Tuesday, September 20, 2022


Went across the street to Quest at Von's for my 7:40 blood test. I hadn't realized the hematologist also wanted a breathing test and I don't know why, but I took that, too. My appointment is tomorrow at 2:30 if, that is, the results of the tests get there in time.

Didn't get breakfast until after 9:00 and then busied myself with filing the huge pile of papers I had accumulated. Spent some time prepping broccoli, sweet potatoes, and cantaloupe. Also did a fair amount of what I still think of as "paperwork"--actually, electronic catching up.

Got a phone call from my fellow '54 HSHS grad, Jeanne Dollard Painter. She's in Florida with her paramour, John, who's 93, and Jeanne is bored out of her scull. However, she'll be in Jersey next month to attend her grandson's wedding, on LBI; too bad our visits won't overlap. We talked for some time and, ever the self-promoter, she texted me a picture of herself with an ailing friend (not her guy). It's just incredible to realize that she has passed 85: 

It wasn't until almost 4:00 that I remembered to look on my calendar and saw that dinner with Soaring Spirits was at 6:00.  No problem, but I didn't actually leave then and it took a while, so I was a little late getting to the Stone Fire Grill.

Our group was in their usual place along the back half-wall and there were more attendees than usual, probably at least twenty. Before I got up to them, though, I passed a booth and was hailed by two young women. They reminded me they had seen me in Welcome Home three years ago and praised my performance; one had also seen me in Area 22. Geez, they made such a fuss, I felt like Meryl Streep.

Vera added a small table and chairs on the end of the longer one and we had a good time. A new person, Ginny, sat with us and when I mentioned I'd be going to Jersey in November, said she had gotten her graduate degree at Fairleigh Dickinson. Vera then pointed out that Shannon had come in and was sitting in the booth with the young women who had greeted me earlier. I rushed over to see her and she jumped up and enveloped me in a big hug. We had a great time chatting and she said she was working on a variety show and I'd hear from her--YAY! I hope to interest her and Jeff in some of my own stuff, too. 

Vera took me home and, since I still have had my electronic woes, I called Ellen and she again took me through a fix-it routine. Still have no T.V. and I'll have to deal with that today. It has something to do with the fire stick and I'll get in touch with Amazon. 


iloveac said...

What a figure Jeanne still has. Some old women look awful when they let their hair grow long...she looks great. Wonder when that photo was taken. Wonder why she's bored. If she drives she can join various groups or volunteer or something. Staying home all day is not a good idea for anyone. Maybe they could move to a senior retirement community and never be bored. Oh well.
I wonder what Shannon will come up with for your next show. I'm looking forward to hearing about it. What are your dates for NJ?

iloveac said...

Reading the above makes me wonder why I wonder so much...LOL

Mimi said...

Pat, wonder away! First, Jeanne: that photo was taken about a week ago--yes, she looks like that now and she's several months older than I am. As for volunteering--you jest. I can't even imagine Jeanne volunteering for anything. She has been with John for many, many years, certainly more than thirty, and although at 93, he's in good mental condition, he has several ailments (heart problems, for one) and she's his main caregiver. He does still drive and they still go out a lot. She spends a lot of time (and John's money) on looking the way she looks. As for moving to a retirement community, that ain't gonna happen; they regularly go from Jersey to Florida to Lake George; John owns houses in all three.
Haven't yet gotten my tickets for NJ, but will soon.
As for any upcoming show:


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...