Sunday, May 19, 2019

Mopey And Dopey

Darn, another mopey, dopey day. Cold isn't terrible, but it's still there. I started out walking after breakfast--thought I'd walk down Victoria to Telephone, which is 1.5 miles. Got a short distance away and  decided not to. Turned back and just fooled around on the computer before lunch. Carolyn M. called to see why I wasn't at T.O.P.S. and we chatted for a bit. Little does she know I probably won't be attending every week now.
As a drastic change, I had a large chicken thigh for lunch instead of my usual salad; had the latter for dinner. I saw an interesting picture on Facebook that concerned a relative, so I called him and we had a lovely talk. How I'd love to go to Jersey to see him and his family, but I'm not sure when.
Looked up on Expedia and other sites about flights to New Mexico and will book one soon.
About 3:00, I finally went out, but in the car. I'm now a little nervous about driving, but I'm picking Suzanne up at the Sheraton shuttle this afternoon, so thought I should--well, practice. Drove to the Dollar Tree and Smart 'n' Final for tissues, cottage cheese, and oranges with no problem and gained some confidence. It had actually started raining a bit by the time I got home, but mildly. El called to see how I was feeling and we had a nice talk.
I'm feeling marginally better this morning and think I'll survive.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...