Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Santa Barbara And Garlic

I think I'm out of my blue funk, and high time. Left for my usual Santa Barbara Tuesday; bus was late and I was twenty minutes late getting to Betty's, but no matter. Carolyn was there and we went back to her place for an hour or two. Carolyn was on the phone and on the computer with the buyers' reps , the final papers were signed and sent, and now Betty's house is good and properly sold--YAY!
The three of us then went to lunch at a restaurant near Finn's school. Carolyn texted him and he joined us--much fun.
After, Betty and I went back to her place, then walked up to State Street for me to get to town in time for the 3:37 back to Ventura.  I got off, as I usually do, at the first stop, walked the mile or so to the library.  Stopped in there, but they didn't have what I wanted (The Making of The Godfather) and I only stayed long enough to use the facility.
Got the bus on Main and got off at a store about equi-distant between town and my place. Bought lettuce, cherries, and blackberries--they had no blueberries, darn it--plus four garlics. I just sent for a garlic dicer from Amazon and want to try it out--I love garlic.
Didn't get home until almost 7:00, but it was a good day.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...