up from Noreen when Suzanne again came to the door. This time, she had on her phone something from AT & T that she thought may or not be relevant to the T.V. problem. Not. To be perfectly honest, I don't really want to deal with the T.V. thing now. I'm much more interested in getting Apple support to get BILT Rewards on my phone--long story I won't go into now.

Made my lunch and bused to town about 11:30. Stopped in a few places, then had my lunch in the pocket park as I've often done before. It was idyllic:

I bought some glass containers, into which I'll transfer the gallon jug of burgundy I just bought (not sure why) and two tops, both of which are too big and I'll take back today. 

After dinner, I did call Asurion, the place where I have a contract for electronic stuff, but no go with what they had to suggest, either. Think I'll call a computer repair guy when I get home today. I had considered asking Andy, who lives upstairs (he's a programmer who often works at home), if he'd be interested in making thirty bucks to fix the damn thing, but I prefer a straight business deal for situations like this. In truth, I probably wouldn't bother with it at all at this point if Suzanne hadn't been so anxious to help. I know very well she had all best intentions, but frankly, I'd just as soon have put it on the back burner for a time. 

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