Thursday, May 09, 2019

Betty, The Museum, and H.H.

I've been slacking off lately and don't want it to become a habit, so did a truncated neighborhood walk before breakfast. After, I hopped on the bus to the transit center, then caught the usual 9:43 to Santa Barbara.
Got to Betty's two minutes early (11:28), which she noted, and I told her I had to leave right after lunch because I had an important appointment--Happy Hour at 4:00. We went down the street to the Natural Cafe--not one of my favorites, but it's close--and I had good grilled veggies and a Stella. Betty seemed fairly well with it, aside from a few lapses. She walked me up to State Street and the bus came almost immediately; I told her I'd stay longer next week when I come next Tuesday.
Got into town (S.B.) with some time to spare for the 2:20 bus back to Ventura, so I strolled around. I wandered into an attractive patio which, as it tuned out, was the back door to the Karpeles Museum. It's free, open to the public, and established and maintained by a couple from the area.
This was a find. It has manuscripts, including music ones, from practically the beginning of history. The literature says it's the world's largest private holding of original important documents and manuscripts. I can believe it, as they ranged from stone tablets to letters from Columbus, Fidel Castro's high school writing and yearbook, WWII documents, some of Handel's and Beethoven's musical manuscripts and many more. It has some dinosaur-related things, too, and the whole place is beautifully maintained and spotless. However, it's open only Wednesday to Sunday, so I'll have to come back another time to see more.
Got the 2:20 bus, which put me back in Ventura at 3:30. I got off about a mile ahead and walked up Main to The Mad Rose. I was there first, but Diane came soon after, then Carolyn (Nancy was still sticking to her knitting). We had a good time and, for a change, I ordered pasta, plus a Corona; the server also brought out warm, freshly-baked bread, of which I had too much.
Diane wants to do individual "counseling" to alert people to their futures or something and she wants to get paid for it. She said she's been trying to network with lots of other woman, but to join many organizations is too expensive. She asked if I'd partner with her and promote my acting classes.
Abso-lute-ly posi-toot-ly not. I don't coach individually and have no interest in doing so. I know I should get my act together and approach a few more independent living places about my course, but I just haven't done it. Well, some day...
We said goodbye about 5:30 and I walked to the library and got a book (And I Alone Survived), which I read years ago, but for some reason, wanted to again.  Actually, that's a play on words from  the bible, supposedly said by long-suffering Job: "And I only am escaped alone to tell thee," which I think is much more poetic and poignant  When I think of my poor sister and brother, that comes into my head--I only am escaped from the curse of dementia--so far, anyway. (But then, so have Larry and Jim, I hope.)
Yesterday completed a full week of not driving.       
The museum:

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