Friday, September 23, 2022


After breakfast, I walked to Smart 'n' Final and back. Got ground turkey, cabbage, and apples. Next door at The Dollar Tree, I finally found the makeup sponge wedges I'm been looking for. Cut the cabbage into wedges, the apples ditto, added cinnamon and a little water, and set them to cook in the slow cooker. 

After lunch, unusually for me, I took a nap of an hour or so. Got up and set off for CVS. The guys installing the washer and dryer next door at Suzanne's, told me she was at the pool. Actually, she was in the middle area next to it. She had been gone since Sunday and we sat for an hour catching up with each other. 

I then went over CVS to see if there was any progress on getting me a new Rx for Atorvastatin. Nope, the freakin' insurance company won't pay for it. If I wanted to pay it myself, it would cost me--gasp!--$71.49! Hey, just hold your breath until I come up with it. Called Primary Medical, but as we talked, it suddenly dawned on me that Dr. L. had lowered my dose from 20 mg to 10--I have a lot of the 20s left and I can just cut them in half!  Hey, sometimes you win one.

Lora picked me up at 6:10 and off we went to bingo at her complex clubhouse. I keep forgetting she lives in an age-restricted community, as she's only 65 and an active and very successful travel agent. I  realized it when I walked in, though, as a large number of attendees were surely my age or older. I suppose you have to expect that, considering "The Patrician" is about forty years old.  It was a large meeting room, but not at all crowded. I met Lora's sister, who lives two doors away from her, and several others. 

 Anyway, there were all kinds of bingo variations and Lora won the big jackpot--TWENTY-THREE DOLLARS--ZOWIE!! I didn't win any, but enjoyed myself in a low-key way.  Home a little after 9:00 and, since my TV is still dead, looked at this and that on the laptop, then turned in and slept well.


iloveac said...

Bingo played here also uses several variations. BUT guess what the prizes are.., one or two stamps. Since it costs 35cents to play sometimes a player can win about $3.50. I've asked many times why they don't get a license and charge more to play with prizes that are worth it. It could be a revenue stream with folks from the 'outside world' coming to play..... But the ladies that play don't want to change.

Mimi said...

Pat, I got your earlier comment about talking on Saturday or Sunday. +Will also respond on your blog.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...