Sunday, September 11, 2022


Not a bad day, now that I'm back in the game, electronically speaking. I've been re-reading my cousin, Marifran's book, Up From Concrete (ever wonder how life with a schizophrenic mother would feel? That'll fill you in). We talked for a full hour, bringing each other up to date on our current lives first. Marifran is seven years younger than I am, married to Ed, and they have one daughter, Ilona, who I guess is in her early fifties and hasn't married. We then discussed our childhoods. That last is always fraught for me, although it wasn't anything like hers, that's a cinch. Marifran was born with serious lung problems, not only severe asthma, but congenital emphysema. She rarely goes out because of the COVID thing, but counsels clients and is active in several other groups via Zoom. We'll keep in touch.

Decided to take Greg up on his invitation and left for Lassen's about 10:45.  I had intended to walk to Telephone Road, then bus to the site, but it was so incredibly hot--and this time, there was more humidity, almost like Jersey--that I took the bus. LaVonne was on, too, and we chatted until she got off.

Saw Greg and we embraced, but I stayed only a few minutes. Since he's new and a member of the vitamin and supplement "team," he has a fair amount to do and learn. Went from there across Telephone Road to Target, where I picked up a grapefruit, tangerines, and a bottle of blueberry wine. That certainly wasn't on my shopping list, but it was on clearance for a remarkably low price, so I figured no harm done if I don't like it and toss.  

From there, I walked the several blocks over to the WinCo shopping center and got a few things at The Dollar Tree, then two-bused home. Just had a hard-boiled egg sandwich for lunch and went on this laptop for a time. 

After, I galvanized myself to re-pot the plant that, a year or so ago, blew off Leah's patio above onto mine and she told me to keep it.  She's single, in her twenties, and surely doesn't have much interest in plants, so sure, why not? I think it looks good:

After dinner, I poured myself some of the blueberry wine and it's not half bad. It's a semi-sweet, light, and 7.5 alcohol, which is very low.  I think I'll go back and get a few more bottles, maybe to give as gifts eventually.

 Felt good when I got out of the shower, especially as the heat was going down and my floor fan was doing its job. And--I'm almost afraid record it--I've been sleeping well lately.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...