Monday, May 13, 2019

Mothers Day And Monday In The Wee Hours

It turned out to be a lovely Mothers Day.  Hopped the bus, then the Ojai bus, walked from there to my Ellen's and got there at 11:30. El  had bought some Stella (beer) for me, but had accidentally left it in the cart at Von's. We went there and, since she had the receipt, they cheerfully gave her another six pack.
Home, she chopped and sliced and diced and made up a delicious pasta dish in her Insta-Pot. It seems this is kind of a combination slow cooker and pressure cooker. With salad and a cold Stella, not to mention the caramel chocolate ice cream bar for dessert, it was yummy. El had made up the same kind of "mother tribute" she had her third graders do ("M--most marvelous Mom, O--outstandingly supportive...") and she made one for me--I love it. In addition, she gave me a pedi-file; regretfully, I think I'll have to take it back, as it may not work on my bunion calluses. My best present was that El promised she and I will have lunch out together one regular day a month--yay!
After lunch I lazed in the backyard (sunny and 73 degrees) while she cleaned up. We then drove up into the hills and took a walk, plus some selfies. Back to her place for a walk through her neighborhood, then I had another beer and pistachios while El went through some junk mail. The Access van came right at 5:00 and we hugged goodbye.
As soon as I got home, Suzanne came over and regretfully said the airline had changed her time and she had to be at the Sheraton this morning at 4:15 am, not 6:00. She said she'd drive and leave her car there, but I wouldn't hear of it. It won't kill me to take her, so I set the alarm for 3:00 and here I am.
Mike called on Skype, but the connection wasn't great, so we went into Facebook's video and saw each other that way. I hope he, Paula, and the girls will be here in the summer. Betty also called; I'll see her tomorrow, of course.
So it was a good day and I'm happy to be a mother, especially of these four.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...