Sunday, September 25, 2022


As planned, Pat R. called me at 7:00 am (10 her time) and we had a long, long--almost two hours--chat. It was great to hear from her and, although we keep track of each other's doings via our blog, there's nothing like heart-to-heart girl talk to fill in the gaps. We covered a bunch of topics, including recent visitors from afar and a possible Paris trip. 

After, I had my breakfast, then strolled over to Von's for lettuce. Made up both turkey breast and cheese sandwiches and added as sides, crystal pickles and my roasted tomatoes/onions/garlic mix. Jim got here at his usual, 12:30, and we sat on the sofa and chatted for a half hour. He spotted two issues of Time magazine; Suzanne subscribes, then leaves them at my door after she reads them. Considering it's about as unbiased as Fox News, I almost never open one, so I gave them to Jim to take home.

Sat down, ate, and continued our wide-ranging talk with cabernet, burgundy, and beer. I served my homemade ice cream (left over from my little dinner party the other day) for dessert, topped with chocolate sauce and whipped cream. Jim asked for seconds and finished the last of it. 

He left at 3:00 and I cleaned  up, then just did this and that (so momentous I don't remember what they were) and generally hung out. I did, however, do something semi-productive: Looked up and read aloud, taking all the parts, my dinner theatre play, Fatal Family Reunion. Actually, it's not half bad and could easily be staged, too. I want to do a few minor fixes, then consider submitting it to Jeff and Shannon, but not until they--most likely, she--ask to see my stuff.

Son Mike PMed me (when did that get to be a verb?) to the effect that he and family will spend part of the Christmas/New Year holidays in India, from December 27th to January 5th. That's one place I've always wanted to go, but if I can't, I'll live vicariously through them.   

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...