Thursday, February 09, 2023

Wild Wednesday

Okay, just as "Tame Tuesday" was an exaggeration, so is "Wild Wednesday"--however, it was pretty busy. Went with Suzanne to WinCo at 9:30 and was glad to get some of the bigger, heavier items that could be problematic if I was walking. Stowed things away, then took my cart over to Von's to first, see if the Hormel products for which I have a rain check were in--no.  Second, I wanted to take advantage of the beer promotion. Did so and bought 24 cans of Michelob Ultra for twenty-some bucks. Annoyingly, when I got home, I discovered it's light (less alcohol and fewer calories) , which I usually don't drink. However, I had already opened the carton, so I'll switch to it now. 

By that time, it was almost noon and I had to rush to make my sandwich and pack my lunch container; set off after that. To the Urbane Café, then to the movie after?  No, because last night, I looked up the web site of the Regency and discovered it's not open on Wednesdays. Diane hadn't realized that and asked if we could meet instead for lunch at the little park-like area I had found near the Hill Street Café. I agreed, glad I was able to walk there--it's just a bit more than a mile--over the footbridge and down Hill Street.

We met, ate, and talked and talked and talked and didn't say goodbye until four o'clock. We decided to see The Whale on Saturday, but at the 1:45 matinee, which makes more sense. I'm going to the succulent sale at Dudley House first and gave Suzanne the information on it, in case she wants to go. If not, I can easily bus there (it's on from 8 to 2), then to the movie theatre. 

My friend, Pat, emailed me of John Schriener's death and sent me the obit. It seems members of the class of '54 are dropping like flies. There's a picture of John in the obit, but here's how I remember him:

And Connie Levinsky, his girlfriend in school, whom he married:
I had mistakenly thought he had married Ursula McNellis, but now I remember that she and John Brenner were an item. Not sure if either of them are still living--sigh...

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I started off the morning with some annoying problems with Amazon Japan re Christmas gifts, but I don't want to go into detail.  Left at...