Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Sunday and Monday, September 4 and 5

Sunday early: Cleaned the bathroom sink alcove, then went to Von's to pick up the free plant-based cheese--ha! For the third week in a row, I was told I was awarded a free item--and for the third week in a row, they didn't have it. Got a rain check. I made a quart of crystal pickles to take to the party. 

Went to CVS and picked up two tunics...*

Okay, that's as far as I got writing this blog on Sunday night. Got up yesterday--Monday--and the Internet was down. I finally, just now, resumed writing (7:30 pm Monday night).  

I just don't have the inclination to recount everything as I would have if things were normal, so I'm just going to quickly recap:

Sunday: The cast party was SO MUCH FUN!  The Access Van got me there a little late, but in plenty of time to dive into the buffet. I added my crystal pickles, poured my mango Blue Moon (love it!), and proceeded to enjoy myself with my tribe. Took some pictures:

Shannon singing, with Jared about to man the keyboard.
Maggie, Amber, and Bea doing a little ditty.

Maggie, Ben, and Amber about to give the Paper Plate Awards.

Me coming back with my Paper Plate Award; Amber and Ben, the presenters, on stage. 

The Paper Plate Awards were just a funny innovation by Ben, Maggie, and Amber. They were presented with great hilarity, to most in the show. Here's mine: "It's not my fault" was my tag line, after "Henry" accuses me, the year 2023, of allowing Monkey Pox to come into the world. Well, you had to be there....

Everybody in the production, cast and crew, got Area 22 tee shirts and here I am in mine:
On the back it has the name of our company--"Fractured Actors."

I was asked to recite the poem that won the Cowboy Poetry Contest at the fair and I got up on stage and did so. Naturally, there was much applause--hey, I could have recited the Gettysburg Address and this crowd would cheer, but it made me feel good. 

Amber and her friend, Bea, took me home along with Maggie, and I didn't get in until 9:30. Since the Internet was down, I didn't even watch my hour of T.V.--read, then went to bed. Hmm...to be perfectly honest, I had brought to the party two cans of mango beer, which I drank with dinner; later, Sandy made a concoction for me of what she was drinking: champagne with vodka. Good thing I'm no longer driving.  

I took a lot of videos, too, but damnit, none of them would transfer--too big or something, but I don't really know why.    

MONDAY: Vera picked me up for Soaring Spirits, our usual first-Monday-of-the-month lunch and I enjoyed it. I wore my new tee-shirt to it and we had two new people, both in their fifties, whose losses are pretty recent. 

* Took them back Monday, as they were too big.

1 comment:

Rosemary Molloy said...

Now it’s Thursday, September 8 and my Internet is down. Lousy Yandoo Communications didn’t come yesterday and may not for a week—damn!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...