Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Pokey Monday

After an active Sunday, yesterday was kind of pokey. I slept late, as I recorded, and spent time on this laptop. After breakfast, I did various and sundry--so mundane, I can't even remember what some  of  them were. My brother, Jimmy (we always called him Jimmy), who's 94, called and said he had tried to call Betty, but thought he may have the wrong number. While we talked, she called him, so I guess it went through. Jim called me back and we chatted a bit. He commiserated about his forgetfulness, but I assured him it was just normal aging (although what do I know?) He said he had my number and those of his other siblings on a piece of paper and I suggested he ask his daughter to put them into his phone. It occurred to me later that he may not be able to type the names in to call up the numbers, though.
Cut up the gigantic cauliflower I had bought at WinCo, added seasonings and put the florets into the slow cooker. Smooched up garlic with my new garlic press--which is okay, I guess, but not ideal--and did some other food prep.
I was actually a little nervous about driving, but wanted to overcome that, so I drove to Smart 'n' Final for blueberries, ground turkey, and imitation crab meat. I became more comfortable with it, so drove to the Goodwill near Diane's, just to look around. By then, it was 4:00, so I drove to her place
to drop off my Blue Moon, in preparation for Wednesday's Happy Hour, which we'll have at her place. I stayed to visit for an hour or so, then said goodbye.
Today: Santa Barbara.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...