Friday, May 10, 2019


Didn't walk until after 8:00, but then I took a long one in the neighborhood, including uphill. Home for breakfast, then had to force myself to examine the damn traffic violation papers. I have until May 28 to respond and I'm getting more and more upset about it. Now I'm afraid to drive; I said I wouldn't for a week and the week is over, but I still haven't gotten behind the wheel.
I made a marinade and roasted some onions in the clay "onion baker" I bought for some unknown reason. I'm sure they would be just as good in a baking pan or something. Walked over to Von's for lettuce and cottage cheese. Walked to the post office and mailed some cards. Had lunch, then took the bus to Telephone and walked to the Hill Road branch of the library to return the Stephen King book I no longer have any desire to read.  From there, I went to the 99-Cent store for rice cakes and mushrooms.
I waited for the bus back, but then decided to walk to Ralph's to see if they had blueberries. I was about to walk into that shopping center when the bus came and I impulsively got on it. I had the idea I would ride to town and back--no particular reason, I was just at loose ends and unhappy. However, when I got to the transit center, I changed my mind again and just rode back to Victoria and walked home.
It was a down day and this morning, I have T.O.P.S. I'll either walk there or take a bus, but I'm just going to get weighed (to add to my low mood, I think I'm up), then leave before the meeting. Why? Because it will be the second half of Luisa's scam program. Actually, I shouldn't dignify it by writing "program"; she simply reads some crapola she got off the Internet. Since there are hundreds, if not thousands, of sites that have to do with weight loss, why I'm expected to sit through this is beyond me.
So I won't sit through it.

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