Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Pillows And Palaver*

 For the first time in ages, I bused to town in the morning, rather than the afternon. I picked up the "enlightenment" book at the library, then walked down Main. The street is still cordoned off, but oh, what a difference since when the restaurants were serving outside. A few stores were open, but there were very few people walking; maybe in the afternoon, more will come, but it sure won't be as it was.

I browsed at one of the thrift stores and picked up a wire rectangular container; thought I'd put my already-seen DVDs in it until I decide if I want to keep or donate. I also stopped at a small shops--one of the few still open--and saw some cute Christmas pillow. I knew they'd look great on my black sofa and wow, they were half-priced.   

Of course, nobody in her right mind would buy Christmas pillows on January twelfth, that would really be stupid, especially if she had little room to store them.  That would be dumb. Absolutely idiotic. Foolish. She'd be a airhead...a cretin...

Well, so what, they'll look good eleven and a half months from now.

Stayed in--odd for me--until our much-anticipated virtual Happy Hour at 5:00.  I had a hard time deciding if I wanted the cabernet sauvignon or the German beer Greg gave me. I was sorely tempted to have both, but caught myself in time. Decided on the wine.

It was good to see Nancy and Carolyn, I guess, but frankly, it wasn't as enjoyable as I thought it would be. They are both isolated--don't go out at all--nor do we have a lot in common.  Nancy, having a lot of pent-up need to talk, I guess, tends to hold forth too much, and Carolyn is the exact opposite; if you don't ask her direct questions, she talks hardly at all. (I admit I'm no slouch when it comes to talking too much, either.) Anyway, we were on Zoom for almost an hour. We talked about setting up a recurring meeting for every Tuesday at five,  and I did after we hung up. I may--or may not--talk to Soaring Spirits (our widder group) leader, Vera, about Zoom possibilities.     
* That word used to be more common, but I haven't run into it lately. Definition:
palaver: verb (used without object), pa·lav·ered, pa·lav·er·ing: to talk profusely and idly.

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