Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Handicaps And Toastmasters

It seemed weird to have to wait until 7:00 to go for my walk--it was still dark out before them. However, I know I'll adjust.
After I had sent an e-mail to docent director Jan, telling her our Toastmasters group couldn't meet at Dudley House because two members can't negotiate stairs, she wrote back to say there was an handicap ramp. What? I had never noticed it. I drove over on my way to down and happy day--there's a permanent, very gently inclined ramp that's perfect for Noreen and Fern! I called Fern, then e-mailed the other members to tell them, then saw them last night at The Brewery. (We meet there for the first of two a month, and will use Dudley House for the second.) I turned the rental agreement over to Rachel, our president, and she'll take it from there.
The meeting went okay, better for the robust glass of "Blonde," one of the beers brewed there.  I had stopped at Trader Joe's and bought pretzels and a cracker and cheese combination; brought them for nibbles. I was grammarian/word of the day person; I didn't pick any English errors and presented "gauche" as the WOTD.  Cece and Rachel were the speakers and respectively, chose the religious labyrinth and speech pathology (Rachel is a speech therapist).
After, Fern again urged me to go on the Toastmasters site and enter the "Pathways" program. I had hoped I could slip under the radar and just attend the meetings, but I'm afraid I can't escape it.
I again had insomnia.  Got up about 1:00 and just could not get back until maybe 4:00. I turned off the alarm when it rang and didn't actually get up until a half hour ago at 7:00. Darn, I have to stop this.

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...