Monday, September 26, 2022


Slept better than the previous night, but still got up shortly before 5:00. Had my coffee, did the laptop routine, then--believe it or not--went back to bed and took a one-hour nap. I felt great when I got  up--full of energy and raring to go.  Virtually completed the Sunday crossword, along, of course, with my oatmeal and tangerine. 

I've gotten entranced with the young Garfunkel singing Trouble Water in Madison Square Garden. The video is just sublime and so is he:

I had a sandwich left over from Jimlunch (yes, "jimlunch") on Saturday, so packed it and a can of beer in my insulated carrier, popped it in my cart, and bused to town. It was so very good to be there with crowds of people walking, shopping, having lunch, and generally adorning the universe on a spectacularly beautiful day. I went first to the library, then into several shops--almost bought, but came to my senses at the last minute, a lovely glass decanter that I need like a hole in the head--and enjoyed myself immensely.  I then settled down at my favorite place in the park and had lunch. 

Bused to the mall and Target to get a shampoo I like and tried to find the file folder tabs, but they didn't have any, either. Stopped at Trader Joe's for the French onion soup Helen had mentioned at the T.O.P.S. meeting. It's frozen and looks good. Before I went home, I stopped at CVS to see if they had the tabs, but no, then at Von's for fresh spinach, which I intend to put in the soup.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...